bsnes v078 released - 模擬器

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2011-04-30T23:57

Table of Contents

Finally, a new release. I have been very busy finishing up SNES box,
cartridge and PCB scanning plus cataloguing the data, however this release
still has some significant improvements.

Most notably would be randomization on startup. This will help match the
behavior of real hardware and uninitialized memory + registers. It should
help catch homebrew software that forgets to initialize things properly. Of
course, I was not able to test the complete library, so it is possible that
if I've randomized anything that should be constant, that this could cause a
regression. You can disable this randomization for netplay or to work around
any incompatibilities by editing bsnes.cfg and setting snes.random to false.

The GUI also received some updates. Widget sizes are now computed based on
font sizes, giving it a perfectly native look (because it is native.) I've
also added a hotkey remapping screen to the input settings. Not only can you
remap inputs to controllers now, but those who did not know the hotkey
bindings can now quickly see which ones exist and what they are mapped to.

Please enjoy.

- memory and most registers are now randomly initialized on power-up
- fixed auto joypad polling issue in Super Star Wars
- fixed .nec and .rtc file extensions (they were missing the dot) [krom]
- PPU/accuracy now clears overscan region on any frame when it is disabled
- PPU/compatibility no longer auto-blends hires pixels (use NTSC filter for
- added hotkey remapping dialog to input settings window
- added a few new hotkeys, including quick-reset
- phoenix API now auto-sizes widgets based on font sizes
- file dialog once again remembers previously selected file when possible
- updated mightymo's cheat code database to April 19th release


All Comments

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2011-05-02T13:24
有點破音的感覺 不知道是不是我的錯覺 077 不會

請問mame 0.67玩kof的問題

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2011-04-30T21:13
最近GGPO都連不上 想要重操舊業一下 不過之前換電腦之後模擬器不見了 但我rom都還在 大c/1-6/Bootleg 可是下載了mame32k 0.67後 只抓得到98 都抓不到2002 請問是什麼問題呢? - ...


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2011-04-30T19:05
我用pcsx2-r2586玩FF10,原本一切都很順暢。 自從要重灌電腦,把模擬器和遊戲ISO檔案先燒到光碟再灌回硬碟後, 重新設定Pcsx2,都選用預設值設定,然後可以進入遊戲了,但卻發現 之前存檔的文件都讀不到,然後遊戲要進行可以,只是一旦使用即時 ...

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winkawaks模擬 畫面黑線

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2011-04-30T11:21
最近興致來到,想要回味一下過去的電玩,選用了 winkawaks 這一套模擬器 不過卻發現畫面 很均衡的暗了 不知道是哪邊設定有問題,希望可以解答,感謝 CPU:P6100 VGA:HD 5650 一般 winkawaks 啟動畫面 啟動遊戲之後,畫面很均 ...