Batman: Arkham Knight重新上架時間確定 - Steam

By Olga
at 2015-10-29T01:18
at 2015-10-29T01:18
Table of Contents
正在下載中 檔案預估有34.2GB
PC Update, October 28th
10 月 29 日 - YORICK
Greetings Batman: Arkham Fans!
The PC version of Batman: Arkham Knight is back up and available today! We
are genuinely thankful to the Batman: Arkham fans, the Steam Batman: Arkham
Community, and the PC Players who have patiently waited for this day. As a
show of our appreciation to our fans in this process, we are pleased to
announce three community focused programs to help us commemorate the
re-launch of the game.
To kick things off, we will be giving away FREE digital copies of games from
the Batman: Arkham library. This means we will be giving away copies of
Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY, Batman: Arkham City GOTY, Batman: Arkham Origins,
and Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate. The Batman: Arkham library of games
will be given to everyone who has already purchased or will purchase Batman:
Arkham Knight for PC prior to 11:59 pm PDT, November 16, 2015. We’re
actively working with our partners at Valve to make this happen as soon as we
can, so watch your Steam Library. We are aiming to deliver all of the games
by December.
Seeing as our community was a great help in getting the game up and running,
Rocksteady will be creating a new "Community Challenge Pack” that will be
given free to owners of the Batman: Arkham Knight game in January 2016. As
thanks to the Steam Community, PC players will have access to the maps for a
week before they hit the consoles. Stay tuned for more details on this in
the Batman: Arkham Community and Social Channels.
Finally, we are thrilled to announce that we are working with Valve and the
Team Fortress 2 team for a special cross-game promotion. Through November
16, 2015, Valve will be running a contest for the Steam community to mcreate
Batman: Arkham themed cosmetic items for Team Fortress 2. The winning items
will be given out to those who purchased Batman: Arkham Knight on Steam
before the end of the contest. You can check out the official TF2
blog[] for all the contest details!
To recap, if you own Batman: Arkham Knight for PC or purchase it before
November 16, 2015, you will get:
Free digital copies of games from the Batman: Arkham library.
The "Community Challenge Pack” DLC.
The Batman: Arkham inspired Team Fortress 2 items created by the Batman:
Arkham community.
Thanks again for your feedback and support.
- Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
重點翻譯: 給PC玩家的補償
(沒說清楚細節 例如是一個帳號每款各一份嗎?收藏庫已有又怎麼辦?)
2.一個PC平台先上的DLC地圖包 比家機早一週
感覺沒啥誠意 030
正在下載中 檔案預估有34.2GB
PC Update, October 28th
10 月 29 日 - YORICK
Greetings Batman: Arkham Fans!
The PC version of Batman: Arkham Knight is back up and available today! We
are genuinely thankful to the Batman: Arkham fans, the Steam Batman: Arkham
Community, and the PC Players who have patiently waited for this day. As a
show of our appreciation to our fans in this process, we are pleased to
announce three community focused programs to help us commemorate the
re-launch of the game.
To kick things off, we will be giving away FREE digital copies of games from
the Batman: Arkham library. This means we will be giving away copies of
Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY, Batman: Arkham City GOTY, Batman: Arkham Origins,
and Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate. The Batman: Arkham library of games
will be given to everyone who has already purchased or will purchase Batman:
Arkham Knight for PC prior to 11:59 pm PDT, November 16, 2015. We’re
actively working with our partners at Valve to make this happen as soon as we
can, so watch your Steam Library. We are aiming to deliver all of the games
by December.
Seeing as our community was a great help in getting the game up and running,
Rocksteady will be creating a new "Community Challenge Pack” that will be
given free to owners of the Batman: Arkham Knight game in January 2016. As
thanks to the Steam Community, PC players will have access to the maps for a
week before they hit the consoles. Stay tuned for more details on this in
the Batman: Arkham Community and Social Channels.
Finally, we are thrilled to announce that we are working with Valve and the
Team Fortress 2 team for a special cross-game promotion. Through November
16, 2015, Valve will be running a contest for the Steam community to mcreate
Batman: Arkham themed cosmetic items for Team Fortress 2. The winning items
will be given out to those who purchased Batman: Arkham Knight on Steam
before the end of the contest. You can check out the official TF2
blog[] for all the contest details!
To recap, if you own Batman: Arkham Knight for PC or purchase it before
November 16, 2015, you will get:
Free digital copies of games from the Batman: Arkham library.
The "Community Challenge Pack” DLC.
The Batman: Arkham inspired Team Fortress 2 items created by the Batman:
Arkham community.
Thanks again for your feedback and support.
- Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
重點翻譯: 給PC玩家的補償
(沒說清楚細節 例如是一個帳號每款各一份嗎?收藏庫已有又怎麼辦?)
2.一個PC平台先上的DLC地圖包 比家機早一週
感覺沒啥誠意 030
All Comments

By Quintina
at 2015-10-29T06:25
at 2015-10-29T06:25

By Thomas
at 2015-11-01T02:26
at 2015-11-01T02:26

By Franklin
at 2015-11-04T04:06
at 2015-11-04T04:06

By Thomas
at 2015-11-08T17:28
at 2015-11-08T17:28

By Ina
at 2015-11-13T11:20
at 2015-11-13T11:20

By Jacky
at 2015-11-15T17:27
at 2015-11-15T17:27

By Enid
at 2015-11-20T16:16
at 2015-11-20T16:16

By Thomas
at 2015-11-24T03:36
at 2015-11-24T03:36

By Connor
at 2015-11-28T12:51
at 2015-11-28T12:51

By Annie
at 2015-11-29T00:11
at 2015-11-29T00:11

By George
at 2015-12-01T03:07
at 2015-12-01T03:07

By Vanessa
at 2015-12-05T17:51
at 2015-12-05T17:51

By Joe
at 2015-12-06T06:11
at 2015-12-06T06:11

By Xanthe
at 2015-12-07T08:36
at 2015-12-07T08:36

By Hedwig
at 2015-12-12T03:10
at 2015-12-12T03:10

By Oscar
at 2015-12-16T23:06
at 2015-12-16T23:06

By David
at 2015-12-21T13:10
at 2015-12-21T13:10

By Enid
at 2015-12-22T03:58
at 2015-12-22T03:58

By Hardy
at 2015-12-25T09:07
at 2015-12-25T09:07

By Hamiltion
at 2015-12-25T15:03
at 2015-12-25T15:03

By Damian
at 2015-12-26T01:04
at 2015-12-26T01:04

By Hazel
at 2015-12-30T01:22
at 2015-12-30T01:22

By Connor
at 2015-12-31T19:11
at 2015-12-31T19:11

By Victoria
at 2016-01-01T10:35
at 2016-01-01T10:35

By Isabella
at 2016-01-06T05:30
at 2016-01-06T05:30

By Candice
at 2016-01-08T00:30
at 2016-01-08T00:30

By Dorothy
at 2016-01-11T17:06
at 2016-01-11T17:06

By Gary
at 2016-01-15T15:45
at 2016-01-15T15:45

By Frederica
at 2016-01-15T18:09
at 2016-01-15T18:09

By Robert
at 2016-01-16T21:24
at 2016-01-16T21:24

By Tracy
at 2016-01-18T04:01
at 2016-01-18T04:01

By Adele
at 2016-01-18T17:08
at 2016-01-18T17:08

By Andy
at 2016-01-20T15:59
at 2016-01-20T15:59

By Sandy
at 2016-01-21T13:42
at 2016-01-21T13:42

By Caitlin
at 2016-01-22T13:18
at 2016-01-22T13:18

By Rae
at 2016-01-23T15:39
at 2016-01-23T15:39

By Kama
at 2016-01-26T17:57
at 2016-01-26T17:57

By Dora
at 2016-01-31T07:51
at 2016-01-31T07:51

By Susan
at 2016-02-04T01:49
at 2016-02-04T01:49

By Linda
at 2016-02-08T23:21
at 2016-02-08T23:21

By Cara
at 2016-02-09T11:14
at 2016-02-09T11:14

By Frederica
at 2016-02-11T01:44
at 2016-02-11T01:44
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