bsnes v0.037 released - 模擬器

David avatar
By David
at 2008-10-26T21:28

Table of Contents

This release adds support for the SNES mouse, Super Scope and Justifier
peripherals. It also simplifies cartridge loading and refines the user
interface. Lastly, GZ and ZIP archives can now contain non-ANSI characters
(Chinese, Japanese, Russian, ...) This support existed in the last release
for all uncompressed files. Together, this means only JMA support on Windows
lacks support for loading non-ANSI filenames. This is due to the library
itself (really, it′s more Windows′ fault), and licensing issues prevent me
from patching libjma as I did with zlib (bsnes is not GPL compatible.) I′m
planning to work with Nach to fix this in a future release.

About the cartridge loading changes ... the emulator now determines what kind
of cartridge is being loaded (eg normal, BS-X BIOS, Sufami Turbo cart, etc)
by looking inside the file itself. If it detects a cart type that requires
more than one ROM image to load, it will present you with the appropriate
specialized load menu automatically. Aside from being more intuitive, this
method also allows loading of BS-X and Sufami Turbo games from the
command-line or via file association.


-added mouse support to DirectInput and SDL input drivers

-up to 96 buttons per controller; 8 buttons per mouse (5 per mouse on Linux)
can be mapped now

-added SNES mouse support (does not support speed setting yet)

-added Super Scope support

-added Justifier support (supports both Justifiers)

-input management system almost completely rewritten to support new

-"Load Special" menu removed, all cart loading merged to "Load Cartridge ..."

-replaced "Power Cycle" and "Unload Cartridge" with "Power" -> "On" / "Off"

-when video exceeds screen size and is scaled down, aspect ratio is now
maintained [Ver Greeneyes]

-zlib modified to support non-ANSI characters

-cheat code count was limited to 1,024 codes before; it now supports unlimited
codes per game

-added sort by description setting for cheat code list

-polished listbox control interaction (disable buttons when nothing selected,

-cleaned up OBC-1 chip emulation (code is functionally identical to v036)

-added option to toggle fullscreen mode to settings menu

-added advanced mode options to toggle base unit (none, Satellaview) and
system region (Auto-detect, NTSC, PAL)


All Comments


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2008-10-26T21:14
看到這篇文章 突然想起小時候的記憶 -------------------------以下是不負責任言論區------------------------------ 我小時候很愛打rpg類的遊戲 尤其最愛練等級 當然這一款也不例外 我記得在我玩這遊戲在落鳳坡練級時 突然等級暴衝,什麼意思呢 就像是你玩 ...


Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2008-10-26T18:00
※ 引述《godjohn (長傳.太刀)》之銘言: : 遊戲平台:任天堂紅白 : 內容陳述: : 想回味的有兩款,不過遊戲名稱實在是不知道 : 1.操控一個人然後一直往前跑,移動的方向跟雷電一樣是往螢幕上方 : 一直跑,關卡就是會有一些泡泡等等的,碰到泡泡就會死掉,所以 : 丘家要左右移動閃躲泡泡,或 ...

時空幻境3 TOE 的元精靈在哪?

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2008-10-26T15:30
※ 引述《Elferria (鏡音レン~大好きandgt;\\\andlt;bb)》之銘言: : 餓死抬頭 : 已經玩到第二片尾聲了 : 不過卻一直沒查到元精靈的所在 在光橋那邊的神殿 你摸一摸就知道了 先不雷你XD 不過好像要CD3才行? : 闇精靈也到手了 : 就差去魔女城拿時精靈 : 對了, 光精靈呢? ...

時空幻境3 TOE 的元精靈在哪?

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2008-10-26T12:42
餓死抬頭 已經玩到第二片尾聲了 不過卻一直沒查到元精靈的所在 闇精靈也到手了 就差去魔女城拿時精靈 對了, 光精靈呢? 光精靈不是元精靈吧atat? 光精靈也可以抓到嗎? ...搞的好像神奇寶貝XDDD - ...


John avatar
By John
at 2008-10-26T11:19
◎.求檔前請先參閱板規,並請依照格式撰寫(本文可用 Ctrl+y 消去) ______________________________________________________________________________ 遊戲平台:任天堂紅白 內容陳述: 想回味的有兩款,不過遊戲名稱實在是不知 ...