Classic99 - v340a - 模擬器

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2010-03-14T20:28

Table of Contents

Classic99 is a freeware TI-99/4A emulator for Windows 9x. Classic99 runs most
stuff fine:

-System ROMs and many cartridges are INCLUDED under license from Texas
-boots and runs all console OS functions (except cassette I/O) and TI BASIC
-most modules seem to work fine
-XB/Atarisoft cartridge bank switching supported
-all three music channels emulated through any DirectSound compatible sound
-noise channel fully emulated, though user-defined repeat rates are not 100%
-Speech implemented for both speech ROMs and external speak
-keyboard CRU scanning implemented
-joystick support
-9901 timer supported
-partial disk support
-DirectX Windowed and FullScreen, as well as non-DirectX windowed modes.
-Sprite collision detection (by pattern)
-Numerous video filter options (HQ4X, 2xSAI, SuperEagle, NTSC, etc)
-Integrated debugger with single step
-PS/2 keyboard emulation built-in
-Mouse-driven menu selection (double-click on screen)
-1MB Super AMS card supported
-Open Source and 100% free


- Fix uninitialized critical section that was causing crashes on startup on


- Added Bug99 Debugger support (Edit, Bug99 Window)
- Fixed error returns from SBRLNK
- Added TI Workshop ROM with permission from the author
- Implemented proper address emulation for VDP 4k mode
- Fix mute/unmute issues around user interface
- Fix debugger ROM modify flags
- Fixed by-sector read/write file access
- fixed delayed timing race
- Got keyboard controls (TAB, Function Keys, shortcut keys) working on the
debug dialog
- Added WP as a set command on the debugger
- Made PC and WP work in all debug views
- Added 1x,2x,4x video sizing options, and fixed aspect ratio
- default to 1x on startup (for whatever filter is in use)
- VDPS doesn't clear the 5th sprite number when read, fixed that
- Fixed meta key problem with keyboard interface
- Add support for Marc Hull's SID Blaster card (enable in Options->Audio, try
XB program MICH_SID!)
- Moved CPU to separate thread
- added threat synchronization code now that CPU is running freely
- replaced video mutex with critical section (performance)
- replaced PeekMessage loop with GetMessage (performance)
- Added single-byte VDP address port access
- Fix timing in 50HZ mode
- Add audio to AVI files (not working!!)
- Tweak multicolor bitmap mode registers
- Fixed partial video frames in AVI video recording


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