(Atari 800/800XL/130XE) Altirra v3.10 - 模擬器

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2018-08-22T10:36

Table of Contents


Altirra is an Atari 8 bit Emulator on the Windows/DOS platform. Altirra
emulates several models of the 8-bit Atari computers. This includes the the
800, 800XL, and 130XE versions. It has a lot of options, and compatibility is
decent especially given the emulator's early stages. It also supports some
copy protected games properly in emulation.

[features added]

- AltirraOS: Added 65C816 native mode capable version
- Audio: Added support for XAudio2 and WASAPI sound APIs
- Cartridge: Added support for .CAR types 60, 67-70 (Blizzard 32K, XEGS 64K
alternate, Atrax 128K raw ordered, aDawliah 32K/64K)
- Cartridge: Added show-all override to cartridge mapper dialog
- Debugger: Added FDCWTDATA logging channel to dump the raw track stream for
Write Track commands
- Debugger: Added several new verifier modes
- Debugger: .basic_rebuildvnt now has a -t option for TurboBasic XL support
- Debugger: Added extended memory bank tracking support to the history window
and breakpoint systems
- Debugger: Add custom symbol (ya) command can now add read-only and
write-only symbols
- Devices: Added loopback serial device
- Devices: UI now shows when a device is missing firmware
- Disk: Adjusted default sector interleave patterns to more accurately match
real disks
- Disk: Added options to UI disk dialog to reinterleave disk images and to
convert disk images to different filesystems
- Disk: Added option to revert a disk in virtual read/write mode back to last
saved contents
- Disk: Added full emulation for the I.S. Plate disk drive
- Disk Explorer: Added options to relax filename checking and automatically
rename conflicting filenames
- Display: Added option for color correction from NTSC/PAL colors to sRGB and
Adobe RGB color spaces
- Display: Added option for auto-switching between NTSC and PAL artifacting
- Firmware: 400/800 firmware ROM images can now use XL-like 16K layout for
$Cxxx extension firmware
- HLE: Program loader now has modes to allow the load to be triggered by a
type 3 poll or a loader program
- HLE: Program loader detects conflicts with and offers to disable internal
- HLE: Fixed main memory not being completed cleared on startup in some cases
with Fast Boot enabled
- PerfAnalyzer: Profiler view can now be opened on trace sections
- PerfAnalyzer: Writes to WSYNC are now considered idle processing
- Platforms: Added native ARM64 build
- Serial: Added support for emulating modem dialing and handshake sound
- Serial: Modem registers S8 and S11 are now supported
- Simulator: Added command to cold reset (power-cycle) the computer without
power cycling peripherals
- UI: Combined many menu options into a combined system configuration dialog
- UI: Clicking on non-text area now clears text selection
- UI: Added /d3d9 and /d3d11 command-line switches
- UI: Reworked command-line help (/?)
- UI: More system configuration changes now confirm before resetting the
- UI: Automatic reset for configuration changes is now configurable
- UI: The image types automatically unloaded in the Boot Image command can
now be configured
- UI: The Disk Drives dialog is now modeless
- UI: Added overscan option to reserve bottom margin space on screen for the
- UI: Enlarged the hit area for dockable pane splitters to make them easier
to hit
- UI: Main window caption can now be customized
- UI: Added option to automatically switch to default profile when launched
to start images
- VFS: Added support for accessing files within filesystems in disk images

[bugs fixed]

- 5200: Default cartridge is now correctly loaded if last mounted cartridge
fails to load
- Cartridge: Fixed XEGS banking modes in The!Cart emulation
- Cassette: Dirty state is now tracked for tapes
- Debugger: .dumpdsm command can now be used above bank 0
- Debugger: Fixed Y/P register display issues in history with special
registers enabled
- Debugger: Fixed repaint issue in history window related to removing NEXT
- Debugger: .vectors now reports the native IRQ and emulation COP vectors
correctly and no longer reports a bogus native reset vector
- Debugger: Fixed invalid effective address being displayed in disassembly
for [dp] and [dp],Y addressing modes
- Debugger: Suppress operand label decoding for direct page modes in 65C816
mode if D<>0
- Debugger: 6502 coprocessors no longer show a 65C816-style 16-bit
accumulator in register dumps
- Debugger: Fixed power-on delay option clearing pending step operations
immediately after cold reset
- Devices: Added cooldown timer to browser (B:) device on deny to prevent
modal dialog spamming
- Devices: Fixed kernel ROM override conflict between Rapidus and U1MB
- Devices: Rapidus no longer switches back to 6502 on warm reset
- Disk: Fixed crash when attempting to recursively expand .ARC files on disk
image with unrecognized filesystem
- Disk: Fixed some issues with zero-byte file and subdirectory creation on
MyDOS disks
- Disk: Fixed occasional filesystem errors when expanding .ARC files on an
SDFS disk
- Disk: Adjusted DD 512 SDFS boot sector to pass CLX validation
- Disk: Attempting to boot an .ARC sourced disk image no longer crashes in
the boot process
- Disk: DOS 1 format now uses correct VTOC signature
- Disk: Fixed directory update bug on DOS2/MyDOS disks when deleting the last
file on the last directory sector
- Disk Explorer: Creation timestamp is now preserved when dragging files in
and out of an SDFS volume
- Display: Added workaround for fullscreen mode failing on some versions of
VMWare SVGA 3D driver
- Display: Gamma correction setting now works in PAL high artifacting mode
- Display: ANTIC DMA analysis mode now displays when artifacting is enabled
- Display: Fixed bug with PAL high artifacting ignoring odd hires pixels
- Display: Artifacting phase and saturation are now hooked up for PAL high
- HLE: Improve tolerance for nonstandard CIO path termination (fixes
MultiBASIC DIR command with H:)
- Input: Fixed startup crash when DirectInput 8 is not available
- Input: Fixed "allow Shift key to be detected on cold reset" option not
working when disabled and full raw keyboard scan was enabled
- MMU: Fixed another Axlon/PORTB memory aliasing issue
- POKEY: Improved accuracy of high-pass filter
- Serial: Fixed crash in R-Verter emulation if remote connection sent
characters before the CONNECT message had been sent
- Serial: Fixed slightly inaccurate baud rates at high speeds with 850 full
- Serial: Fixed block output mode, two stop bit mode, external input buffer
sizing, and other misc bugs in the full 850 handler
- Serial: Modem S12 register now controls command sequence guard time
- Serial: Socket handling rewritten so that hanging up while a connection is
still in progress no longer hangs the emulator until the connection attempt
times out
- Simulator: Corrected mapping issue for 24K/32K/40K memory modes
- U1MB: $D500-D5BF memory is now forced on in config unlocked state
- UI: Save states and SAP files now load correctly when dragged from .zip
- VBXE: ANTIC hires pixels now always have PF2/PF3 priority except with
XCOLOR=1 on FX1.26 core where enabled pixels have PF1 priority





All Comments

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2018-08-26T20:50


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2018-08-19T00:09
[前言] 本來要補充在第一集 但因為嘗試成功了幾款 想說乾脆獨立出來成為第二集 今天一如往常利用週末 跟妻女去興仁夜市閒晃 赫然發現夜市另一側 原本只放幾台機台的區域 多放了10台左右 老婆說那是一些攤販結束營業後 所留下來的空位 被拿來放幾台機台 有幾款真的是古董了 (突然想問各位最近看到最老的機台是那 ...


Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2018-08-18T15:22
大家好,我本身是模擬器門外漢 板上很多專業文章都看不懂 但不懂日文的我,很慶幸網路上有很多熱心人士開發模擬器跟提供中、英文patch,讓我 可以重溫小時候不太會玩的SFC遊戲 今天逛版發現難得有碰到我可以分享心得的主題,跟大家分享一下我的經驗 1.軟硬體設備: 我本身是沒有在PSP現役的時期買PSP,PSP ...

Brutal Doom:Black Edition v3.1d Final

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2018-08-17T03:27
Brutal Doom: Black Edition v3.1d Final | Hell Time [Update] https://youtu.be/a7tMwkmQWHQ 很多國外團隊對老版DOOM 的MOD 一直進化的作品 很暴力的感覺.. Download ht ...

MAME64 Snap問題

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2018-08-16T00:04
應該近10年沒碰了吧, 上次還僅有mame32,現在已經在用mame64。 但我現在變得不會弄snap了, 從這邊 http://www.progettosnaps.net/index.php 下載, 是一個 pS_Snap_20180715_(cm)檔案,解壓縮也不知怎麼用。 好像要配合ClrmameP ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2018-08-15T23:56
[前言] 來模擬器版發文章有兩次挖到寶的感覺 第一次是寫文評測時自己嘗試出來 第二次則是版友補充寶貴意見跟知識 這篇只有馬力歐賽車 跟Daytona USA 2 兩主角 請見諒~ [五樓湯姆熊篇] 我的配備:New Surface pro m3 https://i.imgur.com/bF9Z1gW ...