ClrMamePro v3.120 - 模擬器

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2008-11-05T11:27

Table of Contents

Nov 3, 2008

misc: fastscan information is always saved now, even if you
cancel a scan. So you can continue a stopped scan at a
later point in time.
misc: renamed scan to new scan and fastscan to
have to get used to it ;)
misc: fastscan button is only enabled if the operation is
actually possible
misc: merger can create rar/7zip
misc: merger can create destination folder if it doesn't exist
misc: changed caption of merger placement options
misc: fix missing operations also optionally prompt for
confirmation now
misc: don't show 'recompress' popupmenu in scanner when
rebuilder is set to 7z/rar
misc: added some error promps for failed http/ftp connections

fixed: crash on loading corrupt online xmls
fixed: dats without chd regions falsely list one empty region
fixed: rare issue with chd subfolders for fake clone sets
fixed: merger removes chds during cleanup
fixed: merger doesn't move parent-only sets for placement mode 'move'



Button Bars


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All Comments

ThunderMAME32UI+ VER.0.126X (2008.11.04)

William avatar
By William
at 2008-11-04T19:41 変更点(雷豆UI+) ・0.128u1よりミラージュ妖獣麻雀伝、夢札の修正を適用。ネオジオm1解析を実装。 ・0.128迄に対応されたCPS2クローンをはじめ、主だった他の日本語クローンを追加。 ...

NO$PMP & NO$WTT ver.0.35

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2008-11-04T19:37 NO$PMP (NO$GBA Process Memory Patcher) ver.0.35 NO$WTT (NO$GBA Wait Time Tester) ver.0.35 ...

MisfitMAME 0.127.D

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2008-11-04T11:45;Number=170188 0.127.D -------- Released on Nov 3, 2008 Based on MAME 0.127 Source change ...


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2008-11-03T22:34
※ 引述《powerg5 (mac)》之銘言: : 突然看到置底文寫了gdi檔的事 : 這種副檔名從沒聽過呢 : 請問它是用DC的BBA套件DUMP出來的嗎? 1.GDI -andgt; Dreamcast 用的 GD-ROM 碟片所 Dump 出的 IMAGE 映像檔 -andgt; .GDI 2.想用 ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2008-11-03T22:22
突然看到置底文寫了gdi檔的事 這種副檔名從沒聽過呢 請問它是用DC的BBA套件DUMP出來的嗎? -- 徵求一個PC GAME,詳細請看名片檔 - ...