DaedalusX64 SVN r460 - 模擬器

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2010-02-09T13:35

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DaedalusX64 SVN r460 is released. DaedalusX64 is a N64 Emulator for PSP.
DaedalusX64 is the continuation of the original Daedalus PSP port by
StrmnNrmn. It is a GPL Open Source project.

DaedalusX64 SVN Changelog:
[+] Implemented DLParser_S2DEX_Bg1cyc
[+] Added a handler for odd PI length (Doramon 3 boots now and hopefully
other games..)
[!] Defined GBI2_Quad properly > moved GBI2_Line_3D to 0x08 (Fixes the HUD on
Spider Man)
[!] Use SetNewVertexInfoVFPU directly
[~] Made gLogSpDMA debug only as well as other bits that shouldn't be exposed
to release build
[~] Small code clean up
[*] Support for bin roms


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