Burgle Bros. 扒手集團 規則補充+官方FAQ - 桌遊

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2016-12-12T11:31

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※ 引述《finhisky (finhisky)》之銘言:




A不行,除非卡上有特別註明。 E.g.波斯貓和第二根金塊。


















Throw voice

同Throw voice,不能在警報被觸發後使用。

Change of plans

Switch signs

Where is he?

Go with Your Gut


Freight Elevator

: 小心得:
: 雖然美術、配件沒有禁制系列漂亮,但板塊、卡片、腳色較多,變化也較多
: 而且對抗的是看得到且可以預測行動路線的警衛
: 比起對抗水位或飛砂來得緊張
: 一個人玩也滿好玩的,而且一個人感覺勝率比較高 (不怕神一樣的對手,只怕......)
: 滿推薦的,網路上也中文規則及中文化
: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1469185/movement-tiles-require-actions
: 關於有STOP及LASER的板塊
: 移動(1行動)到蓋著的LASER板塊(花兩行動進入則不觸發警鈴)時,
: 如果還有行動的話,可以再花1行動來避免觸發警鈴。
: 移動(1行動)到蓋著的deadbolt板塊(無人的話,要花3行動才能進入)時,
: 如果還有行動的話,可以再花2行動來進入。
: 如果移動到蓋著的Keypad板塊,也可以丟骰子嘗試進入。
: 以下 官方FAQ Burgle Bros FAQ (As of Nov 28, 2016) 僅擇要翻譯
: Rule Clarification
: Do I have to use hack tokens to disable an alarm?
: No, you can choose to trigger an alarm instead using a hack token to silence
: it.
: What if I run out of dice?
: Dice are unlimited. If you run out of dice use some marker to denote how many
: dice a safe/keypad has. Note: each tile can only have a maximum of 6 dice.
: Can I trade items?
: Items can be exchanged between players as a free action as long as they are
: on the same tile.
: Can I drop items?
: No, items can’t be put on the ground unless their cards specify (e.g.
: persian kitty runs off or second gold bar which needs to be picked up or must
: be dropped if for some reason you are holding two)
: Can there be two alarms on a tile?
: No. A second alarm on the same tile is not triggered if there is already an
: alarm token on it.
: Can I move back and forth between tiles simply to use up actions so I don’t
: have to draw an Event card?
: Event card draws are not optional -- if you use 2 or fewer actions, you must
: draw and resolve an Event card. Moving back and forth to use more than 2
: actions simply to avoid this is not allowed, as it is not in the spirit of
: the game.
: 執行低於2次行動時,會抽事件卡,不能刻意來回移動,來避免抽事件卡,
: 因為這樣違反遊戲的精神。
: When entering a new floor for the first time, does the tile trigger when you
: move into it?
: Yes, except for at the start of the game, entering the first floor. Also you
: can peek before moving up.
: Adjacency...
: Tiles are not adjacent through walls or between levels.
: If there are two Foyers next to each other, can a passing Guard see through
: the first Foyer into the second one?
: No.
: Help! We’re both on the 3rd floor (due to events Gymnastics and Freight
: Elevator) but the safe hasn’t been cracked on the 2nd floor nor have we
: found the stairs to get up here. All 3 walkways are on the lower floors. Now
: what?
: To avoid this situation, you can shuffle a walkway into each of the second
: and third floor decks. But generally be aware of going up a walkway with
: Gymnastics without a way down.
: Guard Clarification
: What if an alarm triggered guard moves through the orange die?
: When an alarm token is placed, the guard’s destination (orange die) should
: be moved to the alarm, therefore the orange die is where the guard ends
: his/her movement.
: If the guard moves into the tile that contains my burglar does it stop there
: or will he continue to move on to his destination?
: The guard walking through your tile will cause you to lose a stealth token
: but he does not stop. You hid from sight, so therefore no reason for him to
: stop.
: If the guard starts his turn on the same tile as my burglar, does my burglar
: still lose a stealth token and will the guard move?
: No. You lose a stealth token when the guard moves into your square. You are
: just hiding out in the spot you found when he entered the room.
: 警衛"起始"的板塊,與玩家在同一個板塊時,玩家不會損失 stealth token。
: 警衛移動進入到玩家所在的板塊時,才會損失 stealth token。
: If the guard is on a tile that the active player is on, can the active player
: take actions such as hacking, adding a die to a safe, or attempting to crack
: a safe without using stealth tokens?
: Yes you can do all of those things if you have already paid the stealth when
: the guard or you entered the room.
: Tools Clarification
: Donuts. Can they only be dropped if you share a tile with a guard?
: You can use it from anywhere, they are mail order donuts.
: 可以對任何地點的警衛使用,因為甜甜圈是透過外送員送到警衛手上。 :)
: When can you use the EMP or the time bomb?
: Any time on a player’s turn that holds the item but before you move the
: guard.
: When can tools be used?
: Only on your turn.
: Virus
: Can be used from anywhere.
: Loot Clarification
: Recall that players must leave the building with every loot card found…
: Persian Kitty
: When you obtain this loot, the Persian Kitty token is not placed on the board
: yet! The Persian Kitty token will appear only if at the start of the turn of
: the player holding this loot rolls a 1 or a 2 (roll a die before taking any
: actions each turn while holding the loot.) On a 1 or 2 roll, the Persian
: Kitty is then attracted to the nearest room tile that has an alarm icon (not
: token!) - place the Kitty token on a tile adjacent to your current location
: in the direction of the attracting alarm icon room. If there are no tiles
: with alarm icons revealed on the player’s floor, do not place the Kitty
: token yet. The Kitty token does not trigger alarms, or other tile effects.
: Once the token is on the board, it is a free action to pick him/her up once
: you are on the same tile. Do not roll for the Kitty while it is on the board;
: it does not move at all until picked up.
: https://www.boardgamegeek.com/article/20958458#20958458
: 持有玩家,每回合行動之前要先擲一顆骰,骰出1或2時,先將咪咪指示物放到玩家所在
: 板塊上,但如果這層樓尚未翻出有警報器"圖示"的房間,就不用放貓咪指示物;
: 然後將貓咪往最近的一個,有警報器"圖示"(不是token)的房間,移動一格。
: 貓咪不會觸發警報或其他板塊效果。
: 貓咪放到板塊上之後,不會再繼續移動。
: 與貓咪在同一格的玩家可以把她抓起來,不須耗費行動。
: Gold Bars
: When you draw this, find the other copy and put it on the safe. Another
: player must come pick it up (as a free action). Also, the first card can be
: traded to another player, then the original player may return to pick up the
: other card. For solo play, remove these cards from the deck.
: 抽到寶物Gold Bars時,從牌推找出另一張Gold Bars放在保險箱上。
: 另一位玩家必須來拿Gold Bars(拿不須花行動)。
: 單人遊戲時,不使用Gold Bars
: Tiara
: This acts like a portable foyer, but only during your actions, not when the
: guard is moving.
: FAQ說得還是模糊,討論串比較清楚
: https://boardgamegeek.com/article/20843727#20843727
: 進入或離開與警衛相鄰的板塊,都會被警衛看到。
: 應該是最危險的寶物。
: Chihuahua
: Roll at the beginning of your turn to see if the chihuahua barks.
: Cursed Goblet
: If you already have zero stealth tokens, the Cursed Goblet does not make you
: lose the game.
: Character Clarification
: Hacker
: The Jammer side of Hacker cannot opt to NOT disable the specified tiles.
: Juicer
: Advanced Juicer can only pick up and drop alarms from the tile she is on.
: Rook
: When moving another player, they can be moved up stairs or into unexplored
: tiles. If they are moved into a locked Keypad, they roll 1 die.
: Event Clarification
: All Event Cards that state “remove at the start of your next turn”
: (Gymnastics, Time Lock, Video Loop)
: As event cards are activated after a player’s actions are finished, but
: deactivated at the start of their next turn, this means that the player
: triggering the event never gets to use the benefits nor are affected by the
: restrictions of the event card.
: Reboot
: Set all visible computer rooms to have 1 token.
: Throw Voice
: Does not work through secret door. Can’t use if an alarm is going off.
: Crash!
: Does this follow the rules of Throw Voice and cannot occur if an alarm is
: going off, or do you move the destination die and treat is as another alarm
: location without an increase in speed?
: Given the ruling on Throw Voice (thematically, you are making noise), I would
: say you can’t use this when an alarm is going off.
: Change of Plans
: Does this follow the rules of Throw Voice and cannot occur if an alarm is
: going off, or do you move the destination die and treat is as the new
: destination after all alarms are cleared?
: Don’t move the die if the alarm is going off, just flip the card and ignore
: it. When all alarms are turned off, a new card will be flipped. Total loss of
: 2 guard cards.
: Switch Signs
: Does this follow the rules of Throw Voice and cannot occur if an alarm is
: going off, or does the guard move to the closest alarm and deactivate it
: immediately, or do the closest alarm and the guard change places?
: The guard appears at the alarm room and disable the alarm immediately. Move
: the destination die to the next closest alarm or flip a new guard card if no
: more alarms.
: Where is he?
: Does this follow the rules of Throw Voice and cannot occur if an alarm is
: going off, or does the guard move to the closest alarm and deactivate it
: immediately?
: The guard moves to the closest alarm immediately and deactivates it.
: Shift Change
: What order are the guards resolved in (Lowest Floor to Highest Floor, Highest
: Floor to Lowest Floor, Player's’ Choice)?
: I don’t think order matters in this case as all other guards will move. So,
: player’s choice.
: Peekhole
: “You may peek…” Is this optional?
: Using the Peekhole is optional.
: Go With Your Gut
: If the adjacent tile is a room that cannot be entered (ie. Keypad), does the
: player bounce back to the original room?
: If the adjacent tile is a room with alarm capabilities, is the alarm
: triggered?
: (answer by: zenxacred) Treat it as if you moved there with one action.
: Resolve entry costs as needed. [Laser will trigger as it requires two actions
: to enter]
: Gymnastics
: Are Walkway tiles then accessible from beneath them to be climbed “up to”,
: or do they allow you to move one floor “up from” them?
: (answer by: zenxacred) Gymnastics will allow you to move up from walkways and
: down onto them. They are treated as the Stairs tile for that floor for the
: duration of the event. They still function as regular walkways [i.e. you can
: go down from them as well]
: Freight Elevator
: If you get a freight elevator (fall up one floor) on the top floor, are you
: taken to the roof and therefore, out of the game?
: (answer by peakhope) Yes, if all the safes are cracked when you draw the
: freight elevator. Otherwise, no because players are not allowed to leave the
: building before then.
: Advanced Acrobat
: Can the advanced acrobat move horizontally on the outside of the building
: (answer by Tim Fowers) No, unless you house rule, but that does make him
: more powerful
: Lost Visual Cards
: When playing with the Lost Visual cards and drawing new guard location and
: destination cards, is the guard supposed to start moving that same turn or
: stay at his location until the next turn?
: (answer by Tim Fowers): That same turn. The Lost Visual cards are designed
: to make the patrol deck a little bit harder and unpredictable
: Starting Tile
: For how long does the starting tile remain inactive?
: Answer: Just for the first action of the first turn for each player

Tags: 桌遊

All Comments

James avatar
By James
at 2016-12-14T02:24
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2016-12-15T10:04
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2016-12-19T18:38
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2016-12-23T07:38
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2016-12-25T08:02
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2016-12-26T22:14
感謝 orz

丁哥的夢境 Dingo's Dream

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2016-12-12T07:30
圖文網誌:https://goo.gl/IW32OH 臉書粉絲頁:https://www.facebook.com/boardgamepush/ 又是良哥… 這次竟然拿跟女兒玩的遊戲來推我坑?! 最扯的是還真的不錯ㄟ… 不過我到最後還是沒買XD 但感覺遊戲不錯應該來介紹一下 遊戲的主要機制很像太閣立 ...

陽光桌遊聖誕節活動 & 跨年消費方式

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2016-12-11T22:17
恭喜 推 sleeprice: 聖誕跨年玩桌遊,好運財富通通有 抽到小早川乙套,歡迎站內信或到FB粉絲專頁聯絡領獎事宜 【陽光聖誕活動】FB文末有抽獎 聖誕節活動FB頁面連結:https://goo.gl/suxqha 1.聖誕節精選遊戲區 又到了交換禮物的季節,光想要送什麼是不是想破頭阿 貼心的陽光幫 ...


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2016-12-11T21:57
遊戲配件 40張仙子圖板(兩組,各20張) 「正確」、「錯誤」圖板各1 三個骰子、32枚金幣 遊戲準備 將一組仙子圖板正面朝上圍成一個圈形成「仙子魔法陣」。 選擇一名玩家成為「魔法師」,將另一組仙子圖板及「正確」、 「錯誤」圖板交給他。 遊戲進行 1.魔法師從自己的仙子圖板中選擇三張, 選擇一張魔法陣中的 ...


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2016-12-11T21:56
嗨,大家好,本人新手第一次發文,格式錯誤請見諒 最近聖誕節要到了,姊妹們要交換禮物,請大家推薦一下500元左右的桌遊 需求:偏好策略型遊戲.動腦心機.嘴砲搞笑.青少年成人適合玩的.人數三人以上 選項:1.矮人礦坑 2.風聲 3.阿瓦隆 4.炸彈競技場 5. ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2016-12-11T19:10
大家好~ 因為朋友有在研發自製桌遊,但因為怎麼測試都是身邊的朋友。 當初研發以及生產成功的原創者,是如何推廣的? 想請教一下推廣經驗。因為目前是草創初版。 身邊的朋友已經幫忙玩超過50盤了。 想要找不同遊戲群的幫忙測試。 目前想到桌遊店...請教還有其他方法嗎? 謝謝~~ 另外...想到一個比較邪惡 ...