ASAP v3.0.0 - 模擬器

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2011-05-25T12:16

Table of Contents

ASAP v3.0.0 is released. ASAP is a player of 8-bit Atari music for modern
computers. It emulates the POKEY sound chip and the 6502 processor. The
project was initially based on the routines from the Atari800 emulator, but
the current version has a completely new original emulation core.

ASAP includes the following programs:
*ASAP2WAV - portable command-line converter to WAV files
*WASAP - tiny player for Windows
*plugin for Apollo
*plugin for foobar2000 0.9
*plugin for GSPlayer
*plugin for MOC
*plugin for Winamp
*plugin for Windows Media Player
*plugin for XBMC
*plugin for XMMS
*POKEY sound emulation DLL for Raster Music Tracker
*Java version of ASAP2WAV
*Java applet - for web pages (see online demo)
*Java midlet - for mobile devices
*C# version of ASAP2WAV
*experimental JScript version of ASAP2WAV running in Windows Script Host
*experimental JavaScript version of ASAP2WAV running in Firefox
*Flash player - for web pages (see online demo)

ASAP v3.0.0 Changelog:

New ports
‧Created a desktop player for the Adobe AIR platform.

‧Ported the Windows Media Player plugin to Windows CE.

‧Created a setup package with the Windows Explorer plugin for 64-bit Windows.

‧The Audacious plugin supports Audacious 2.5.

‧Created RPM packages with asapconv, ASAP C library and the XMMS plugin.

‧Created ASAP2WAV and a simple player in the D programming language.

‧JavaScript ASAP2WAV now runs in DMDScript and JScript.NET.

Emulation accuracy
‧Corrected ANTIC and POKEY timings.

‧Implemented STIMER, NMIST and NMIRES hardware registers.

‧Made the CONSOL register readable.

‧Fixed and optimized undocumented 6502 instructions.

Usability improvements
‧Conversion to Atari executables (XEX format, also known as COM).

‧RMT files can be extracted from SAP files created in Raster Music Tracker.

‧Implemented subsongs, seek bar and pause in the Android port.

‧Added a date picker in the WASAP/Winamp/Apollo/XMPlay file information

‧The FASTPLAY tag can be up to 32767 (previously 312).

‧Browser JavaScript player works on file:/// URLs.

‧asapscan uses a much faster length detection algorithm.

Bug fixes
‧Many important fixes in the Audacious plugin.

‧Many fixes in the Android port.

‧Rewritten ASAP core to the C programming language.

‧Removed defaultPlaybackTime and loopPlaybackTime parameters from applet,
Flash Player and Silverlight interfaces.


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