bsnes v083 released - 模擬器

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2011-10-14T12:15

Table of Contents

This release adds preliminary Nintendo / Famicom emulation. It's only a week
or two old, so a lot of work still needs to be done before it can compete
with the most popular NES emulators.

It's important to clarify: bsnes is primarily an SNES emulator. That will
always be its forte and my core focus. I have added Game Boy support
previously for Super Game Boy emulation, and I've added NES support mostly
for something fun to work on to break up the monotony of working on one
system for seven years now. Obviously, I'd like the emulation to be accurate
and highly compatible, but I simply cannot afford to invest the same amount
of time and money into any other systems.

Still, either way the NES and GB emulation serve as fun side-diversions, and
allow for a unified emulator interface with all of bsnes' unique features
applied to all systems. My personal favorite feature is mightymo's extended
built-in cheat code database that now also includes NES and Game Boy codes.
And it even works in Super Game Boy mode now, too!

I'm also not worried about speed at all: so long as NES/GB are faster than
SNES/compatibility, it's fine by me. Note that due to the NES audio running
at 1.78MHz, and Game Boy audio at 4MHz stereo, a more sophisticated audio
resampler was needed: Ryphecha (Mednafen author) has graciously written a
first-rate resampler: it is a band-limited Kaiser-windowed polyphase sinc
resampler. It is combined with two highpass filters to remove DC bias. The
filter itself is SSE optimized, but even still, approximately 50% of CPU
usage for NES/GB emulation goes to the audio filtering alone. However, you
now have the best sound possible for NES and Game Boy emulation as a result.

The GUI has also been heavily re-structured to accommodate multiple emulators
from the same interface. As such, it's quite likely a few bugs are still
lurking here and there. Please report them and I'll iron them out for the
next release.

-license is now GPLv3
-re-structured GUI as a multi-system emulator
-added NES emulation [byuu, Ryphecha]
-added NES ICs: MMC1, MMC2, MMC3, MMC4, MMC5, VRC4, VRC6+audio, VRC7,
Sunsoft-5B+audio, Bandai-LZ93D50
-Game Boy emulation improvements [Jonas Quinn]
-SNES core outputs full 19-bit color (4-bit luma included) for more accurate
color reproduction (~5% speed hit)
-audio resampler is now a band-limited polyphase resampler [Ryphecha]
-cheat database includes NES+GB codes as well [mightymo, tukuyomi]
-lots of other changes

※ 發信站 :批踢踢實業坊(
◆ From:
remina:NES即使關掉synchronize video(VSYNC)單核一樣吃滿XD 10/14 13:14
oginome:實在很好奇這個模擬器為什麼要花那麼多的資源呀~ 10/14 13:17
oginome:模擬一個時脈賣不到4 MHz的主機,居然把一個單核3GHz榨乾 10/14 13:18
oginome:模擬器果然是高深莫測.... 10/14 13:18
c19:精確模擬所要付出的代價 10/14 16:48
Bellkna:單純要玩 還是用別的就好了 這個是追求完全正確模擬的 10/14 20:33
osanaosana:有人可以解釋一下完全正確模擬的用途在哪裡嘛? 10/14 21:49
world9918:有些遊戲要用bsnes跑才能100%正確模擬 10/14 21:52
ceming:就玩來說 你玩的時候發出來的音效絕對跟你小時候玩的一樣 10/14 21:52
world9918:可以去官網看比較圖 10/14 21:52
world9918:不過如果自己沒有很挑或者沒有影響遊玩的話就沒必要了 10/14 21:53
osanaosana:感謝解答... 10/15 00:16
kenintw: 不過是英文的.... 10/15 00:19
NSRC:要聲音好聽,用 SNESGT 10/16 01:47
sneak: // 08/18 18:43

All Comments

William avatar
By William
at 2011-10-22T01:50
NES即使關掉synchronize video(VSYNC)單核一樣吃滿XD
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2011-10-24T01:14
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2011-10-27T10:55
模擬一個時脈賣不到4 MHz的主機,居然把一個單核3GHz榨乾
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2011-10-28T07:44
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2011-10-31T03:02
單純要玩 還是用別的就好了 這個是追求完全正確模擬的
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2011-10-31T15:28
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2011-11-04T05:17
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2011-11-06T05:32
就玩來說 你玩的時候發出來的音效絕對跟你小時候玩的一樣
Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2011-11-09T16:12
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2011-11-10T22:00
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2011-11-14T10:46 不過是英文的....
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2011-11-18T09:03
要聲音好聽,用 SNESGT
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2011-11-19T01:07


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2011-10-13T16:20
有時去玩街機時 會玩1款遊戲 但我不知道名稱 最後魔王好像叫 INO 會放個像符號的東西 沒閃過1堆球打下來幾乎救GG了 很多人物滿有趣的 溜溜球女孩 端餐盤女孩 還有個天使+惡魔合體的女 髮女 面具男 吸血鬼 惡魔 等等 但我不知道叫啥 很多技能我不會放又沒辦法查 請問有人知道嗎 感謝 - ...

[問卦] 有快打旋風中期時候的八卦嗎??

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2011-10-13T01:08
※ 引述《conpo (びんぼうがみ)》之銘言: : : 推 MaiLu:retsu跟eagle是否也沒出現過? 10/12 12:32 : 我整理一下好了。 : 日本:烈(レツ) :    激(ゲキ) :    兩個人都沒有再登場過。比較特別的是,烈 ...


Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2011-10-12T21:09
※ 引述《yellowmus (Linos)》之銘言: : 記得小時候曾在一間修理汽車的工廠裡 : 玩過大型電玩的西遊戲遊戲 : 主角只有孫悟空 : 攻擊武器是金箍棒 : 可以吃水果加分數或補體力 : 橫捲過關遊戲 : 並不是西遊降魔錄 : 之後那間店倒了 : 從此再也沒見過那款游戲 : 想請教有玩過的網友 ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2011-10-12T20:55
看到前幾篇某大問的不知名遊戲son son 2 忽然有種相似的感覺 也是大型主機的 大概快二十年前了 跟son son 2一樣橫向卷軸過關 遊戲角色是劍士 冒險的路上也會有商店 也有特殊攻擊 所以剛看到son son2的時候還以為就是那遊戲 不過有幾個不一樣的地方 才覺得應該不是son son2 遊戲應該可 ...

[問卦] 有快打旋風中期時候的八卦嗎??

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2011-10-12T13:07
: 推 MaiLu:retsu跟eagle是否也沒出現過? 10/12 12:32 我整理一下好了。 日本:烈(レツ)    激(ゲキ)    兩個人都沒有再登場過。比較特別的是,烈跟剛拳有設定人物關係    (對手與舊識),所以後來的遊戲或漫 ...