clrmamepro v3.125 - 模擬器

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2009-03-25T15:06

Table of Contents


* fixed: crash when doing a deep-chd scan on hashed metadata
* fixed: wrong rom statistic count for sets which only consists of nodump rom
+ chds + bios roms Wink
* fixed: old type chds aren′t listed when wrongly placed
* fixed: "upgrade / downgrade" messages are wrong sometimes
* fixed: slow down when looking for missing chds
* fixed: crash when -r/-s/-h flag option is used an no warnings window is
* fixed: some md5 over sha1 priority issue which impacts the wrong placed chd


All Comments

WolfMESS v0.130

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2009-03-25T15:03 wolfmess is a MESS build derived from the wolfmame patches (via Barry Rodewald) and as many mess fixes (via Chad Hur ...

SuperGCube v0.4a build 0110

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2009-03-25T15:01 no changelist - ...


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2009-03-25T13:35
這款遊戲的主機是任天堂的紅白機... 可以兩個人一起玩... 遊戲的內容是操縱人物拿火箭砲轟敵方... 人物蠻可愛的...小小隻... 而且如果人物掛了...可以按密技讓人物復活...繼續遊戲 因為是小時候玩的...所以遊戲名稱不記得了... 請板上的大大知道的人跟我說一下...感恩... 因為小時候蠻喜歡玩 ...


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2009-03-25T02:31
※ 引述《godsaveme (神啊救救我)》之銘言: : : NO$Zoomer2.3.0.1 : ttp:// ...

X68000 EMU XM6的用法?

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2009-03-25T02:23
又來問問題了,XM6好像沒有輸入CHEAT CODE的功能, 但是有DEBUG, BREAK TRACE.....可是看不出用法? 另外想調速似乎只能調到高速, 調慢好像沒辦 法? 最近在玩一個古老的H GAME--CAN CAN BUNNY(最初代), 它裡面有主角的數 值 ...