D-Fend Reloaded v1.0 - 模擬器

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2010-07-05T11:56

Table of Contents


D-Fend Reloaded v1.0 is released. D-Fend Reloaded is a graphical environment
for DOSBox. DOSBox emulates a complete computer including the DOS commandline
and allows to run nearly all old DOS based games on modern hardware with any
of the newer Windows versions

D-Fend Reloaded v1.0 Changelog:
* DOSBox 0.74 is supported and bundled with D-Fend Reloaded.
* Updated default values to offer all values available in DOSBox 0.74.
* The new game installation support will assist you when adding a game that
needs to be installed before being able to be used.
* New function for making FreeDOS bootable images and profiles from normal
* Functions for changing saved games (cheating) using an internal, editable
data base or by searching for values in saved game files.
* Updated DOSZip from 1.49 to 1.54.
* It can be configurated from the setup dialog now when to update the
packages list, the data reader configuration etc.
* Via the Help|Search for updates function now you can also search for
package list, data reader and cheats database updates.
* The zip file import function also can import DBGL packages now.
* New easier to use first run wizard.
* If DOSBox start fails D-Fend Reloaded will show some information and will
offer some options to find and solve the problem.
* Now folders can be imported like archive files via the import menu and via
* DOSBox language file editor.
* New setup option when to configurate a new game completely automatically.
* Like the genre and language names the license in game profiles can now be
translated on the fly so profiles created via auto setup templates etc. will
always be shown with translated names for the license.
* Now multiple commands can be specified to be executed before/after DOSBox.
* The DOSBox console window can be turned on and off on per profile now.
* In the profile editor you can selected which physical output device to use
when playing MIDI music inside DOSBox.
* In the game information data reader dialog you can specify to look for DOS
based games only or to look for all games.
* The game information data reader dialog now also can change the profile
* Now the game information data reader will remember which fields have been
activated and which have be unchecked.
* The paths to the text editor and the media viewers are stored relatively to
the base folder if the programs are located in subfolders of the base folder.
* You can create capture folders and game data folders for all profiles at
the same time via the service page of the setup dialog.
* You can disable the Windows exe file warnings for single profiles now.
* Additionally to "and", "or", "not" language specific values for this
logical operator can be used in the filter field.
* The fields for DOSBox window resolution and fullscreen resolution can have
individual default values lists now.
* When creating a harddisk image file from some folder content now you can
specify how much free space you want to have on the image.
* Some additionally information texts in the profile editor for making it
easier to understand the meanings of the DOSBox options.
* Smarter way of finding the default GUI theme for ScummVM.
* Some more auto setup templates.
* [Fix] The "use scan codes" option was not passed the right way to DOSBox.
* [Fix] Downloading multiple games packages via the package manager always
* [Fix] "Not" operator in games list filter not working correctly.
* [Fix] Mounting folders as CD drives did not work on systems without a real
CD drive.
* [Fix] Some smaller fixes to the multiple profile editor.
* [Fix] Hiding the ScummVM console did not work when starting ScummVM in
fullscreen mode.
* [Fix] Error message when pressing F1 while menu is opened.


All Comments


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2010-07-04T18:02
不好意思 想詢問一款SEGA的ARPG的名稱 遊戲畫面類似早期的勇者鬥惡龍、太空戰士 主角是男生 可以跳躍 一開始武器只有劍可以使用 之後可裝備盾牌(好像) 一路上可以更換武器 記得到中後期有一個武器是流星槌 因為太好用了 所以之後就沒換 有數種魔法可使用 但一次只能裝備一種(印象中如此) 補血 ...

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Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2010-07-04T11:57
最近在整理房間的時候發現了好幾塊超認的卡匣 一下子以前的記憶湧上心頭 把櫃子裡的超任搬出來 發現卡匣裡的記錄居然還在 太空戰士5為了打敗omega拿徽章 在瀑布前把所有的職業練滿 不知花都多少時間打12隻金錢龜 \冏/ 太6殺了不知多少隻的恐龍想拿到mp1的飾品 還有Rsaga2 還發現Rsaga3我根本 ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2010-07-04T11:05
剛剛測試了一下,果然是款很歡樂的遊戲XD 輕快的背景音樂加上大量的人物語音,即使是單人遊戲也會覺得很熱鬧。 補充一下一些不同之處。 在這一代裡增加了三種特殊功能的方塊: 1.黑球方塊:會將自身周圍(包括斜方向)的普通方塊強制變成障礙方塊, 原本就是障礙方塊者則不變。 2.白球方塊 ...