(Atari) Atari++ v1.60 - 模擬器

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2011-05-09T12:47

Table of Contents


Atari++ v1.60 is released. The Atari++ Emulator is a Unix based emulator
of the Atari eight bit computers, namely the Atari 400 and 800, the Atari
400XL, 800XL and 130XE, and the Atari 5200 game console. The emulator is
auto-configurable and will compile on a variety of systems (Linux,
Solaris, Irix).

Its emulation features are stunning:

- Cycle precise emulation; this includes correct emulation of horizontal
kernels and programs that modify chip registers within a horizontal
line. In a less technical language, software making use of advanced
displaying techniques will be emulated correctly.

Emulation of an advanced 1050 disk drive including single, double and
enhanced density. The emulator not only understands .atr and .xfd
files, but comes with a mini-boot loader that allows you to boot
from binary load files (.exe and .com).

Supports .gz compressed images, and .DCM disk images. No additional
tools required to load these disks.

Precise emulation of ANTIC and GTIA graphics, including undocumented
scrolling features, undocumented GTIA player/missile priorities and
collision detection, and some other less known GTIA features. Color
artifacting is also available.

Precise emulaton of POKEY sound, including "Software Speech", high-pass
filters and POKEY hardware timer interrupts. An emulation of the
console speaker is also included.

Precise emulation of the POKEY SIO (serial transfer) protocol,
including the Atari "sound effects" on disk loading and some lesser
known influences of serial transfer on the sound subsystem.

Pokey stereo hack ("Gumby") included in the emulation.

Emulates graphics output either thru X11, or the SDL library, including
a screen snapshot feature, saving images as PGM, BMP or PNG.

Sound output is either emulated by the Open Sound System (OSS), the
ALSA system, the SDL library, or by recording the sound samples into
a WAV file in CD quality.

Cylce-precise 6502 emulation, including "extra-instructions" that are
not documented in the 6502-manual, and also including all known
hardware-bugs of the 6502.

Printer emulation thru standard LPR printer user interface.

Flicker-Fixer option for games that toggle palettes fast for more

Emulation of color artifacts due to PAL color subsampling

Optional de-blocking filter for magnified output

Built-in Os emulation

Joystick, paddle and lightpen emulation by keyboard or mouse, or by
standard analogue PC joysticks. A special home-made interface allows
the connection of

Atari digital joysticks by an additional joystick driver. Hence,
you'll be able to play all your old games even with your digital

Includes emulation of the Pokey POT reading mechanism.

Saves and loads machine states to save games in the middle of the
game play, and allows to resume from that point later on.

Includes emulation of a variety of cartridge types, including 5200
games cartridges and Oss supercarts.

Effective emulation of 800XL/XE and cartridge bank-switching mechanisms.

Emulation of the Atari 850 Interface box by the serial port of the host
computer, including a full 850 driver "in ROM".

Interfaces to "Hias'" AtariSIO driver, allowing you to connect real
Atari hardware to the PC.

Includes a Dos 2.xx compatible interface to the filing system of the

Easy to use graphical user front-end for simple setup and configuration,
includes saving and loading of (human-readable) configuration files.
The user front-end also allows to setup details like the player/missile
collision setup to build "game-trainers" on demand.

Includes a built-in monitor allowing experts to debug Atari software
easily.And the best: It is free.

Atari++ v1.60 Changelog:

- Redesigned parts of the pokey emulation. The new version offers the
option to be cycle-precise, i.e. pokey interrupts (POTs and timers)
arrive now at the cycle. This improves the audio output for the
"Electronic Speach Systems of Berkeley" considerably. (Kennedy
Approach and others)

- Redesigned parts of the audio interfaces. The smarter audio output
count now clock cycles and generate output for exactly the number
of clocks passed. The output frequency still requires dynamic
adjustment since the CPU load of the host system is never precisely
in sync with the emulated clock.

- The control mechanism to bring the emulated clock and the system clock
in sync has been improved, it is now a PID type of control loop that
gets faster in sync than the previous versions.

- The improved audio output is available currently only for the ALSA
and DirectX audio output chains. Oss/OssHQ and SDL remain unaltered.
There is, however, little reason to fall back to the less precise
chains. Prefer ALSA on Linux and DirectX on Windows.

- The parser for the keypad stick emulation was still buggy (oh bummer!)
and was finally fixed. "Space" and " " can now both be used.

- The windows emulation of the readdir() primtives still had a bug and
could crash the emulator on accessing a network volume. Fixed.




All Comments

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