(Arcade front-end) HyperSpin v1.2 - 模擬器

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2010-09-16T11:55

Table of Contents




Hyperspin verion 1.2 has been out for a little while.

Updated exe file for HyperSpin.

Please install the 1.0 install pack first before getting these, then
update with these new executables.

Added Can now load your favorites list per system as default.
You must add a line to the ini file if you want this to work for now
until a new HQ is released.

Add this to your navigation settings.
start_on_favorites = true

Added a few particle engine features , rotate to angle , toggle
movement, and new particles on top, particle blend modes.

Fixed 360 joysticks not stopping due to improper call to LEDBlinky.

Fixed Mouse controls sometimes acting up when launching other programs.

Fixed - Possible fix to Rain Float carrying over to other themes. Not
fully tested since can't reproduce.

Fixed - Possible fix to Background music not stopping on new themes from
previous thems. Not fully tested since can't reproduce.



老 許:「懶蟲啊,去年我有個朋友,他得了喉癌。切除以後就不能吃東西啦~」
懶 蟲:「喔~真倒楣,能不能治呢?」
老 許:「不能治啊!以後他只好練習用肛門來吃東西。他就帶了一副機器回去練習,六


All Comments

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2010-09-20T08:03
這個大傢伙我家電腦跑不動 T_T

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