Common Source Code Project 2013.01.23 - 模擬器

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2013-01-23T22:30

Table of Contents


[WINMAIN] support drag & drop a cart or disk image files
[VM/HD146818P] support modifying the date and time
[VM/MSM58321] renamed from RTC58321 to MSM58321
[VM/MSM58321] support modifying the date and time
[VM/MSM58321] support busy flag and base signal register
[VM/MSM58321] remove ugly functions for FMR-50/60
[VM/MS5832] removed and joined to MSM58321
[VM/RP5C01] support modifying the date and time
[VM/RP5C15] removed and joined to RP5C01
[VM/UPD1990A] support modifying the date and time
[VM/UPD1990A] remove ugly functions for PC-9801/PC-98LT
[VM/UPD4991A] support modifying the date and time
[VM/Z80] revert previous modification
[VM/Z80] modify clocks for interrupt in mode2


[VM/DISK] fix to always save the converted disk image
[VM/Z80] revert reimplemented Z80 core based on MAME 0.145


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關於 VMware Tools 的問題

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2013-01-23T16:26
有的時候, 有些檔案, 明明知道它裡面極可能會有病毒或木馬之類的 但是因為還是得用, 所以也只好抓下來 現在有個想法...如果丟到不連網的 VMware 裡面去執行的話應該就 OK 但如果要使 host 和 guest 能互相 copy-paste 的話, 就必須安裝 VMware Tools 那麼, ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2013-01-23T16:07
其實我不曉得分類要使用求助還是閒聊 這幾天和朋友四人打算要來連線mario party 3 嘗試過很多次,選人之前都還是同步的 但是在第一回合結束之後的小遊戲,大家就好像掉落到不同的次元去了 大部份都是三個人在同一個次元,一個人掉落到異次元去了 也有試過其他的遊戲,目前看起來最穩定的應該是mario ...

(GX4000) GX4000 Emulation for JAVA

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2013-01-23T14:49
2013.01.22 新規參戰。這台喔....(苦笑)   GX4000?   -- La GX-400 ...

(N64) Project64k v1.0

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2013-01-23T14:35
2013.01.23 Project64k is a version of the Project64 emulator that supports multiplayer games using the Kaillera network. -- Project6 ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2013-01-23T14:23
就是這個網站Game Database: 這網站收集了滿多常見的家用主機的資料,難得的是他都依照內容分類整理得相當好 共計有以下幾種遊樂器的資料: NINTENDO Family Comp ...