CPSEmu 1.4 - 模擬器

By Oliver
at 2012-12-06T14:55
at 2012-12-06T14:55
Table of Contents
CPS2 emu for android(  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ
‧Fix a crash on android devices with an OS < 3.0 (Honeycomb)
‧Joystick/buttons size and position can be configured from preferences (
Android 3.0+ )
‧Joystick/buttons size and position can be configured from preferences
‧Fix a crash on Android 2.1 when launching a rom
‧Fix a crash with dialogs when screen orientation changes
‧Improve previews downloader
‧Some bug fix
‧fix background borders color (gray > black) on some devices
‧keep screen on while emulator is running
‧add switch button to in-game menu
‧switch kick and punch buttons for 6 buttons games
‧fix a crash when trying to run an unsupported rom
‧prevent the launch of a clone rom if it's parent is not in the rom directory
‧fix a crash when trying to assign hardware buttons twice in a row in
‧fix (probably) problem with hardware key mapping (up/left/right/down)
‧should add android 3.0+ native compatibility
噓 OPWaug:不因為自己被噓到脫肛就把整個PTT拉去當墊背 恩哼03/09 18:07
→ IyonNokia:你為什麼要用一根吸管打翻整杯果汁03/09 18:07
→ thedeadearth:好幾根吸管啦。03/09 18:08
噓 jasonliu1025:講話前後矛盾03/09 18:08
→ jova:1樓專業 整個ptt只有五樓這智障爛掉好嗎XD03/09 18:08
All Comments

By Rae
at 2012-12-08T14:27
at 2012-12-08T14:27

By Queena
at 2012-12-13T02:20
at 2012-12-13T02:20

By Zora
at 2012-12-18T01:16
at 2012-12-18T01:16

By Hardy
at 2012-12-21T21:57
at 2012-12-21T21:57

By Noah
at 2012-12-22T08:57
at 2012-12-22T08:57
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