Carbot LOD Opening Cinematc - 暗黑破壞神

By Necoo
at 2021-09-26T14:37
at 2021-09-26T14:37
Table of Contents
※ 引述《qoo60606 (凜)》之銘言:
: 開場直接Enough!!人家只是叫你名字啊
: 然後就進到阿拉丁的歌曲了 笑死XDDD
: 歌曲結束後長老還是要死就是(噗滋
: 補個阿拉丁連結
: 除了Prince Ali變成LOD 一堆畫面都有還原 超用心XD
Make way for Prince Ali
Make way for L.O.D.
Say hey, it's Prince Ali
Let's play some L.O.D.
Hey! Clear the way in the old Bazaar
Hey! Clear the way he is here at last
喂!別擋路 他在最後列
Hey you, let us through. It's a brand new star
Hey you, expansion new with 2 brand new class
全新資料片 還有新職業
Oh, come be the first on your block to meet his eye
New quests new set more room in the stash alright
任務套裝 加大儲物箱 喔耶!
Make way, here he comes. Ring bells, bang the drums
More fun, item tons. Large charms baal runz
寶物與歡樂 技能板巴車
You're gonna love this guy
You're gonna love this guy
Prince Ali, fabulous he, Ali Ababwa
L.O.D., final boss he, destruction's his job ahh
L.O.D. 最終魔王 毀滅如日常
Show some respect, boy, genuflect, Down on one knee
It will let you to respec, Grind for the keys
你將能重新配點 狂刷鑰匙
Now, try your best to stay calm
Defeat the ancients is fun
Brush up your Friday salaam
XP you get is a ton
Then come and meet his spectacular coterie
Then it's on to fight L.O.D. in the world stone keep!
He's got seventy five golden camels
He's got catapults in bloody foothills
Purple peacocks, he's got fifty three
trapped barbarians he's got fifteen
When it comes to exotic-type mammals
He's got more minions than you can handle
He's got a zoo? I'm telling you,
I found a Jah rune! I'll trade with you!
it's a world-class menagerie
It's an Act V menagerie
Prince Ali, handsome is he, Ali Ababwa
L.O.D. lots of loot see, Ali a baba
L.O.D. 掉寶就靠阿里阿巴巴
That physique! How can I speak? Weak at my knees!
Rainbow facets, druid has pets, Rush you for free!
彩虹刻面 寵物樂園 偷渡免費
So get on out in that square
Socket this from that guy
Adjust your veil and prepare
Make your item but why
With 60 elephants, llamas galore (for real?)
With sixty harlequins, rune word galore
有六十頂軍帽 高符豐碩
With his bears and lions, a brass band and more (what?)
and Nilathak's evil, uniques, sets and more
有壞蛋阿尼 金綠與手工
With his 40 fakirs, his cooks, his bakers
and Anya is frozen and ancients are posin' and
安亞被冰透 古代人秀肌肉
His birds that warble on key
he is the last of the three!
Make way for Prince Ali
Make way for L.O.D.
(哼哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 x 5+1)
: 然後就進到阿拉丁的歌曲了 笑死XDDD
: 歌曲結束後長老還是要死就是(噗滋
: 補個阿拉丁連結
: 除了Prince Ali變成LOD 一堆畫面都有還原 超用心XD
Make way for Prince Ali
Make way for L.O.D.
Say hey, it's Prince Ali
Let's play some L.O.D.
Hey! Clear the way in the old Bazaar
Hey! Clear the way he is here at last
喂!別擋路 他在最後列
Hey you, let us through. It's a brand new star
Hey you, expansion new with 2 brand new class
全新資料片 還有新職業
Oh, come be the first on your block to meet his eye
New quests new set more room in the stash alright
任務套裝 加大儲物箱 喔耶!
Make way, here he comes. Ring bells, bang the drums
More fun, item tons. Large charms baal runz
寶物與歡樂 技能板巴車
You're gonna love this guy
You're gonna love this guy
Prince Ali, fabulous he, Ali Ababwa
L.O.D., final boss he, destruction's his job ahh
L.O.D. 最終魔王 毀滅如日常
Show some respect, boy, genuflect, Down on one knee
It will let you to respec, Grind for the keys
你將能重新配點 狂刷鑰匙
Now, try your best to stay calm
Defeat the ancients is fun
Brush up your Friday salaam
XP you get is a ton
Then come and meet his spectacular coterie
Then it's on to fight L.O.D. in the world stone keep!
He's got seventy five golden camels
He's got catapults in bloody foothills
Purple peacocks, he's got fifty three
trapped barbarians he's got fifteen
When it comes to exotic-type mammals
He's got more minions than you can handle
He's got a zoo? I'm telling you,
I found a Jah rune! I'll trade with you!
it's a world-class menagerie
It's an Act V menagerie
Prince Ali, handsome is he, Ali Ababwa
L.O.D. lots of loot see, Ali a baba
L.O.D. 掉寶就靠阿里阿巴巴
That physique! How can I speak? Weak at my knees!
Rainbow facets, druid has pets, Rush you for free!
彩虹刻面 寵物樂園 偷渡免費
So get on out in that square
Socket this from that guy
Adjust your veil and prepare
Make your item but why
With 60 elephants, llamas galore (for real?)
With sixty harlequins, rune word galore
有六十頂軍帽 高符豐碩
With his bears and lions, a brass band and more (what?)
and Nilathak's evil, uniques, sets and more
有壞蛋阿尼 金綠與手工
With his 40 fakirs, his cooks, his bakers
and Anya is frozen and ancients are posin' and
安亞被冰透 古代人秀肌肉
His birds that warble on key
he is the last of the three!
Make way for Prince Ali
Make way for L.O.D.
(哼哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 x 5+1)
All Comments

By Caroline
at 2021-09-25T09:56
at 2021-09-25T09:56

By William
at 2021-09-28T04:29
at 2021-09-28T04:29

By Dinah
at 2021-09-25T09:56
at 2021-09-25T09:56
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