Dapplegrey v2.27 - 模擬器

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2011-07-19T23:20

Table of Contents


Dapplegrey v2.27 is released. Dapplegrey is a frontend for the MacOS X DOSBox
port (which you can get from the official DOSBox website) written in
REALbasic. Not only the plain DOSBox app, but DOSBox versions included in
DBGL or Boxer will also be recognized as DOSBox binary source. With
Dapplegrey you can easily set options the DOSBox gives to you w/o having to
enter them manually using the Terminal or have to edit the DOSBox config
file. This file will be written before Dapplegrey tells DOSBox to start the
DOS game.

Dapplegrey v2.27 Changelog:

New version of Boxer, version 1.1, will be recognized correctly. Remember,
using Boxer versions 1.0 and up doesn't work properly in combination with
Dapplegrey (Boxer 1.1 won't run the game given by Dapplegrey, but this still
works fine with its pre-1.0 versions).
CD/DVD counting (which executes the DOSBox command "mount -cd") is working
Further pathes will be shortened now, too: Using DOSBox versions (also: DBGL
versions) located in your Applications folder will work as
"/Applications/DOSBox.app" as UNIX path, too, instead of its fullpath
"/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Applications/DOSBox.app" used before. The longer your
drive pathes, the shortener the path to the DOSBox application should be
given. This is mostly of interest not for games added to the Dapplegrey's
games list, but for independent DOSBox sessions started with Dapplegrey.
These commands will be forwarded to DOSBox using Terminal commands, which are
limited in its length.
The Dapplegrey programmer needs feedback about running this application in
Mac OS X Lion, when shipped (or even earlier, if possible).


All Comments

Taito Type X Frontend Beta 0.5

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2011-07-19T23:14
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Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
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