bsnes v060 released - 模擬器

By Joseph
at 2010-02-08T23:45
at 2010-02-08T23:45
Table of Contents
This is a long-term stable release. A full changelog will be available at the
forum link below later in the day. Also, please note that I have merged all
of the various distributions into two packages. The Windows binary package
now contains both the profile-optimized (fast) build, and the debugger build.
The source code package now contains sources for bsnes, snesreader,
snesfilter and supergameboy.
This is a long-term stable release. A full changelog will be available at the
forum link below later in the day. Also, please note that I have merged all
of the various distributions into two packages. The Windows binary package
now contains both the profile-optimized (fast) build, and the debugger build.
The source code package now contains sources for bsnes, snesreader,
snesfilter and supergameboy.
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