Blizzard控告Valve使用'Dota作為遊戲商標 - Steam

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2012-02-11T13:49

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作者: GundamXX (同天內只射一次) 看板: Gossiping
標題: [新聞] Blizzard控告Valve使用'Dota作為遊戲商標
時間: Sat Feb 11 13:16:45 2012

不趕快出D3 0.0
還在吵這種玩家弄的W3 mode名稱 XD

Blizzard has filed a Notice of Opposition with the US Patent and Trademark
Office in a bid to block Valve's registration of the Dota trademark.

Valve sought to make the Dota trademark its own last year in anticipation of
releasing its online game Dota 2.

Yet the Dota name had been used for years in various fan-made modifications
of Blizzard games.

Executives at the World of Warcraft company have previously made public their
complaints about Valve’s trademark attempt, but in November it pressed ahead
with a lawsuit.

"The Dota mark has become firmly associated in the mind of consumers with
Blizzard, including to signify a highly popular scenario or variant of one of
Blizzard's best-selling computer games, Warcraft III," the company said.

Valve has opposed the complaint and wishes to have its trademark enacted.


Blizzard Sues Valve Over 'DOTA' Name
The courts will soon decide who owns the rights to the name DOTA.
By Erik Norris February 10, 2012

Blizzard is in the process of suing Valve over the trademarking of the name “
DOTA." As many of you probably know, Valve is currently developing a
fully-fledged sequel to the original WarCraft III mod -- a mod they didn't
originally create, mind you -- and is attempting to officially claim the name
for themselves through the US Patent and Trademark offices, much to the
dissatisfaction of Blizzard, who sees the term DOTA as theirs by extension.
The matter will now be settled in court, where Blizzard and Valve will each
make the case for why they deserve to be the trademark holder of the name

As Blizzard sees it, while they didn't create the free Defense of the
Ancients mod for WarCraft III, it has become synonymous to a product they did
create. DOTA would not exist if it wasn't for the foundation Blizzard built
with WarCraft III. If the roles were reversed, it would be like Blizzard
seeing the success of the original Counter-Strike, a fan-made mod for Valve's
Half-Life, and developing a Counter-Strike 2 without the consent of Valve,
making money off a property that wasn't theirs to begin with.

In legal mumbo-jumbo, here's how Blizzard is expressing their frustration in
the matter:

"In contrast to Blizzard, Applicant Valve Corporation ("Valve") has never
used the mark DOTA in connection with any product or service that currently
is available to the public. By attempting to register the mark DOTA, Valve
seeks to appropriate the more than seven years of goodwill that Blizzard has
developed in the mark DOTA and in its Warcraft III computer game and take for
itself a name that has come to signify the product of years of time and
energy expended by Blizzard and by fans of Warcraft III. Valve has no right
to the registration it seeks. If such registration is issued, it not only
will damage Blizzard, but also the legions of Blizzard fans that have worked
for years with Blizzard and its products, including by causing consumers to
falsely believe that Valve's products are affiliated, sponsored or endorsed
by Blizzard and are related or connected to Warcraft III."

Stepping outside my personal opinions on both development companies, I think
Blizzard has a strong case, unless I'm completely missing something in the
fine print of this lawsuit. The original DOTA was a free mod for WarCraft III
and now Valve is developing a sequel to pass the IP off as their own. That
seems fishy.

Either way, the courts will soon decide who gets the rights to the name. The
last shot fired was in November of last year when Blizzard followed up their
original filing, stating they "respectfully request that this Opposition be

Warcraft boss brands trademark attempt ‘a strange move’
America’s highly factionalised games development industry has drawn further
lines of division with two of its biggest studios disputing the proposed
trademark of a common game term.
Blizzard Entertainment, Activision’s global-leading money-generator of World
Of Warcraft fame, has publicly criticised Valve for its bid to trademark the
DOTA name in its upcoming title, DOTA 2.
What is now a disagreement could quickly plunge into a legal dispute, with
both Valve and Blizzard planning to release games with the DOTA name while
Valve looks to trademark the name for itself.
Rob Pardo, the executive VP game design at Blizzard Entertainment, told
Eurogamer that Valve's attempt to trademark DOTA "doesn't seem the right
thing to do".
DOTA is common description of a popular online gametype, though also the
abbreviation of an existing game, Defence of the Ancients.
Article continues below

Defence of the Ancients broke onto the scene as a mod to Blizzard’s Warcraft
III. Valve hired a number of that mod team – in keeping with its community
focused roots – and is in the process of developing DOTA 2 with its Source
Earlier in the year, Valve filed a trademark registration for DOTA.
Pardo criticised the move: "To us, that means that you're really taking
[DOTA] away from the Blizzard and Warcraft III community and that just
doesn't seem the right thing to do.”
Blizzard, he believes, retains the right to use the name in its free
StarCraft II mod, Blizzard DOTA, which was announced over the weekend at
"Valve is usually so pro mod community. It's such a community company that it
just seems like a really strange move to us... I really don't understand why
[they would do it], to be honest," Pardo added.


曾經微風無限好,客星名字也愁人。 ψI'm α & Ω GundamXX

Tags: Steam

All Comments

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2012-02-14T13:21
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2012-02-16T22:07
不敢快出D3 只弄這種小把戲 有失大器...
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2012-02-19T01:10
還好吧 找事情給公司法務做啊
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2012-02-19T09:24
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2012-02-21T06:34
不同部門的人硬要搞在一起講 關D3什麼事啊-_-
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2012-02-22T15:11
專心做D3好嗎 D3出了誰玩DOTA
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2012-02-26T12:51
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2012-02-28T04:14
我敢保證Blizzard dota絕對打不過LOL
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2012-02-29T03:50
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2012-03-02T05:47
玻璃渣還是趕快出D3讓大家安息 別再搞小動作了
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2012-03-05T18:56
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2012-03-08T23:49
valve也告bz SC2的L2D自訂地圖和logo抄襲L4D好了
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2012-03-11T08:40
玻璃渣連Dota也想稱王XDD 快出D3就好了啦 別爭了
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2012-03-15T10:23
我不懂扯d3幹嘛 難道你爸讓你多了個小媽 要怪你媽?

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