(Commodore 64/16/Plus4) Hi65 v4.1 - 模擬器

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2014-05-23T19:53

Table of Contents


Hi65 is an unreleased computer from Commodore featuring 256-color
graphics, a 3.54 MHz processor and a maximum of 8 MB of RAM. Hi65
is a high-level Commodore 65 emulator.


Hi65 v4 Changelog:

* Implemented the SPC and TAB parameters in the PRINT function
(respectively, to display the specified amount of spaces and move
the cursor to the specified column).
* Fixed a bug in the LOCATE function that used to add the screen
border twice instead of once to the cursor position.
* Fixed a bug in the DLOAD function that used to hang the emulator
if a syntax error was made when entering the command.
* Fixed a bug in the LET function that used to leave residual characters
of a previous string initialization, if the new value was shorter
than the older one.
* Implemented the system timer. This counts the 60ths of a second
elapsed since the C65 was switched on (or, in this case, since the
emulator was launched) and stores the value into the numeric variable
TI. Instead, the string variable TI$ contains the system time, like
it would in a C65 with a real-time clock.
* Implemented the SCNCLR function.
* Implemented the support of sequential files, with the functions DOPEN,
APPEND, DCLOSE, INPUT# and PRINT#. This makes it possible to read and
write files from within a BASIC 10 program.
* Added a new feature to the Windows frontend: a menu called Paths, from
which you can now tell the frontend where the Hi65 and VICE executables
are located. The default is that both are located in the same directory
as the frontend, which is true for Hi65, but if you want to use the
frontend with VICE without moving files around, you'll have to use the
appropriate option of the Paths menu to specify the VICE directory.
* Fixed a bug in the frontend that used to make the "Launch with current
program" button work incorrectly.





All Comments


Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2014-05-23T17:26
因為是玩到一半有過不去的地方所以底下可能有雷 防雷頁 我用的是jpcsp r3473 3458也試過但有同樣問題 在第一章搜查開始之後 無法調查宴會廳的右上方的冷氣 游標移過去顯示的是桌子 調查時也會轉到桌子那邊QQQQQQQQ 偏偏那個又一定要調查所以導致 ...

md 太空戰士

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2014-05-23T11:19
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Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2014-05-22T22:44
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Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2014-05-21T23:28
印象中,大約1995年前後玩到的大型筐體射擊遊戲, 筐體有點像SEGA的侏羅紀公園,人可以坐上去,但椅子好像不會搖,可雙打。 遊戲有點像Taito的Operation Thunderbolt,就是兩人拿槍打爆所有敵人,對遊戲唯一的印象是有boss(或小boss)是獨眼龍,而且一次會出現2個。 那是以前老爸 ...

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