Crossword 2 - 拼圖

Una avatar
By Una
at 2010-12-16T13:26

Table of Contents

  1234 56
7□□□□□■□□13 1. 櫂
■□□□□□□□14 2. Cattle raiding
8□□□□■□□□15 3. The snail leaves its _____ wherever it goes
□■□□□□□□16 4. a greeting
9□□□□□□■□ 5. Soprano, Mezzo-soprano, _____
10□□□■□□□□17 6. a conical tent
11□□□□□□□■ 7. 第18題的相反
12□□■□□□□□18 8. bear
1920 21222324 9. 一種牧羊犬

10. 一種酒 18. 第7題的相反
11. carnivore fish 19. He take off his hat
12. Sulfur trioxide, Sulfur dioxide, _____ 20. 餅乾
13. 絶対恐怖領域 21. 5727 kg/m3
14. an Anglicization of Latin auricula 22. 314.122-4-8
15. eat, ____, eaten 23. Areca _____
16. computer puzzle game created by ASAP Games 24. 答案寫在題目裡
17. a chronic, painful sensation


※ 引述《EIORU ()》之銘言:
  1234 56
7NORTH■AT13 1. 櫂
■AURICLE14 2. Cattle raiding
8URSA■ATE15 3. The snail leaves its _____ wherever it goes
N■TIPTOP16 4. a greeting
9COLLIE■E 5. Soprano, Mezzo-soprano, _____
10ARE■ACHE17 6. a conical tent
11PIRANHA■ 7. 第18題的相反
12SO■SOUTH18 8. bear
1920 21222324 9. 一種牧羊犬

10. 一種酒 18. 第7題的相反
11. carnivore fish 19. He take off his hat
12. Sulfur trioxide, Sulfur dioxide, _____ 20. 餅乾
13. 絶対恐怖領域 21. 5727 kg/m3
14. an Anglicization of Latin auricula 22. 314.122-4-8
15. eat, ____, eaten 23. Areca _____
16. computer puzzle game created by ASAP Games 24. 答案寫在題目裡
17. a chronic, painful sensation

有的要GOOGLE = =


Tags: 拼圖

All Comments

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2010-12-21T10:12
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2010-12-22T21:38
google一下發現好像有ORIO? 然後就符合11題了

Crossword 2

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2010-12-16T12:20
1234 56 7□□□□□■□□13 1. 櫂 ■□□□□□□□14 2. Cattle raiding 8□□□□■□□□15 3. The snail leaves its _____ wherever it goes □■□□□□□□16 4. a greeting 9□□□□□□■□ ...


Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2010-12-16T01:45
看紐時線上版連到的。隨便申個帳號即可玩。 因為會寄廣告信,不需要填真的信箱。 - - - 數字能力類 秒速心算體操 : 短期記憶類 記憶方陣 : 不作弊的話14是瓶頸 ...

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Brianna avatar
By Brianna
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Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2010-12-15T09:22→左鍵拖曳畫線,右鍵點按消線。 ◆數連(Number link)規則: 1.把相同的數字(或英文字母)用線連起來。 2.線只可以是橫向或縱向,並要從空格的正中央通過。不得斜走。 3.每個空格只可有一條線通過。線不可以走到框框外面,也不可 ...


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