Arcade: M1 v0.7.81a5 - 模擬器

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2008-01-11T19:44

Table of Contents

Changes since 0.7.8a3


* Taito F3 cutout problems should be fixed. Really.

* H8/3002 synced to MAME latest, fixes Fighting Layer and Time Crisis 2

* Fixed tempo on Namco (Super) System 22

* Namco NA-1/NA-2 games added

* Win32 compiled with more efficient GCC 4 again now that FM′s fixed

* Irem GA-20 and M92 driver synced to MAME latest

* SCSP synced to MAME/AO latest, with greatly improved sound quality

Most of these changes are from Phil "Buggy Boy" Bennett, and the

SCSP work is of course thanks to kingshriek.

Known problems (do not waste time on the boards asking about there)


* Star Wars Arcade has corruption at the start of some songs. This is known.

* Namco C352 games do not sound perfect, especially Mr. Driller and a few

This is known.

* The YMF271 OPX chip is not yet perfectly emulated and not all songs in all

games will sound exactly right. This is known.


All Comments


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2008-01-11T18:32
馬力歐的bug不知道怎麼發現的!! 還有其他神技影片,超神!!想必應該紀錄幾萬次了... 希望沒op 瑪莉歐無限1up玩法跟bug玩法 魂斗羅-路上不發一顆子彈破關 ...

sega md上面一款彊屍遊戲

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2008-01-11T16:07
◎.求檔前請先參閱版規,並請儘量依照格式撰寫,謝謝您(本文可自行手動消去) ______________________________________________________________________________ 遊戲平台:sage md 內容陳述:可以1p跟2p遊玩 可拿水槍打怪 還 ...

無差別經典遊戲分享 第三彈

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2008-01-11T15:11
第三彈 遊戲名稱:俄羅斯方塊2 + Bombliss(Tetris 2 + Bombliss) 遊戲類型:PZG 對應平台:Nintendo Entertainment System 遊戲預覽: ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2008-01-11T14:31
請 CiC板友無須介意,事實上這都是敝人的疏失,應該是我向您道歉.... 另外關於 C1C板友的懲處,其實在警告他以前我就已經看過那些噓文了, 只是認為那還在可容忍之範圍,所以就不特別做處理。但他在Aistesia板 友所發表的心得底下胡亂噓文、藉故挑釁就真的難以讓人容許 ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2008-01-11T12:25
※ 引述《CiC (原來我也會有偽物(笑))》之銘言: CiC兄別在意, 不需要跟著這種難登大雅之堂的跳樑小丑起舞啦! → C1C:噓文專用的帳號啦,很多人都這樣做了你們太大驚小怪了01/11 10:46 → C1C:不過我好像來到tvgame版了怎一直看到足球落落長? 01/11 10:52 眼睛瞎了嗎? ...