bsnes v080 - 模擬器

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2011-06-26T21:15

Table of Contents

This release adds low-level emulation of the Hitachi HG51B169 DSP, which was
used in Mega Man X2 and Mega Man X3 as the Cx4 chip. It also fixes a
regression in both the sound core and cheat engine.

You will now need the HG51B169 data ROM to play MMX2/MMX3. You can get that
here. I will not be including it with bsnes.

Once again, Cx4 LLE could not have been possible without the help of Dr.
Decapitator, Jonas Quinn, Overload and Segher. Be sure to thank them, please!

- added Cx4 low-level emulation; removed Cx4 high-level emulation code
- fixed S-SMP synchronization to S-CPU on CPUIO writes
- controllers now have their own threads and classes
- serial controller is now emulated as an actual controller, rather than as a
- added link coprocessor module for special chip research and homebrew
- fixed cheat codes that target mask ROM addresses [Cydrak]
- fixed compilation error with the latest GCC 4.6.0 beta releases
- added flexibility to XML memory mapping file format
- updated to mightymo's latest cheat pack (2011-06-20)


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