Clock tommy150103 13.89 - 魔術方塊

Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2011-05-04T18:26

Table of Contents

時間:Statistics for 05-04-2011 18:23:45

Average: 13.89
Standard Deviation: 1.04
Best Time: 8.62
Worst Time: 16.82
Individual Times:
1. 14.57
2. 13.62
3. 12.39
4. 14.31
5. 12.18
6. (16.82)
7. 13.57
8. (8.62)
9. 13.45
10. 16.44
11. 14.15
12. 14.22

平均: 13.89 秒

心得:My AVG PB is 13.81, But I got my single PB!



特殊技巧:吳憨你現在幾秒了?(如 x-cross, color-neutral..)


All Comments

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2011-05-05T21:58
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2011-05-10T11:15
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2011-05-12T14:09
太強了啦@@ 我現在還沒sub-20@@
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2011-05-16T02:06
我大概要一分多鐘XD 要按哪個都要想一下 按完還轉錯邊..
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2011-05-16T04:58

3x3x3 TommyKSHS 16.77

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2011-05-04T00:29
時間: 1. 16.88 F R D2 Band#39; R U F B2 Dand#39; B F D2 R U2 F2 D Band#39; Dand#39; Uand#39; Fand#39; Land#39; R2 D R2 Land#39; 2. 16.13 Rand#39; Band#3 ...

SQ-1 xuan85116 21.96

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2011-05-03T23:08
時間: Statistics for 05-03-2011 23:04:56 Average: 21.96 Standard Deviation: 2.68 Best Time: 15.74 Worst Time: 28.56 Individual Times: 1. (15.74) (1,2) ...

2x2x2 SL1007 3.36

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2011-05-03T20:26
時間: Average of 12: 3.36 1. 4.73 Uand#39; R U2 Rand#39; Uand#39; F2 Uand#39; Rand#39; U2 2. 3.60 F Rand#39; Uand#39; F Uand#39; F Rand#39; F U2 3. 3.24 ...

4x4x4 cubefan 54.35

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2011-05-03T00:49
時間: Statistics for 05-03-2011 00:38:27 Average: 54.35 Standard Deviation: 2.22 Best Time: 47.58 Worst Time: 59.60 Individual Times: 1. 54.98 U B2 U ...


Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2011-05-02T19:31
經過了大概兩三個星期的報名時間 目前只有39人左右報名 跟預計的60人尚有約20名的差距 (其中有參加3x3x3項目的只有36人) 這樣雖然可以保證比賽會超快速順利結束 但是可能會有點違背比賽就是讓大家刷成績的意義 目前最大的問題應該還是出在太過嚴格的combine秒數限制 所以希望大家 ...