(Atari 2600) Stella v3.4.1 - 模擬器

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2011-06-12T12:39

Table of Contents


* Re-enabled 'grabmouse' commandline argument and associated
functionality with the following changes:

- it is changed in the "Input Settings' UI, not in 'Video Settings'
- it only has meaning while in emulation mode
- it is enabled by default

* Fixed bug with emulation of paddles using the mouse most evident in
Warlords; movement was being filtered out if the mouse was moved
toofast. There's still more work required in this area, however.

* Fixed bug with analog axes on gamepad devices, whereby jittering in
these axes would override input from digital axis, hat or keyboard

* Fixed bug when switching to the debugger and back again would
sometimes cause an extra mouse motion event (which would cause the
emulation to think the mouse was moved and move the player

* Tweaked bankswitch autodetection code for 4A50 bankswitching; several
more test ROMs are automatically detected.

* The 'saverom' debugger command now saves ROMs in your home
directory by default if you don't specify a valid path. This fixes
a bug whereby ROMs were saved in strange locations and couldn't
later be found.

* Fixed bug in automatically executing the debugger 'autoexec.stella'
file; any commands it contained weren't actually being executed.

* Zero-byte ROMs are no longer loaded and mis-detected as Supercharger




All Comments

(WIP) Makaron WIP

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2011-06-12T12:32
2011.06.09 So, there is this guy who keeps asking about DX11 renderer progress and I figured I might as well explain it with some pictures :) ...

任天堂紅白機遊戲-Tetris (BPS版俄羅斯 …

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2011-06-12T11:35
※ 引述《conpo (びんぼうがみ)》之銘言: 推 chunliz:Tetris Flash看來是很多後來有and#34;爆點and#34;類的方塊遊戲元祖 06/11 02:43 如果你指能利用特殊方塊產生破壞效果的創意 其實在Tetris 2 + Bombliss裡面就有惹 在content模式底下就 ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2011-06-12T00:16
遊戲是這樣的 一個女主角走在一個街道上可選擇世界去探險 街道上有狗有警察 但此時女主角手上沒武器 要進入選擇的冒險世界才有武器 武器是噴霧器可射出光波 其中一個世界是花世界 如果停在花上面太久會被花包住死掉 請問各位有誰知道遊戲名稱的 謝謝!! - ...

ゲームセンターCX 有野の挑戦 第15季 第5回

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2011-06-12T00:01
http://hika5.blog55.fc2.com/blog-entry-1064.html 第5回 - #121 企業戦士KACHO!?「バイオ戦士DAN」(2011年6月9日) 有野の挑戦…『バイオ戦士DAN』 たまに行くならこんな喫茶店…東京都葛飾区・純喫茶シャレード レト朗読…『クロノ・ト ...

SSF Test Version (2011/06/10)

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2011-06-11T21:53
http://www7a.biglobe.ne.jp/~phantasy/ssf/index.html TestVerを更新しました。 スレイヤーズろいやる2のキー入力が出来るようになってます。 ただし、設定を少し上げないとダメかもしれません。 タイミングの問題なので他ソフトで不具合が出るかもしれません。 ...