(Commodore 64/16/Plus4) Hi65 v6.1 - 模擬器

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2019-07-09T20:20

Table of Contents


Hi65 is an unreleased computer from Commodore featuring 256-color graphics,
a 3.54 MHz processor and a maximum of 8 MB of RAM. Hi65 is a high-level
Commodore 65 emulator.

Hi65 v6.1 Changelog:

* Included a fix for a COMDLG32.OCX error that happens on certain Windows
systems when attempting to run Hi65 Edit and Launch Tool. Note that the fix
must be installed manually, following the included instructions.

* Fixed a bug in the text wraparound check that used to crash Hi65 if text
reached the bottom of the screen in certain resolutions.

* Implemented the CLR instruction, to clear all variables, loop stacks, open
streams and data pointer during the course of a program.

* Implemented the EXP mathematical function (the mathematical expression
exp(x) equals to e^x).

* Implemented the HELP instruction (only as an immediate command, to display
the line that returned an error during the execution).

* Implemented the CHR$, HEX$, LEFT$, MID$ and RIGHT$ string operations (note:
for now, they only work in variable assigns, not as part of a PRINT command).





All Comments


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2019-07-08T08:45
你一定沒見過1982年的家用遊戲機光速船開箱 https://youtu.be/FMKjUqhi3W4 補個Vectrex的wiki: Vectrex是Western Technologies/Smith Engineering開發的矢量顯示家用遊戲機。主機最初由General Consumer Elec ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2019-07-05T22:26
找了許久還是找不到這款遊戲 20年前玩到的 遊戲大致上就是橫向的有城堡關卡也有平面地圖 可以派很多兵種 我最印象深刻的就是我方兵種有黑魔法師跟白魔法師(巫師?) 然後敵人在城堡有一隻超巨大的鎧甲兵 地圖也有城堡地下 派兵種會從右邊往左邊走 我印象中的關卡 遊戲可以打密碼接關 我習慣看Twitch一些老遊戲台 ...

如何讓 dolphin 執行 wii 及 gc 的 bios

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2019-07-04T23:24
wii 的話比較簡單... 因 dolphin 是可以直接下載安裝 wii menu 的 只要在 [工具]=andgt;[perform online system update] 中 點選想要安裝的區域版本後 就會跳出是否同意線上更新系統的對話框 點選 yes 同意下載之後 dolphin 就會自動下載安裝 ...

Citra Nighty破圖

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2019-07-04T05:15
https://imgur.com/MXEg9H0.jpg 如圖 模擬熱血硬派SP亂鬥協奏曲時 敵人會打五折剩半身 設定怎麼調整都無效 改用美版rom也是一樣情況 這有解嗎? ----- Sent from JPTT on my Sony G8232. - ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2019-07-02T22:40
其實不能光以 cpu gpu ram 跟 pc 雷同 就認為屬於 pc 架構 進而認為比較容易模擬 遊戲機的組成通常都是多晶片的 除了上述所提的三個核心組件外 還有各式特製 dsp 或 mcu 及保護晶片...等 這些才是決定模擬難度的重要關鍵 以 mame 為例... mame 有一票 80-90 年代 ...