bsnes v064 released - 模擬器

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2010-04-14T19:54

Table of Contents

A thank you to everyone who helped test the RC to ensure stability. I've
uploaded the official v064 release to Google Code.

The most important change in this release is the cycle-based PPU renderer;
but due to performance reasons the scanline-based renderer remains the
default in the Windows binary. If you want to try out the cycle-based
renderer, you will need to compile from source for now.

Another major change is the introduction of libsnes, which allows one to
build bsnes as a shared library that can be used from other programming
languages. It is intended both to create a regression testing framework, and
to provide API stability for the various projects that use the bsnes core.
While I can't guarantee the API to libsnes won't change, I will properly
revision it and do everything I can to avoid changing it if possible.


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