Dapplegrey v2.29.2 - 模擬器

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2011-08-16T23:06

Table of Contents


Dapplegrey v2.29.2 is released. Dapplegrey is a frontend for the MacOS X
DOSBox port (which you can get from the official DOSBox website) written in
REALbasic. Not only the plain DOSBox app, but DOSBox versions included in
DBGL or Boxer will also be recognized as DOSBox binary source. With
Dapplegrey you can easily set options the DOSBox gives to you w/o having to
enter them manually using the Terminal or have to edit the DOSBox config
file. This file will be written before Dapplegrey tells DOSBox to start the
DOS game.

Dapplegrey v2.29.2 Changelog:
- Keyboardlayout setting is working again. Some mis-programming sets it back
to "USA (Standard)" layout, if another layout has been selected. This means,
if you switch back to an older version of DOSBox, the current setting
remains, even if the older version of DOSBox doesn't support the current
selected keyboard layout.
- In the Preferences window, you can now *remove* the language file from the
Dapplegrey settings, too. Until now, the only option was to select another
- Please notice the updated 'Dapplegrey Troubleshooting' PDF file about using
language files with DOSBox.


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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES)

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2011-08-16T22:26
可是我並沒有全破(爆) http://ppt.cc/RatIv 我已經忘記這片的台譯名稱了, 印象中會視之為任天堂時代的【忍者龜一代】。 (插個話,我有位大學學弟長得很像忍者龜。) 這片其實還滿豐富的, 攻擊方式多元 (四個角色都不同,攻擊軌跡、攻擊速度、範圍與強弱,再加上四種消耗武器) 中期還有烏龜車 ...

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Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2011-08-16T21:01
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Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2011-08-16T00:05
大家好 我下載了SSF模擬器 版本是Ver 0.11 alpha(檔名為SSF_011_alpha_091029_CHT 是中文化版本) 執行了SSF.exe後出現了軟體視窗 卻顯示: XAudio2Create() 錯誤。 檔案:./XAudio22.cpp 行號:221 函式:XAudio2_In ...

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