bsnes v0.031 - 模擬器

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2008-04-14T10:09

Table of Contents


New release posted. Perhaps the most important change was fixing a
bug in the Windows port when the keyboard was used for input. For
some reason, the IsDialogMessage() function I use for tab key
support was causing the main window to emit the Windows error beep
every time a key was pressed after a few minutes of use. I do not
know why this is, so I have simply disabled the tab key support to
prevent this from happening.

Other than that, lots of polishing went into this release. UPS
soft-patching will work with the recently released Der Langrisser
v1.02 translation ( ), for those
curious. You can also store the UPS patches in GZ/ZIP/JMA support,
and bsnes will detect this and decompress the patches first. Use
the same ".ups" file extension for this, as it detects via file

If you wish to try out the newly added OpenGL support: start bsnes,
go to Settings->Configuration->Advanced and set to "wgl"
(or "glx" for Linux users), and then restart the emulator. Please
bear in mind that ATI's OpenGL drivers are an industry-wide joke, so
I'd only recommend trying this on an nVidia or Intel video card.


‧ Fixed bug and re-enabled HDMA bus sync delays
‧ Emulated newly discovered IRQ timing edge case
‧ Optimized offset-per-tile rendering
‧ Added state-machine implementation of S-DSP core, ~5% speedup
‧ Added SPC7110 detection, will now warn that this chip is unsupported
‧ Fixed very annoying Windows port OS beeping noise when using
keyboard for input
‧ Linux port will now save most recent folder when no default
ROM path is selected
‧ Added OpenGL rendering support to Windows port [krom]
‧ Fixed Direct3D pixel mode scaling bug [krom, sinamas, VG]
‧ Improved SNES controller graphic [FitzRoy]
‧ Added UPS (not IPS) soft-patching support; UPS patch must be
made against unheadered ROM
‧ As always, cleaned up source code a bit



李 居 明 鄭 百 勝 羅 國 璋 曾 智 偵 黃 平 洋 黃 裕 登
廖 敏 雄 王 光 輝 張 耀 騰 洪 一 中 陳 義 信 涂 鴻 欽
黃 煚 隆 黃 忠 義 呂 明 賜 林 朝 煌 陽 介 仁
孫 昭 立 王 光 熙 謝 長 亨 陳 憲 章
林 仲 秋 郭 建 霖 郭 進 興 郭 建 成


All Comments


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2008-04-13T15:15
OP非常精采!!! 可是OP跑完後選單就完全不能動了.. 囧 可以直接跳掉動畫但是進入開頭選單一樣不能動 只看看到一個NEW在那邊....可是完全碰不了它OTZ 是ROM的問題嗎? 因為我用NO$GBA2.6X執行FF3沒有問題的阿 - ...

Ootake v1.44

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2008-04-13T13:40 2008/04/12 1.44公開 ◇垂直表示開始位置を決定する処理を実機に近づけました。and#34;ストライダー飛竜and#34;で画面 上端のハイスコア表示が欠けていた問題が解消しました。 ◇and#34;Screen-andgt;Overscan ...


Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2008-04-13T11:26
※ 引述《jackals60 (Are you red enough!)》之銘言: : 原來最大值是63,難怪我把每項都修改成255卻還是很弱(汗) : 看過一篇文章有教人如何在密碼表輸入密碼,使全部屬性、金錢、體力變成全滿, : 密碼是 : ららららら : らららふああち : わはれいあ : 打下去後能力全 ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2008-04-13T11:06
一開始看還以為是超級三國志二勒 仔細一看才知是水滸傳天命之誓 不過我覺得徽宗部份可以換成鄭先生飾演完顏阿骨打 這樣會更有趣一點喲.. - ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2008-04-13T10:36
※ 引述《jackals60 (Are you red enough!)》之銘言: : 在按暫停之後選第四個選項可以看人物的能力,但是...... : 我看不懂那些日文是什麼意思orz : 想請問一下各位那些項目由上至下各代表什麼意思?又影響到遊戲中的那些能力? : 以前不知在那看過,好像有體力、氣力、力量、 ...