bsnes v063.10 Technical Preview released - 模擬器

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2010-04-07T20:39

Table of Contents

With this release, the final last-generation holdout, the scanline-based PPU
renderer, has been replaced with a true, accurate, cycle-level PPU that
renders one dot at a time. Finally, this fulfills the greatest milestone
remaining in the SNES emulation scene. With every processor emulated at the
lowest possible level, SNES emulation finally rivals the accuracy levels that
NES emulators have offered for years.

Now, please do understand that this release is not a beta, nor is it even an
alpha. It is simply a preview of things to come, and as such you can consider
it a pre-alpha. There are many caveats at this time.

First, it is very slow. More than twice as slow as v063 official. There have
been absolutely no optimizations whatsoever to the new dot-based renderer. I
do expect to be able to speed this up significantly in future releases.

Second, this may lock up on Windows Vista and later for unknown reasons. I
haven't had a chance to look into it; so stick with Windows XP or Linux for

Third, save states are not supported yet. If you try and use them anyway, bad
things will happen.

Fourth, and most importantly, this isn't 100% bit-perfect by any stretch of
the imagination. Off the top of my head, memory is accessed far too often,
the OAM and CGRAM address lines are not controlled by the S-PPU during active
display, none of the various glitches are supported, and the OAM renderer
does not pre-cache the next scanline's sprites, it happens on the same line
for now.

I will obviously be doing my best to improve the accuracy of the
aforementioned things. But even with those missing, this is still leaps and
bounds above a pure scanline-based renderer. It essentially provides 682
times the parallelism. It is enough to finally properly emulate the shadow
effect in Air Strike Patrol, and it finally eliminates the "PPU Hclock render
position" hack once and for all.

Lastly, you'll need the DLLs from v063 official. I didn't bother to include
them this time.



All Comments

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2010-04-10T03:14


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2010-04-07T18:07
我用的模擬器是No$gba2.6a和NO$Zoomer2.3.0.2 遊戲可以順利開啟 開頭畫面結束後進入讀檔畫面 因為是第一次玩三個存檔都是空的 按下A鍵選取後後畫面就停住了 音樂還是繼續播放 但是按任何鍵都沒有反應 ROM有重新下載過還是一樣 請問這是什麼問題阿?? - ...

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