BSNES作者釋出bZSNES v1.51\ - 模擬器

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2011-04-01T00:41

Table of Contents

Today I am releasing my newest emulation project: a ZSNES emulator, named

You can see the full feature list, some screenshots, and download the first
release on the project page below!



bZSNES emulates almost all of the major features of ZSNES:
VRAM can be written at any time, even while screen is rendering
OAM and CGRAM can also be written at any time
DSP echo buffer writes do not interfere with APURAM
DRAM does not need to be periodically refreshed
H/DMA synchronization does not steal CPU time
auto joypad polling results can be read immediately
CPU multiplication and division register results can be read immediately
mid-scanline writes to PPU registers do not interfere with video output
PPU background and sprite layers can be individually toggled on and off
DSP voice channels can be individually toggled on and off
CPU speed can be adjusted from its official frequency
... and more!

bZSNES is sure to be highly compatible with software made for ZSNES, such as:
BS Zelda [English translation]
Bahamut Lagoon [English translation]
Sailor Moon: Another Story [English translation]
Super Mario World [Addmusic hacks]
... and much more!

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All Comments

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2011-04-02T09:37
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2011-04-05T08:22
本體bsnes,衣服zsnes 不過SYNC Video(vsync) 打開比bsnes順

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Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2011-03-31T22:21;t=9 New Inofficial Version released *NONGUI* (both 32andamp;64-Bit) . v0.141u4-NONGUI ...

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By Christine
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Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2011-03-31T18:15
我用PS模擬器(expse)玩吞食天地2,一切都正常唯獨音樂一直沒有出來(但是有音效, 撿寶物,打人都有聲音出來),試過其他遊戲都很OK,上網有看到別人說檔案要選擇 幾百MB的檔案下載才有音樂(之前有下載幾十MB的檔案),但結果還是不行, 爬文也沒發現有人在討論這件事,想請問有人跟我有過相同的問題嗎? ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2011-03-31T17:12
看到露天有人賣一個奇怪的東西 改造過的MD AV線。 本來只有一條聲音輸出 改成兩條聲音輸出 說這樣可以電視兩邊喇叭雙聲道輸出 可是我記得MD只有單聲到不是硬體的設計問題嗎? 這樣改有意義嗎? 效果如何? - ...