Crackdown 2 除暴戰警2 評分 - XBOX

By Ula
at 2010-07-07T00:45
at 2010-07-07T00:45
Table of Contents
90 Planet Xbox 360
It can be repetitious at times and the plot is not only ridiculous, but it
feels far too forced. Complaints aside, Crackdown 2 is a joy to play. You’ll
find the best moments to be had are found when playing with three other
people, but it’s still a blast even when searching Pacific City on your own.
90 Gaming Target
Call it Crackdown 2, Crackdown 1.5, or if you're really snide, a Crackdown
expansion pack, but no matter how you slice it, Crackdown 2 is a fun game
that's exceptionally playable and enjoyable even if it's not as original as
it could be had the game received more development time.
90 XboxAddict
All in all, Crackdown 2 delivers more of what we loved in the original game
while adding enough nuances to drive a very compelling story.
89 GamingTrend
Crackdown 2 is a game that's heavy on action, gameplay and interacting with
your friends. At the time of this review, I can't think of another sandbox
style game that allows cooperative multiplayer that is this fun and
88 Digital Chumps
Crackdown 2 is as fun and addictive as the original. It may not be the sequel
everyone was hoping for, but if you enjoyed the original you will find plenty
to like here. Easily one of the best games of the summer, and one I will be
playing for a long time to come.
85 Da Gameboyz
Crackdown 2 does not stray far from the formula that found success in the
first game. but therein lies its biggest flaw, it does not offer enough new
83 NZGamer
One of the best things about Crackdown is that it wastes no time in throwing
players deep into the action.
83 Game Revolution
Even though Crackdown 2 feels more like Crackdown 1.5 than a true sequel,
there is enough here and enough that has been improved that you will enjoy it
just as much as the original, if not even more.
83 Computer and Video Games
It's Crackdown 1.5. Lower your expectations, then you'll have a fantastic
time with an update of one of the most enjoyable open-world games around.
80 Eurogamer
The cliché regarding this sort of game is that it changes the way you view
your own world: I know for sure that I'll be seeing those last few Orbs in my
dreams for months to come. If you need any indication of Crackdown's
brilliance, that's surely it, right? If you seek its monument, look around
Still, it feels like there's something's missing, and that's because Ruffian
has opted to produce the safest of safe sequels. It's the exact same city,
for a start, and if I was to take off my glasses and squint I could probably
fool myself into thinking I was playing the original. But its problems run
deeper than just the environment: it often feels like exactly the same game,
albeit with dilapidated buildings and a greater reliance on orange and blue
80 Official Xbox Magazine UK
Crackdown 2 looks sharper, the action is fiercer and the increased number of
players pays dividends. Despite all this, we can't shake the feeling that it
isn't the monumental sequel that the series deserved. The over-familiarity of
Pacific City and the cropping of key features like the gangs and transforming
vehicles will leave some Agency veterans feeling a little bit disappointed.
80 GameFocus
Crackdown 2 doesn’t take any risks, instead opting to preserve the spirit of
the first game almost verbatim. The lack of progression is undeniably
disappointing in some respect, but at the same time you can’t help but have
fun. Ten minute play sessions turn into hour-long hunts when searching for
those last few orbs and leaping from the such great heights never gets old.
80 Hardcore Gamer Magazine
In the end, Crackdown 2 is a fun game, especially when played with friends
but, unfortunately, it just doesn’t deliver quite a deep experience.
76 3DJuegos
Maybe Crackdown 2 gets old quickly because of its lack of polish and values,
but as long as it lasts it's a nice third person shooter. Fun and mindless
action with no story and a great first impression.
75 Strategy Informer
It's gets a tad dull by the end of the game, and as your character levels up,
it becomes less of a challenge as well (unless you're on harder difficulties,
75 IGN
Crackdown 2 feels uninspired and rushed, and it certainly doesn't feel like a
full sequel.
75 Kombo
Still a fun, destructive romp through a virtual city despite obvious flaws in
the game design.
73 Game Informer
What hurts the most about Crackdown 2 is that I would have been content with
a simple, by-the-numbers sequel with a few token improvements. But this isn’
t even a Xeroxed sequel; it’s more like a photocopy of a photocopy. The
structure is largely the same, but some of the colors have faded, and parts
of the picture are missing altogether.
70 Games Radar (in-house)
What was good is still good, but rarely better. What was bad is still bad,
and sometimes worse. Changes have been made, though only the addition of
four-person co-op makes much of a noticeable impact on the experience. This
is a sequel you've sort of already played.
Ruffian Games haven't improved on the original at all. This is more like
Crackdown 1.2. However much I would like to bash it for using such boring
enemies and extremely repetitive missions - I can't help enjoy playing co-op
with a maxed out super agent.
70 Xbox360Achievements
There's no doubt that Crackdown 2 is a well made title, and there's a lot to
be said for playing through the game in co-op – and you'll need to if you
want to obtain all the online orbs – but there's the distinct feeling that
this is just more of the same stuff, in the very same city.
70 GameSpot
This game is doesn't significantly build on or vastly improve any of the
features of its predecessor, so those with high hopes for a stellar sequel
will be disappointed. Still, Crackdown 2's core action and appeal remain very
strong, and there is great potential for cooperative mayhem, making this a
fun stop on your summer videogame tour.
70 VideoGamer
If you're coming into the series afresh, Crackdown 2 is well worth checking
out, but for those of us who have patiently waited over three years for a
sequel, it's a mild disappointment.
70 Gamereactor Denmark
Crackdown 2 is a sequel made for everybody who enjoyed the original
Crackdown. With the tiny changes and the heavy reuse of Pacific City,
Crackdown 2 feels more like an expansion that a full game. Still it is a
solid experience if you feel like another round of orb-hunting.
70 GamePro
Crackdown 2 is an action game with a very exciting and worthwhile set of core
mechanics, complete with some interesting multiplayer options, but also a
very disappointing campaign and too much familiarity after such a long
70 Meristation
Crackdown 2 is quite similar to the previous game, it lacks innovation and
fresh ideas. But its 4 players coop mode is really fun, and we can spend
several hours playing that game mode. If you plan on playing alone, there are
much better options.
70 Extreme Gamer
It would have been a real achievement if Ruffian could have met or surpassed
the expectations we had for Crackdown 2. Sadly they didn't, and it seems too
many other games have beat Crackdown at its own game.
70 Worth Playing
Perhaps the best summary for Crackdown 2 is to say that it's essentially
Crackdown with zombies and co-op. Initially, that sounds like the greatest
game ever, but the real picture isn't quite so rosy. A newly designed city
and seamless co-op aren't enough to overcome the game's ho-hum missions or
general lack of content.
67 1UP
There's no question that Crackdown 2 is a mere shadow of the first game,
which stands as an absolute classic. The sequel feels more like an ambitious
user mod than a true follow-up.
65 Gamer's Hell
Though I'm sure the timetable may have been tight and the work not easy,
especially with a newly formed studio, to make this sequel, it's simply
disappointing to see such light fare being passed off as a new SKU. Crackdown
is certainly a franchise-worthy IP, but if Ruffian and Microsoft plan to
green light a third iteration, they need to hit more than a few nails on the
65 GameZone
In the end, the most compelling elements in Crackdown 2 can be found in its
predecessor as well, and the new features are disappointing overall.
60 Giant Bomb
With most of the additions aimed at streamlining elements of the first game
or, at least, making them less of a pain to deal with, Crackdown 2
occasionally feels like a big patch for the first game.
60 Kikizo
It still feels like a budget project, a slice of throwaway fun jury-rigged to
a more significant release, but this time there’s no Halo 3 to hide behind,
and the downsides are too conspicuous to ignore.
60 Joystiq
That world, by the way, is the same one you already explored in Crackdown, if
a touch more run down. Tack that on to the loads of comically plain textures
and frequent slowdown and you've got a graphical package that's doing nothing
to alleviate the sense of déjà vu.
60 GamerNode
Crackdown 2 expands on the empowering open-world gameplay that made the first
game popular. If you are looking for a brand new game, you won't find it, but
a slightly darker, smoldering Pacific City is certainly worth a second spin.
50 Gaming Nexus
Crackdown 2 is one of the most disappointing sequels of the year, a flawed
action game that feels a little too much like the first game.
45 Destructoid
Ultimately, this game is a very sub-par offering that has no real reason to
exist. Everything that is good about Crackdown 2 is already in the original
Crackdown, and many of the problems in Crackdown 2 are unique entirely to
this installment. In essence, all Crackdown 2 does is take the original game
and make it worse.
42 GameShark
It's admirable that the guys who made Crackdown 2 have created a sequel every
bit as good as the original. It's just a shame they don't have that insight
into the genre at large. Because there's almost nothing in Crackdown 2 to
recommend it over the competition. On the whole, I'd rather be in Panau.
40 BigPond GameArena
For a game to go to so much trouble to replicate its predecessor in so many
ways it is downright amazing that it should fail so spectacularly. Co-op and
competitive multiplayer adds an extra dollop of playtime, but if you’ve
never played the first game you will have a much better time for a lot less
money - and if you have played the original you will only end up hating both
Crackdown 2 and yourself for wasting your time on this garbage.
│No.002 之友│
90 Planet Xbox 360
It can be repetitious at times and the plot is not only ridiculous, but it
feels far too forced. Complaints aside, Crackdown 2 is a joy to play. You’ll
find the best moments to be had are found when playing with three other
people, but it’s still a blast even when searching Pacific City on your own.
90 Gaming Target
Call it Crackdown 2, Crackdown 1.5, or if you're really snide, a Crackdown
expansion pack, but no matter how you slice it, Crackdown 2 is a fun game
that's exceptionally playable and enjoyable even if it's not as original as
it could be had the game received more development time.
90 XboxAddict
All in all, Crackdown 2 delivers more of what we loved in the original game
while adding enough nuances to drive a very compelling story.
89 GamingTrend
Crackdown 2 is a game that's heavy on action, gameplay and interacting with
your friends. At the time of this review, I can't think of another sandbox
style game that allows cooperative multiplayer that is this fun and
88 Digital Chumps
Crackdown 2 is as fun and addictive as the original. It may not be the sequel
everyone was hoping for, but if you enjoyed the original you will find plenty
to like here. Easily one of the best games of the summer, and one I will be
playing for a long time to come.
85 Da Gameboyz
Crackdown 2 does not stray far from the formula that found success in the
first game. but therein lies its biggest flaw, it does not offer enough new
83 NZGamer
One of the best things about Crackdown is that it wastes no time in throwing
players deep into the action.
83 Game Revolution
Even though Crackdown 2 feels more like Crackdown 1.5 than a true sequel,
there is enough here and enough that has been improved that you will enjoy it
just as much as the original, if not even more.
83 Computer and Video Games
It's Crackdown 1.5. Lower your expectations, then you'll have a fantastic
time with an update of one of the most enjoyable open-world games around.
80 Eurogamer
The cliché regarding this sort of game is that it changes the way you view
your own world: I know for sure that I'll be seeing those last few Orbs in my
dreams for months to come. If you need any indication of Crackdown's
brilliance, that's surely it, right? If you seek its monument, look around
Still, it feels like there's something's missing, and that's because Ruffian
has opted to produce the safest of safe sequels. It's the exact same city,
for a start, and if I was to take off my glasses and squint I could probably
fool myself into thinking I was playing the original. But its problems run
deeper than just the environment: it often feels like exactly the same game,
albeit with dilapidated buildings and a greater reliance on orange and blue
80 Official Xbox Magazine UK
Crackdown 2 looks sharper, the action is fiercer and the increased number of
players pays dividends. Despite all this, we can't shake the feeling that it
isn't the monumental sequel that the series deserved. The over-familiarity of
Pacific City and the cropping of key features like the gangs and transforming
vehicles will leave some Agency veterans feeling a little bit disappointed.
80 GameFocus
Crackdown 2 doesn’t take any risks, instead opting to preserve the spirit of
the first game almost verbatim. The lack of progression is undeniably
disappointing in some respect, but at the same time you can’t help but have
fun. Ten minute play sessions turn into hour-long hunts when searching for
those last few orbs and leaping from the such great heights never gets old.
80 Hardcore Gamer Magazine
In the end, Crackdown 2 is a fun game, especially when played with friends
but, unfortunately, it just doesn’t deliver quite a deep experience.
76 3DJuegos
Maybe Crackdown 2 gets old quickly because of its lack of polish and values,
but as long as it lasts it's a nice third person shooter. Fun and mindless
action with no story and a great first impression.
75 Strategy Informer
It's gets a tad dull by the end of the game, and as your character levels up,
it becomes less of a challenge as well (unless you're on harder difficulties,
75 IGN
Crackdown 2 feels uninspired and rushed, and it certainly doesn't feel like a
full sequel.
75 Kombo
Still a fun, destructive romp through a virtual city despite obvious flaws in
the game design.
73 Game Informer
What hurts the most about Crackdown 2 is that I would have been content with
a simple, by-the-numbers sequel with a few token improvements. But this isn’
t even a Xeroxed sequel; it’s more like a photocopy of a photocopy. The
structure is largely the same, but some of the colors have faded, and parts
of the picture are missing altogether.
70 Games Radar (in-house)
What was good is still good, but rarely better. What was bad is still bad,
and sometimes worse. Changes have been made, though only the addition of
four-person co-op makes much of a noticeable impact on the experience. This
is a sequel you've sort of already played.
Ruffian Games haven't improved on the original at all. This is more like
Crackdown 1.2. However much I would like to bash it for using such boring
enemies and extremely repetitive missions - I can't help enjoy playing co-op
with a maxed out super agent.
70 Xbox360Achievements
There's no doubt that Crackdown 2 is a well made title, and there's a lot to
be said for playing through the game in co-op – and you'll need to if you
want to obtain all the online orbs – but there's the distinct feeling that
this is just more of the same stuff, in the very same city.
70 GameSpot
This game is doesn't significantly build on or vastly improve any of the
features of its predecessor, so those with high hopes for a stellar sequel
will be disappointed. Still, Crackdown 2's core action and appeal remain very
strong, and there is great potential for cooperative mayhem, making this a
fun stop on your summer videogame tour.
70 VideoGamer
If you're coming into the series afresh, Crackdown 2 is well worth checking
out, but for those of us who have patiently waited over three years for a
sequel, it's a mild disappointment.
70 Gamereactor Denmark
Crackdown 2 is a sequel made for everybody who enjoyed the original
Crackdown. With the tiny changes and the heavy reuse of Pacific City,
Crackdown 2 feels more like an expansion that a full game. Still it is a
solid experience if you feel like another round of orb-hunting.
70 GamePro
Crackdown 2 is an action game with a very exciting and worthwhile set of core
mechanics, complete with some interesting multiplayer options, but also a
very disappointing campaign and too much familiarity after such a long
70 Meristation
Crackdown 2 is quite similar to the previous game, it lacks innovation and
fresh ideas. But its 4 players coop mode is really fun, and we can spend
several hours playing that game mode. If you plan on playing alone, there are
much better options.
70 Extreme Gamer
It would have been a real achievement if Ruffian could have met or surpassed
the expectations we had for Crackdown 2. Sadly they didn't, and it seems too
many other games have beat Crackdown at its own game.
70 Worth Playing
Perhaps the best summary for Crackdown 2 is to say that it's essentially
Crackdown with zombies and co-op. Initially, that sounds like the greatest
game ever, but the real picture isn't quite so rosy. A newly designed city
and seamless co-op aren't enough to overcome the game's ho-hum missions or
general lack of content.
67 1UP
There's no question that Crackdown 2 is a mere shadow of the first game,
which stands as an absolute classic. The sequel feels more like an ambitious
user mod than a true follow-up.
65 Gamer's Hell
Though I'm sure the timetable may have been tight and the work not easy,
especially with a newly formed studio, to make this sequel, it's simply
disappointing to see such light fare being passed off as a new SKU. Crackdown
is certainly a franchise-worthy IP, but if Ruffian and Microsoft plan to
green light a third iteration, they need to hit more than a few nails on the
65 GameZone
In the end, the most compelling elements in Crackdown 2 can be found in its
predecessor as well, and the new features are disappointing overall.
60 Giant Bomb
With most of the additions aimed at streamlining elements of the first game
or, at least, making them less of a pain to deal with, Crackdown 2
occasionally feels like a big patch for the first game.
60 Kikizo
It still feels like a budget project, a slice of throwaway fun jury-rigged to
a more significant release, but this time there’s no Halo 3 to hide behind,
and the downsides are too conspicuous to ignore.
60 Joystiq
That world, by the way, is the same one you already explored in Crackdown, if
a touch more run down. Tack that on to the loads of comically plain textures
and frequent slowdown and you've got a graphical package that's doing nothing
to alleviate the sense of déjà vu.
60 GamerNode
Crackdown 2 expands on the empowering open-world gameplay that made the first
game popular. If you are looking for a brand new game, you won't find it, but
a slightly darker, smoldering Pacific City is certainly worth a second spin.
50 Gaming Nexus
Crackdown 2 is one of the most disappointing sequels of the year, a flawed
action game that feels a little too much like the first game.
45 Destructoid
Ultimately, this game is a very sub-par offering that has no real reason to
exist. Everything that is good about Crackdown 2 is already in the original
Crackdown, and many of the problems in Crackdown 2 are unique entirely to
this installment. In essence, all Crackdown 2 does is take the original game
and make it worse.
42 GameShark
It's admirable that the guys who made Crackdown 2 have created a sequel every
bit as good as the original. It's just a shame they don't have that insight
into the genre at large. Because there's almost nothing in Crackdown 2 to
recommend it over the competition. On the whole, I'd rather be in Panau.
40 BigPond GameArena
For a game to go to so much trouble to replicate its predecessor in so many
ways it is downright amazing that it should fail so spectacularly. Co-op and
competitive multiplayer adds an extra dollop of playtime, but if you’ve
never played the first game you will have a much better time for a lot less
money - and if you have played the original you will only end up hating both
Crackdown 2 and yourself for wasting your time on this garbage.
│No.002 之友│
All Comments

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