(Atari 800/800XL/130XE) Altirra v2.6 - 模擬器

By Jacob
at 2015-03-25T19:33
at 2015-03-25T19:33
Table of Contents
Altirra is an Atari 8 bit Emulator on the Windows/DOS platform. Altirra
emulates several models of the 8-bit Atari computers. This includes the the
800, 800XL, and 130XE versions. It has a lot of options, and compatibility is
decent especially given the emulator's early stages. It also supports some
copy protected games properly in emulation.
Altirra v2.6 Changelog:
Devices: PCLink, DragonCart, XEP-80, SlightSID, Covox, R-Time 8, 850, 1030,
P:, and H: have been moved to the Devices tree.
[features added]
ATBasic: Improved execution speed.
ATBasic: Added partial support for CONT statement.
RENAME, MOVE, HEX$(), DPEEK(), !, %, &, and $.
AltirraOS: Optimized FPI routine.
AltirraOS: Improved rounding of FDIV results.
BlackBox: Initial emulation support.
Debugger: Changed .writemem to use length syntax.
Debugger: .basic_dumpline updated with shortcuts for STMCUR/STMTAB and
continuous output.
Debugger: Added .basic_rebuiltvnt command.
Debugger: Added support for one-shot, grouped, and clear-on-reset breakpoints.
Debugger: Added support for return tracepoints (bt --).
Debugger: Added .sprintf command and @ts tokens.
Debugger: Added @t0-t9 (temporary) and @ra (return address) variables.
Debugger: Added option to randomize application memory after EXE load (direct
EXE load only).
Debugger: Added .diskreadsec and .diskwritesec commands.
Debugger: Added dbi (dump bytes with INTERNAL text) command.
Devices: Added support for SIO-based real-time clock devices.
Devices: Added SIO type 3/4 polling test devices.
Devices: Added SX212 modem emulation.
Devices: Added MidiMate emulation.
Disk: Added support for creating and exploring DOS 3 disk images.
Disk: Added generic emulation mode with 57,600 baud high speed support.
Disk: ATX, PRO, DCM, and XFD disk images can now be written.
Disk: Detach Disk commands now turn off disk drives.
Disk: Added rotate disk commands.
Disk Explorer: Added read/write support for MyDOS and DOS 2.5 disks.
Disk Explorer: Added create directory (new folder) option for MyDOS and SDFS
Display: Sharp bilinear now works on pixel shader 1.x devices.
Display: Vertical overscan can be overridden separately from horizontal.
HDevice: Added option to use lowercase filenames.
HDevice: H: can now be hot-started or stopped without a reboot.
HDevice: H: can now also be installed as D:.
IDE: CF hot swapping is now supported.
Input: Added support for quick-cycling between a set of input maps.
MMU: Axlon banking register aliasing is now optional.
Printer: Added SIO-level 820 emulation.
Serial: Modem now supports RTS/CTS flow control (&K3).
Serial: Added software T: handler and support for 1030 handler bootstrap.
Simulation: Added support for mixed NTSC/PAL ANTIC+GTIA combinations (PAL-60
and NTSC-50).
Simulation: Added support for more realistic power-on memory patterns.
Software: Added Additions disk containing supplementary utilities.
UI: Added new firmware management dialog and support for multiple custom OS
UI: Added /[no]cheats switch.
UI: Improved high DPI support.
UI: Added /portablealt: switch to use alternate INI files.
UI: Multiple disk images can now be loaded with repeated /disk switches.
UI: Full screen mode state is now saved on exit.
UI: Improved full-screen UI.
[bugs fixed]
ATBasic: Fixed precedence of unary minus vs. exponentiation.
ATBasic: Fixed x^y for x<=0. ATBasic: Error messages now indicate STOPPED or
line numbers as appropriate. ATBasic: Fixed not being able to Break out of a
single-line loop. ATBasic: TRAP line is now reset more appropriately.
ATBasic: Fixed range reduction in SIN() and COS(). ATBasic: GRAPHICS no
longer reopens E:. ATBasic: Fixed CONT sometimes failing in deferred mode.
ATBasic: Fixed parsing errors on the right side of a string relational
expression. ATBasic: Banner changed so startup programs that hardcode line 2
work. ATBasic: Use of IOCB #0 is no longer allowed. ATBasic: Out of memory
errors are now detected and thrown. ATBasic: PUT now takes an aexpr instead
of avar. ATBasic: PTABW is now supported. AltirraOS: SIO no longer saves
STACKP before invoking PBI routines (fixes BlackBox crash). AltirraOS: SIO
now leaves ICBALZ/ICBAHZ equal to ICBAL/ICBAH for better custom DOS
compatibility. AltirraOS: Fixed CRITIC being left on after servicing a
PBI-based SIO request. AltirraOS: Fixed GET BYTE returning bogus characters
for PBI-based CIO devices. AltirraOS: E: now supports forced read mode.
AltirraOS: SETVBV now preserves I flag. AltirraOS: AUX1/2 are now updated
properly on R: XIO commands. AltirraOS: Fixed CIO type 4 polling support.
AltirraOS: Fix timeout for SIO operations. AltirraOS: Fix ESC-Clear handling
in E:. AltirraOS: Cassette boot now reads EOF record. AltirraOS: Fixed
diagnostic cartridge handling. ANTIC: Improved emulation of phantom P/M DMA
effects. Cassette: Fixed inconsistent motor control state when using C: patch
with short IRG mode. CPU: Fixed NMI not triggering early enough when
occurring during IRQ entry sequence. CPU: Fixed spurious IRQs when interrupts
are masked for more than 2^32 cycles. CPU: Fixed video snow problem when
running CPU faster than 1.79MHz. Debugger: -$80000000/-1 no longer causes a
crash. Debugger: .printf %%u formatter now works correctly for numbers
Debugger: Fixed EXP/EXP10 not being logged to FPACCEL channel.
Debugger: Fixed static trace (st) not stopping properly on BRK/RTS/RTI
Debugger: Debug display now reflects CHACTL bits.
Disk: Rewrote ATX image parser to be more robust.
Disk: Added workaround for XFD images improperly named .ATR.
Disk Explorer: Fixed DOS 2 filename encoding for filenames without extensions.
Disk Explorer: Fixed directory parsing for double-density DOS 2 filesystems.
Display: Fixed crash on display hardware change when using DirectDraw.
Display: Added workaround for crash when initializing Direct3D 9 with
VirtualBox display driver.
Display: Improved windowed mode vsync strategy when DWM is active.
Display: Improved quality of NTSC high artifacting mode.
GTIA: Fixed DMA reads from hardware registers.
HDevice: Fixed NOTE command sometimes giving incorrect positions.
HLE: Hook page for H:, P:, R:, T:, and E: hooks is now better at dodging
conflicting hardware windows.
HLE: Fixed EXP10(-1) returning an error with FP acceleration enabled.
HLE: Improved register return values for several FP acceleration calls.
HLE: SIO patch acceleration is skipped if the I flag is set.
Input: Fixed right mouse button not working on mouse controllers.
Input: Keyboard and mouse inputs are now auto-released when display window
loses focus.
Input: Moved joystick poll before VBI to reduce input delay.
Network: Fixed emulated Ethernet packet timing.
POKEY: Undetectable $C0-C7 and $D0-D7 scan codes are now blocked.
Serial: 6502-based R: handler now waits for output buffers to drain on a
close command.
Serial: Fixed emulated R: device only draining one byte from transfer buffer
per call in unthrottled mode.
Serial: Many fixes to 1030 T: device command handling.
UI: Fixed mouse pointer blinking when a video player injects mouse moves to
prevent the display from sleeping.
Ultimate1MB: Fixed SDX control register not gating non-SIDE external
cartridges properly.
XEP80: Move Cursor to Start of Logical Line ($DB) no longer moves cursor to
left margin.
XEP80: Set horizontal/vertical position commands now update the cursor
Altirra is an Atari 8 bit Emulator on the Windows/DOS platform. Altirra
emulates several models of the 8-bit Atari computers. This includes the the
800, 800XL, and 130XE versions. It has a lot of options, and compatibility is
decent especially given the emulator's early stages. It also supports some
copy protected games properly in emulation.
Altirra v2.6 Changelog:
Devices: PCLink, DragonCart, XEP-80, SlightSID, Covox, R-Time 8, 850, 1030,
P:, and H: have been moved to the Devices tree.
[features added]
ATBasic: Improved execution speed.
ATBasic: Added partial support for CONT statement.
RENAME, MOVE, HEX$(), DPEEK(), !, %, &, and $.
AltirraOS: Optimized FPI routine.
AltirraOS: Improved rounding of FDIV results.
BlackBox: Initial emulation support.
Debugger: Changed .writemem to use length syntax.
Debugger: .basic_dumpline updated with shortcuts for STMCUR/STMTAB and
continuous output.
Debugger: Added .basic_rebuiltvnt command.
Debugger: Added support for one-shot, grouped, and clear-on-reset breakpoints.
Debugger: Added support for return tracepoints (bt --).
Debugger: Added .sprintf command and @ts tokens.
Debugger: Added @t0-t9 (temporary) and @ra (return address) variables.
Debugger: Added option to randomize application memory after EXE load (direct
EXE load only).
Debugger: Added .diskreadsec and .diskwritesec commands.
Debugger: Added dbi (dump bytes with INTERNAL text) command.
Devices: Added support for SIO-based real-time clock devices.
Devices: Added SIO type 3/4 polling test devices.
Devices: Added SX212 modem emulation.
Devices: Added MidiMate emulation.
Disk: Added support for creating and exploring DOS 3 disk images.
Disk: Added generic emulation mode with 57,600 baud high speed support.
Disk: ATX, PRO, DCM, and XFD disk images can now be written.
Disk: Detach Disk commands now turn off disk drives.
Disk: Added rotate disk commands.
Disk Explorer: Added read/write support for MyDOS and DOS 2.5 disks.
Disk Explorer: Added create directory (new folder) option for MyDOS and SDFS
Display: Sharp bilinear now works on pixel shader 1.x devices.
Display: Vertical overscan can be overridden separately from horizontal.
HDevice: Added option to use lowercase filenames.
HDevice: H: can now be hot-started or stopped without a reboot.
HDevice: H: can now also be installed as D:.
IDE: CF hot swapping is now supported.
Input: Added support for quick-cycling between a set of input maps.
MMU: Axlon banking register aliasing is now optional.
Printer: Added SIO-level 820 emulation.
Serial: Modem now supports RTS/CTS flow control (&K3).
Serial: Added software T: handler and support for 1030 handler bootstrap.
Simulation: Added support for mixed NTSC/PAL ANTIC+GTIA combinations (PAL-60
and NTSC-50).
Simulation: Added support for more realistic power-on memory patterns.
Software: Added Additions disk containing supplementary utilities.
UI: Added new firmware management dialog and support for multiple custom OS
UI: Added /[no]cheats switch.
UI: Improved high DPI support.
UI: Added /portablealt: switch to use alternate INI files.
UI: Multiple disk images can now be loaded with repeated /disk switches.
UI: Full screen mode state is now saved on exit.
UI: Improved full-screen UI.
[bugs fixed]
ATBasic: Fixed precedence of unary minus vs. exponentiation.
ATBasic: Fixed x^y for x<=0. ATBasic: Error messages now indicate STOPPED or
line numbers as appropriate. ATBasic: Fixed not being able to Break out of a
single-line loop. ATBasic: TRAP line is now reset more appropriately.
ATBasic: Fixed range reduction in SIN() and COS(). ATBasic: GRAPHICS no
longer reopens E:. ATBasic: Fixed CONT sometimes failing in deferred mode.
ATBasic: Fixed parsing errors on the right side of a string relational
expression. ATBasic: Banner changed so startup programs that hardcode line 2
work. ATBasic: Use of IOCB #0 is no longer allowed. ATBasic: Out of memory
errors are now detected and thrown. ATBasic: PUT now takes an aexpr instead
of avar. ATBasic: PTABW is now supported. AltirraOS: SIO no longer saves
STACKP before invoking PBI routines (fixes BlackBox crash). AltirraOS: SIO
now leaves ICBALZ/ICBAHZ equal to ICBAL/ICBAH for better custom DOS
compatibility. AltirraOS: Fixed CRITIC being left on after servicing a
PBI-based SIO request. AltirraOS: Fixed GET BYTE returning bogus characters
for PBI-based CIO devices. AltirraOS: E: now supports forced read mode.
AltirraOS: SETVBV now preserves I flag. AltirraOS: AUX1/2 are now updated
properly on R: XIO commands. AltirraOS: Fixed CIO type 4 polling support.
AltirraOS: Fix timeout for SIO operations. AltirraOS: Fix ESC-Clear handling
in E:. AltirraOS: Cassette boot now reads EOF record. AltirraOS: Fixed
diagnostic cartridge handling. ANTIC: Improved emulation of phantom P/M DMA
effects. Cassette: Fixed inconsistent motor control state when using C: patch
with short IRG mode. CPU: Fixed NMI not triggering early enough when
occurring during IRQ entry sequence. CPU: Fixed spurious IRQs when interrupts
are masked for more than 2^32 cycles. CPU: Fixed video snow problem when
running CPU faster than 1.79MHz. Debugger: -$80000000/-1 no longer causes a
crash. Debugger: .printf %%u formatter now works correctly for numbers
Debugger: Fixed EXP/EXP10 not being logged to FPACCEL channel.
Debugger: Fixed static trace (st) not stopping properly on BRK/RTS/RTI
Debugger: Debug display now reflects CHACTL bits.
Disk: Rewrote ATX image parser to be more robust.
Disk: Added workaround for XFD images improperly named .ATR.
Disk Explorer: Fixed DOS 2 filename encoding for filenames without extensions.
Disk Explorer: Fixed directory parsing for double-density DOS 2 filesystems.
Display: Fixed crash on display hardware change when using DirectDraw.
Display: Added workaround for crash when initializing Direct3D 9 with
VirtualBox display driver.
Display: Improved windowed mode vsync strategy when DWM is active.
Display: Improved quality of NTSC high artifacting mode.
GTIA: Fixed DMA reads from hardware registers.
HDevice: Fixed NOTE command sometimes giving incorrect positions.
HLE: Hook page for H:, P:, R:, T:, and E: hooks is now better at dodging
conflicting hardware windows.
HLE: Fixed EXP10(-1) returning an error with FP acceleration enabled.
HLE: Improved register return values for several FP acceleration calls.
HLE: SIO patch acceleration is skipped if the I flag is set.
Input: Fixed right mouse button not working on mouse controllers.
Input: Keyboard and mouse inputs are now auto-released when display window
loses focus.
Input: Moved joystick poll before VBI to reduce input delay.
Network: Fixed emulated Ethernet packet timing.
POKEY: Undetectable $C0-C7 and $D0-D7 scan codes are now blocked.
Serial: 6502-based R: handler now waits for output buffers to drain on a
close command.
Serial: Fixed emulated R: device only draining one byte from transfer buffer
per call in unthrottled mode.
Serial: Many fixes to 1030 T: device command handling.
UI: Fixed mouse pointer blinking when a video player injects mouse moves to
prevent the display from sleeping.
Ultimate1MB: Fixed SDX control register not gating non-SIDE external
cartridges properly.
XEP80: Move Cursor to Start of Logical Line ($DB) no longer moves cursor to
left margin.
XEP80: Set horizontal/vertical position commands now update the cursor
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