(Arcade) FB Alpha v0.2.97.43 - 模擬器

By Oliver
at 2018-05-01T11:21
at 2018-05-01T11:21
Table of Contents
FB Alpha or FBA as it is commonly known is an emulator of arcade games, that
is, it takes the program code, graphics data, etc., from an original arcade
game and emulates the hardware to make the game run in it's original form. As
far as the game is concerned it is running in it's original cabinet.
FB Alpha is an open-source project and it is programmed by a group of people
known as the FBA Team. Over the years this has comprised of myself,
Jan_Klaassen, KEV, LoopMaster, Mike Haggar, Hyper Yagami and Ayeye. FB Alpha
is based on the original FinalBurn by Dave.
FB Alpha v0.2.97.43 changelog:
Fixes and new features
* Use real MCU for Tokio [Barry]
* Fix state issues with Slap Fight/Tiger Heli [dink]
* Fix incremental search and sort alphabetically w/"Use Zipnames". [dink]
* Improve incremental search in the game list. This search is when you type
at the game list (not the search box) for example: to get to "Super Cobra"
really fast, type "superco" - or - "doublew" for "Double Wings". Whatever you
are searching for - just leave out the space. If "Use Zipnames" is selected,
type in the romset name or a subset of it. [dink]
* Fix a few video bugs and state issues in "The Lost Castle in Dark Mist"
* Fix dac sounds in Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Trilogy hack [dink]
* Fix B-Wings (Alt) set boot issue [dink]
* Fix color issues in Gold Medalist [iq_132]
* Z80 Core, small improvement to vector handling [dink]
* Parents Only option for driver icons (for systems that have problems with
driver icons) [dink]
* Create new interface and port eke-eke's high quality ym2612 core from
Genplus-gx [dink]
* Fixes SFX sounds in Streets of Rage 2
* Fixes lead and percussive guitar sounds in Mega Turrican's intro
* Fix crash with NBA Jam Tournament Edition on Megadrive [dink]
* Improve 68k timing for Megadrive, fixes... [dink]
* Graphics issues/corruption in Galahad
* Flickery separator line in VS mode on Sonic 2 and 3
* Fix freeze with Desert Strike on Megadrive
* Overall, probably improves everything
* Fix music hangs in Sonic 3 when Sonic is underwater (Z80 timing) [dink]
* Fix PGM Arm7 crash on 64bit systems w/theglad, kov* [dink]
* Sync. romsets with MAME 0.188 [Barry]
* Sync. some romsets with MAME 0.189 [JacKc]
* Fix Robocop2 ending credits scrolltext (8x8 offset masking) [iq_132]
* Fix for replays desynching with games that use SRAM/NVRAM [dink]
* Strikers 1945 Plus music fix [dink]
* Fix Palette Viewer for games with BDF_16BIT_ONLY flag [dink]
* Port Z180 Core from MAME and create FBAlpha-style cpu interface [Barry,
* Hook-up Z180 sound-cpu in GHOX [Barry]
* Games using flag BDF_16BIT_ONLY are no longer 1-frame behind emulation,
other projects using FBAlpha please take note (see
intf/video/vid_interface.cpp) [dink]
* Fix DAC(psg) sounds in Afterburner II Megadrive [dink]
* Added define to log ram usage in src/burn/burn_memory.cpp [iq_132]
* Fixed Archery level in Konami's '88 Games [dink, Gab75]
* Fixed inputs for Nayade Resistance and Crazy Buggy on MSX [dink]
* Hooked up protected versions of Alligator hunt, Touch & Go, Maniac Square
in Gaelco2 Hardware [iq_132]
* Fixed Music/SFX pitch in Arbalester, and occasional "Illegal Inst." error
when playing w/Keyboard [dink]
* Hook up protection MCU for protected version of Glass [iq_132]
* Fixed palette recalc issue w/some Taito-Z games, fixes weird colors when
switching BPP during game [dink]
* Fixed cut-short continue message in Data East's Breakthru [dink]
* Fixed small memory leaks in dynamic Huffman compression [dink]
* Hook up MCU to Tough Turf (U) and Wrestle War, fix Tough Turf (J) [Barry]
* Fixed 2-Player mode in Wonder Boy in Monster Land (System1) [dink]
* Fixed distorted sounds in Time Pilot, Time Pilot '84, Tutanham and Commando
Sega [dink]
* Added Single-Screen modes (DIPS) to Gaelco's World Rally 2 and Data East's
Backfire! [dink]
* Fixed screen corruption at end of race in Hang-On Jr. / v-scrolling issue
in Sega System E [dink]
* Added notaz's BCD fixes to the Musashi 68k cpu core [dink]
* Added i8x41/UPI-41 cpu core [iq_132]
* Sync. romsets with MAME 0.191 [Barry]
* Fixed occasional distorted graphics in Konami's Jail Break when playing
w/Keyboard [dink]
* Fixed deroon's inputs (irq timing) [dink]
* New feature for Lord of Gun: shoot any side to reload [dink]
* Added support for Multi/Connected sprites in Toaplan GP9001 emulation,
fixes GHOX's Highscore background [dink]
* UI Change, the search box text will be preserved between game loads [dink]
* Fix for Use and Select buttons were erraneously swapped in Dungeons &
Dragons - Shadow Over Mystara [dink]
* Fix spritelag issue in Ryu Jin [dink]
* Add missing third button to Life Force (Japan) [dink, gamezfan]
* Improve paddle emulation in Gee Bee, Bomb Bee and Cutie Q [dink]
* Fix sound issues with Phoenix and savestates [dink]
* Fix freeze in Kaitei Takara Sagashi while starting a new game [dink]
* Increase the sound level for all Taito F3 games [dink]
* Small improvement to the search box. Now, for example "namco system 1",
"namco system 2" or "taito f3" can be searched for [dink]
* Fix color issues and impliment transmask groups for Mad Gear / Led Storm,
fixing level 2+ [dink]
* Fix missing tiles and scrolling issues in Last Duel level 2 [dink]
* Fixed many graphical issues in Magical Crystals [dink]
* Fixed input and sound issues in Zoar [dink]
* Fixed timing issue in Burnin' Rubber / Bump 'n Jump [dink]
* Fixed p3 / p4 inputs in Bucky and Moo Mesa [dink]
* Fixed Kaiser Knuckle 2p Kick buttons [shine]
* Fixed transparency issue in Motos [iq_132]
* Fixed an input issue in CPS3 when opposite directions are pressed [dink]
* Converted 1942 and Gun.Smoke over to the new tilemap system [iq_132]
* Updated the ARM core to fix problems with Deco MLC and Deco 156 games [dink]
* Fix byte, word, and quad-long DMA Transfers in SH-2 [dink]
* Added stereo mode to DAC [dink]
* Added bsmt2k and decobsmt soundcores [iq_132, dink]
* Fixed sounds/sfx in Gouketsuji Gaiden Legends [dink]
* Fixed occasional clicks/pops at the beginning of emulation if the last game
played was exited while the msm6295 was playing something [dink]
* Fixed the fog-fadeout in the end-boss scene and other alpha-transparency
issues in Moo Mesa [dink]
* Fixed several minor graphic bugs in Hangzo [dink]
* Slight drawing optimization for Robocop 2 and Edrandy [dink]
* Fixed bad fades in Ninja Baseball Batman and occasional tilemap studder in
R-Type LEO [dink]
* Enabled High Score saves for most Irem M72 games [dink]
* Fixed k054539 savestates and reverb function [dink]
* Fixed graphics issues in Irem's Major Title making the game fully playable
* Fixed music issues in Sol Divide [dink, barbudreadmon]
* Added speedhack dip options for Psikyo SH-2 games [barbudreadmon]
* Fixed k054539 pt.2: Use 3 different techniques (ramp to 0, check for bad
last sample, slight modification to dpcm table) to get rid of clicky noises
in 4bit dpcm sfx/voice samples (Moo Mesa, Bucky O'Hare, Mystic Warriors,
Violent Storm, etc.) [dink]
* Fixed alpha effects in Bucky O'Hare title fadeout, and other transitional
scene fades (tile layer 3 over/under sprites priority mode) [dink]
* Added Z180 support to BurnTimer [iq_132]
* Rewrite/Modernize drivers for 1943, Commando, Jack and the Giantkiller,
Mole Attack, Mr. Flea, Route 16, and Bomb Jack [iq_132]
* Fixed Safari Hunting on SG-1000, thanks to Eke of Genesis Plus GX for info!
* Fixed palette/color issues in Spelunker 1 and 2 [dink]
* Added proper Draw handler to Irem M62 so paused games don't advance a frame
during a window update/redraw [dink]
* Fixed Input Dialog: Populate the combo list with preset name when saving
* Fixed broken lines in the boss tank for the M82 version of Air Duel [dink]
* Removed rom patch and added proper protection simulation to Route 16
* Removed rom patch and added proper protection simulation to Meta Fox
* Fixed Tetrise and Hang-On Jr. dips [dink]
* Slight timing improvement for Kicker / Shaolin's Road [dink]
* Use event semaphores instead of polling for better DirectSound performance
and timing [Jan Klaassen]
* Fix another cycle-related issue with ZetRunEnd, fixes sound issues with
certain Neo-Geo games [dink]
* Enabled High Score saving for most CPS3 games [barbudreadmon]
* Fixed some palette issues in Super Burger Time [dink]
* Added M6502SetAddressMask() to the M6502 cpu core [iq_132]
* Added cubic resampling interpolater to the samples core [Jan Klaassen]
* Added speedhack dip options for Deco32 games [gamezfan, dink]
* Enabled High Score saving for Raiden [barbudreadmon]
* Updated K054539 pt.3, use cubic resampling for high quality sound [dink]
* Fixed timers in SN76477 sound core [dink]
* Fixed missing cut-scene graphics in Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon [Jan
* Update Namco System 2's soundcore w/cubic resampling for high quality sound
* Update Gaelco2 soundcore w/cubic resampling and fix crackle/pop!'s at
beginning of samples [dink]
* Fixed layer priority masking in Black Tiger [vbt]
* Fixed the MSM6295 sampling rate in Batsugun and Truxton2 [yukaritamura
(libretro-fba), dink]
* Add high-quality ICS2115 (pgm) soundcore from Jan, superior sound quality
for all PGM games, fixes KOV2 music [Jan Klaassen]
* Update ES5505/6 soundcore w/cubic interp. resampling [dink]
* Increase volume in Gyruss and Monster Slider [dink]
* Fixed sound loss, palette fade bug and sprite clipping issues in Double
Wings [dink]
* Added new interface for AY8910, updated all drivers to use it [iq_132]
* Emulated sound cpu and hooked up all sounds in Mario Bros. (mario) [dink]
* Added Sega TeamPlayer support to the Megadrive driver, enabling it for:
Columns 3, Gauntlet 4, Mega Bomberman, Street Racer (...more to come..) [dink]
* Fixed player sprite color in Millipede [dink]
* Added speech to Gauntlet I and II - TMS5220 sound core ported to FBA [dink]
* Added save state support to the Irem M90 driver [dink]
* Cleaned up the sound in Donkey Kong to get rid of clicks in some sounds
* Fixed sound hz in Triple Punch and clones [dink]
* Standardize savestate calls amongst soundcores [iq_132]
* Fixed tilemap and sound synchronization issues in Rohga [dink]
* Hook up sound cpu and fix sprite offsets in Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! on
Teki Paki hardware [dink]
* Fixed video and audio issues in Risky Challenge, game now playable [dink,
* Updated all FM soundcores using the timer system to require a lot less
support code per driver (internalized *GetTime and *Synch.Stream) [dink]
* Fix the SRam implimentation on Megadrive [dink]
* Added EA "Four Way Play" support to Megadrive, enabled for General Chaos
and Mutant League Hockey [dink]
* Added resampling to the ymf278b sound core, sounds right regardless of user
sound rate [dink]
* Added a English fan-translations of the following Megadrive games: Battle
Mania Daiginjou, Gleylancer, Tougiou King Colossus, Langrisser II, Phantasy
Star II Adventure series games, Pulse Man, Twinkle Tale and Undead Line
* Fixed color issues on Jupiter and occasional missing pixels on Neptune in
Gyruss [dink]
* Added CPU_IRQSTATUS_HOLD to hd6309 cpu core [dink]
* Fixed ending scene and movement of the rock-wall dragon boss in Labyrinth
Runner/Trick Trap [dink]
* Use a common timer value when starting netgames on Neo-Geo for better
netgame sync. [Ponder]
* Added menu option (Misc -> Options) to enable/disable the High Resolution
Timer - defaults to ON [dink]
* Added Sync. to DWM option for Windows 7 - 10 windowed mode [dink]
* Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition now runs at the right speed [dink,
* Fixed crash w/DX9 Blitters when going to the task manager in Win7+ when
Auto Pause is off [dink]
* Updates to the uPD7810 cpu core [dink, iq_132]
* uPD7810 core, update some opcodes and add analog port reading for c-chip
[dink, iq_132]
* Emulate Taito C-Chip for Superman, Bonze Adventure, Mega Blast, Rainbow
Islands / Rainbow Islands Extra and Volfied [dink]
* Use 4-Way inputs for Volfied, making the game playable [dink]
* Fixed a problem where Bonze Adventure wasn't reading the dips [dink]
* Re-work tile:sprite priority system in Taito F2 [dink]
* Pulirula: fixes tile:sprite priorities and blending effects in level 2
* Liquid Kids: fixes the cut-scene/story between levels
* Metal Black: fixes missing moving letters before the titlescreen appears
* Improved DonPachi and DoDonPachi timing to respond to inputs in 2 frames
instead of 4 [dink]
* Changed aspect ratio on Tecmo Bowl to look less squished [dink]
* Sync. romsets with MAME 0.197 [Barry]
* Analog input improvement for Konami GT and RF2 [dink]
* Fixed click when paused/dc offset issue in Cheeky Mouse [dink]
* Removed busyloop hacks from M6809, HD6309 and M6805 CPU Cores [dink]
* Update libpng to 1.6.34 [Barry]
* Improved timing in Heavy Unit and Ghosts'n Goblins (revisited) [dink]
* Fixed several bugs in the M6805 cpu core [dink]
* Fixed "BAD HARDWARE" error message in most versions of Arkanoid [dink]
New drivers
* Added driver for Pit n Run and Jump Kun [iq_132]
* Added driver for Glass by OMK/Gaelco [iq_132]
* Added driver for Thunder Hoop 2: TH Strikes Back [iq_132]
* Added driver for Manhattan, Highway Chase, Terranean, Astro Fantasia, Super
Astro Fighter, Flash Boy, Lock 'n Chase, on Deco Cassette System hardware
[iq_132, dink]
* Added driver for Pata Pata Panic [iq_132]
* Added driver for Pacman - 25th Anniversary Edition and Ms.Pac-Man/Galaga -
20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion [iq_132]
* Added driver for Data East's Dream Ball [iq_132]
* Added driver for Heavy Smash and World Cup Volly '95 on Deco 156 hardware
* Added driver for Avengers in Galactic Storm, Stadium Hero '96, Skull Fang,
Hoops '96, Dunk Dream '95 and Hoops on Deco MLC hardware [iq_132]
* Added driver for Captain America and The Avengers, Fighter's History, Night
Slashers, Tattoo Assassins, and Dragon Gun on Deco 32 hardware [iq_132, dink]
* Added driver for Popper [iq_132]
* Added driver for Mosaic and Golden Fire II [iq_132]
* Added driver for Pipe Dream and Hatris [iq_132]
* Added driver for The Pit, Round Up/Fitter, Dockman/Portman, Super
Mouse/Funny Mouse, Desert Dan and Intrepid [iq_132]
* Added driver for 3x3Puzzle and Casanova [iq_132]
* Added driver for Toaplan-1 games: Vimana, Outzone, Same! Same!
Same!/FireShark, Demon's World, Zero Wing, Hellfire, Truxton and Rally Bike,
replacing the older individual drivers [iq_132]
* Added driver for Konami's Double Dribble [iq_132, dink]
* Added driver for Nibbler, Pioneer Balloon, Fantasy, Vanguard, Sasuke and
Commader and Satan of Saturn on RockOla/SNK6502 hardware [iq_132, dink]
* Added driver for Car Jamboree [iq_132]
* Added driver for Metal Clash by Data East [iq_132]
* Added driver for Jibun wo Migaku Culture School Mahjong Hen [iq_132]
* Added driver for Metal Soldier Isaac II [iq_132]
* Added driver for Xyonix [iq_132]
* Added driver and sound core for Flower [iq_132, dink]
* Added driver for Mad Motor Prototype [iq_132]
* Added driver for Monkey Magic [iq_132]
* Added driver for Kangaroo, replacing the old one [iq_132]
* Added driver for Pirate Ship Higemaru, replacing the old one [iq_132]
* Added driver for Cop 01 and Mighty Guy, due to protection issues, Mighty
Guy is without sound [iq_132]
* Added driver for Oli-Boo-Chu [iq_132]
* Added driver for Super Cross II [iq_132]
* Added driver for V-Ball [iq_132]
* Added driver for PK Scramble [iq_132]
* Added driver for games on Vic Dual hardware *no sound yet* [iq_132]
* Added driver for Super Speed Race Jr. [iq_132]
* Added driver for American Speedway [iq_132]
* Added driver for Space Stranger / 2 [iq_132]
* Added driver for Crazy Ballon [iq_132, dink]
* Added driver for Clash Road and Fire Battle [iq_132]
* Added driver for Flack Attack / MX5000 by Konami [iq_132, dink]
* Added driver for Master Boy (older/Z80 HW) [iq_132]
* Added driver for Beam Invader *WIP/not working* [iq_132]
* Added driver for Dribling [iq_132]
* Added driver for Dora-Chan [iq_132]
* Added driver for Combat School by Konami [iq_132]
* Added driver for Fast Lane by Konami [iq_132]
* Added driver for Konami's Super Basketball [iq_132]
* Added driver for WarpSpeed *WIP/not working* [iq_132]
* Added driver for Food Fight by GCC/Atari [iq_132]
* Added driver for Data East's 18 Holes Pro Golf [iq_132]
* New additions / updates to existing drivers
* Add World Rally 2 [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Peter Wilhelmsen, David
Haywood, iq_132]
* Add Mortal Kombat II (World) Unlimited Hack by Smoke on Megadrive [dink]
* Add Streets of Rage 2 (USA) Syndicate Wars 2016 Hack by Gsaurus on
Megadrive [dink]
* Add Streets of Rage 3 - The Bare Knuckle 3 Project Hack on Megadrive [dink]
* Add Rock n` Roll Racing v15 Hack by Ti [Combone]
* Add several great Sonic 1,2&3 Hacks [Combone]
* Add Mortal Kombat Revelations, Mortal Kombat 3 and Ultimate Hacks [Combone]
* Add Monster World IV English Translation Hack on Megadrive [dink]
* Add Bubble Bobble (prototype on Tokio hardware) [Barry]
* Added DoDonPachi III (World, 2002.05.15 Master Ver) [neohyphengeo
productions] to d_pgm.cpp [JacKc]
* Added B.Rap Boys Special (World) [Phill @NES4Life, JacKc]
* Added Super Street Fighter II sound and color improvement hack on Megadrive
* Added Mega Cheril Perils homebrew game to Megadrive [dink]
* Added Alex Kidd in Miracle World 2 Hack to Mastersystem [dink]
* Added Dahna - Goddess` Birth (English Hack) to Megadrive [dink]
* Added Masiaka (Demo[scene]) by Resistance 2017 to Megadrive [dink]
* Added Turrican fix/hack by linkuei & helder to Megadrive [dink]
* Added Street Fighter 2 Special Champion Edition color and sound hack on
Megadrive [Combone]
* Added FlameWing's BCD Test program to the Megadrive Driver [dink]
* Added Fantasy Zone 2 (Working) and Opa-Opa (not working) to System E driver
* Removed all garbage/hacks by GSC2007, as they should be avoided like the
plague anyway. [n/a]
* Add Riddle of Pythoragas and Slap Shooter to Sega System E [vbt]
* Added Omega to the Freekick driver [dink]
* Add Contra, NES2PCE conversion to PCE [Combone]
* Added several Megadrive game hacks: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -
Tournament Fighters Hack, Streets of Rage 2 - Bare Knuckle 3 Boss Edition,
Streets of Rage 2 - TMNT Hack, Streets of Rage 3 - Extreme Edition, Golden
Axe III - New Character, International Superstar Soccer Deluxe - Real
Names+Extras, and UEFA Euro 2004 Portugal (ISSDX Hack) [Combone]
* Added In Your Face [iq_132], created a handcrafted priority prom so the
game works (for all emulators!) [dink]
* Added Weka Invaders 1.0 to the Sega Master System driver [dink]
* Added A-Blast to the Seta 2 driver [gamezfan]
* Added Silver Valley by Enrique Ruiz / MIKGAMES to the Sega Master System
driver [dink]
* Added Last KM to the Gaelco driver [iq_132]
* Added Sonic 3D Blast: The Director's Cut to the Megadrive driver [dink]
* Added Bioplaything Cop to Gaelco [iq_132]
* Updated kof99ae to 20170909 Final version [JacKc]
* Added Mario Bros. revision G, making it the new parent [dink]
* Added Pier Solar to the Megadrive driver [iq_132]
* Added KOF2002 OMG and Omega hacks to the Neo-Geo driver [barbudreadmon]
* Added KOF98 mix hack to the Neo-Geo driver [iq_132]
* Added Metal Slug 5W hack to the Neo-Geo driver [iq_132]
* Added World Rally 2: Twin Racing (mask ROM version) to d_gaelco.2.cpp
Clones and updated romsets in existing drivers
* Add clone of Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon [Barry]
* Add clone of Kageki [Barry]
* Add two clones of Return of the Invaders [Barry]
* Added clone of Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Quicken, bootleg)
[Moffitt] to d_cps1.cpp [JacKc]
* Added clone of Street Fighter (World) (protected) [Corrado Tomaselli] to
d_cps1.cpp [JacKc]
* Added World clone of Ordyne [Barry]
* Added clone of Carrier Air Wing (USA 901130) [mastercello] to d_cps1.cpp
* Added missing Popeye clones [JacKc]
* Added clone of WWF Superstars (US revision 6) [JacKc]
* Added 1943: Midway Kaisen (Japan) to d_1943.cpp [JacKc]
* Added Chuka Taisen (Japan) (P0-025-A PCB) and correct color proms
[pacman70] to d_tzns.cpp [JacKc]
* Added Alligator Hunt (World, protected) [Pablo] to d_gaelco2.cpp [JacKc]
* Added Alligator Hunt (unprotected, set 2) [David Haywood, Peter Wilhelmsen]
to d_gaelco2.cpp [JacKc]
* Added Super Athena (bootleg) [Hammy] to d_snk.cpp [JacKc]
* Added Crazy Climber (US set 2) [John of http://www.johnsarcade.com] to
d_cclimber.cpp [JacKc]
* Added clone of Beast Busters (Japan, Version 2, J3) [Layer @ jammaplus,
* Added clone of Lady Master of Kung Fu (set 2, older) [Corrado Tomaselli,
The Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Athena (bootleg) [Porchy, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Cabal (UK, Joystick) [hammy, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Super Hang-On (Hang-On conversion, Beta bootleg) [Cmonkey,
* Added clone of Rod-Land (World, set 2) [frsj8112, JacKc]
* Added clone of Bucky O'Hare (ver AA) [Bill D., The Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of '99: The Last War (bootleg) [ShouTime, JacKc]
* Added clone of Martial Masters (ver. 102, 101, 101TW) [skate323k137, The
Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Gunbird 2 (set 2) [Hyid Choi, JacKc]
* Added clone of Biomechanical Toy (Ver. 1.0.1878) [Jorge Silva, JacKc]
* Added clone of TH Strikes Back (Non North America, Version 1.0, Checksum
020EB356) [caius, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clones of Action Fighter (afightera, afighterb) to Sega System 16A
driver [Barry]
* Added clone of Blood Bros. (US) [Bill D., The Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of West Story (bootleg of Blood Bros., set 2) [Osso, caius, The
Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Teki Paki (location test) [ShouTime, Mouloud Bessaad,
Dulleron, Christian Ricolleau, Marisol Nunez Serrano, Renato Mucciarelli,
Jeffrey Gray, John Wilke, Darksoft, Ryan Holtz, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union,
* Added clone of Galaxian Growing Galaxip / Galaxian Nave Creciente
(Recreativos Covadonga Spanish bootleg) [ARPA, Recreativas.org, The Dumping
Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Blue's Journey / Raguy (ALH-001) [Razoola, JacKc]
* Added clone of X-Men: Children of the Atom (Brazil 950331) [SHVB, Haze,
smf, JacKc]
* Added clone of Four Trax (Asia) [Arzeno Fabrice, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Ver. 95/03/21) and Pretty
Soldier Sailor Moon (Ver. 95/03/22, Europe) [rtw, ShouTime, The Dumping
Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of G.I. Joe (Asia, AA) [coolmod, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Knights of Valour 2 / Sangoku Senki 2 (ver. 104, 102, 100HK)
[twistedsymphony, JacKc]
* Added clone of Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (NGM-2700, set 2)
[Sugoi Helsinki, JacKc]
* Added clone of Gee Bee (UK) [Andrew Welburn, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Pac-Man (bootleg, Video Game SA) [Arcade Vintage,
Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Turbo Force (World, set 2) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping
Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Cadash (Spain, version 1) [caius, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Cookie & Bibi 2 (set 2) [Hammy, JacKc]
* Added clone of Pac-Land (Bally-Midway) [Andrea Palazzetti, JacKc]
* Added clone of Ares no Tsubasa (Japan, rev. A) [Corrado Tomaselli, The
Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Ghox (joystick, older) [caius, JacKc]
* Added clone of Opa Opa (Rev A, unprotected) [ShouTime, Charles MacDonald,
Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (street fighter 2'
920313 Taiwan) [sampson, JacKc]
* Added clone of Moon Shuttle (US, version A) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union,
* Added clone of Gigas Mark II (MC-8123, 317-5002) [jacKc]
* Added clone of Tecmo Bowl (World, set 2) [coolmod, JacKc]
* Added clone of Garou - Mark of the Wolves (NGH-2530) [Razoola, JacKc]
* Added clone of Pochi and Nyaa (Ver 2.02) [Razoola, JacKc]
* Added clone of Enduro Racer (YM2151) (mask ROM sprites, FD1089B 317-0013A)
[coolmod, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Playmark bootleg)
[f205v, maru79, JacKc]
* Added clone of Explosive Breaker (Korea) [Jorge Silva, JacKc]
* Added clone of WWF: Wrestlemania (proto 2.01 06/07/95) [Jorge Silva, JacKc]
* Added clone of Super Cobra (bootleg, set 2) [Belike, JacKc]
* Added clone of Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Thunder Edition,
bootleg, set 2) [coolmod, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
FB Alpha or FBA as it is commonly known is an emulator of arcade games, that
is, it takes the program code, graphics data, etc., from an original arcade
game and emulates the hardware to make the game run in it's original form. As
far as the game is concerned it is running in it's original cabinet.
FB Alpha is an open-source project and it is programmed by a group of people
known as the FBA Team. Over the years this has comprised of myself,
Jan_Klaassen, KEV, LoopMaster, Mike Haggar, Hyper Yagami and Ayeye. FB Alpha
is based on the original FinalBurn by Dave.
FB Alpha v0.2.97.43 changelog:
Fixes and new features
* Use real MCU for Tokio [Barry]
* Fix state issues with Slap Fight/Tiger Heli [dink]
* Fix incremental search and sort alphabetically w/"Use Zipnames". [dink]
* Improve incremental search in the game list. This search is when you type
at the game list (not the search box) for example: to get to "Super Cobra"
really fast, type "superco" - or - "doublew" for "Double Wings". Whatever you
are searching for - just leave out the space. If "Use Zipnames" is selected,
type in the romset name or a subset of it. [dink]
* Fix a few video bugs and state issues in "The Lost Castle in Dark Mist"
* Fix dac sounds in Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Trilogy hack [dink]
* Fix B-Wings (Alt) set boot issue [dink]
* Fix color issues in Gold Medalist [iq_132]
* Z80 Core, small improvement to vector handling [dink]
* Parents Only option for driver icons (for systems that have problems with
driver icons) [dink]
* Create new interface and port eke-eke's high quality ym2612 core from
Genplus-gx [dink]
* Fixes SFX sounds in Streets of Rage 2
* Fixes lead and percussive guitar sounds in Mega Turrican's intro
* Fix crash with NBA Jam Tournament Edition on Megadrive [dink]
* Improve 68k timing for Megadrive, fixes... [dink]
* Graphics issues/corruption in Galahad
* Flickery separator line in VS mode on Sonic 2 and 3
* Fix freeze with Desert Strike on Megadrive
* Overall, probably improves everything
* Fix music hangs in Sonic 3 when Sonic is underwater (Z80 timing) [dink]
* Fix PGM Arm7 crash on 64bit systems w/theglad, kov* [dink]
* Sync. romsets with MAME 0.188 [Barry]
* Sync. some romsets with MAME 0.189 [JacKc]
* Fix Robocop2 ending credits scrolltext (8x8 offset masking) [iq_132]
* Fix for replays desynching with games that use SRAM/NVRAM [dink]
* Strikers 1945 Plus music fix [dink]
* Fix Palette Viewer for games with BDF_16BIT_ONLY flag [dink]
* Port Z180 Core from MAME and create FBAlpha-style cpu interface [Barry,
* Hook-up Z180 sound-cpu in GHOX [Barry]
* Games using flag BDF_16BIT_ONLY are no longer 1-frame behind emulation,
other projects using FBAlpha please take note (see
intf/video/vid_interface.cpp) [dink]
* Fix DAC(psg) sounds in Afterburner II Megadrive [dink]
* Added define to log ram usage in src/burn/burn_memory.cpp [iq_132]
* Fixed Archery level in Konami's '88 Games [dink, Gab75]
* Fixed inputs for Nayade Resistance and Crazy Buggy on MSX [dink]
* Hooked up protected versions of Alligator hunt, Touch & Go, Maniac Square
in Gaelco2 Hardware [iq_132]
* Fixed Music/SFX pitch in Arbalester, and occasional "Illegal Inst." error
when playing w/Keyboard [dink]
* Hook up protection MCU for protected version of Glass [iq_132]
* Fixed palette recalc issue w/some Taito-Z games, fixes weird colors when
switching BPP during game [dink]
* Fixed cut-short continue message in Data East's Breakthru [dink]
* Fixed small memory leaks in dynamic Huffman compression [dink]
* Hook up MCU to Tough Turf (U) and Wrestle War, fix Tough Turf (J) [Barry]
* Fixed 2-Player mode in Wonder Boy in Monster Land (System1) [dink]
* Fixed distorted sounds in Time Pilot, Time Pilot '84, Tutanham and Commando
Sega [dink]
* Added Single-Screen modes (DIPS) to Gaelco's World Rally 2 and Data East's
Backfire! [dink]
* Fixed screen corruption at end of race in Hang-On Jr. / v-scrolling issue
in Sega System E [dink]
* Added notaz's BCD fixes to the Musashi 68k cpu core [dink]
* Added i8x41/UPI-41 cpu core [iq_132]
* Sync. romsets with MAME 0.191 [Barry]
* Fixed occasional distorted graphics in Konami's Jail Break when playing
w/Keyboard [dink]
* Fixed deroon's inputs (irq timing) [dink]
* New feature for Lord of Gun: shoot any side to reload [dink]
* Added support for Multi/Connected sprites in Toaplan GP9001 emulation,
fixes GHOX's Highscore background [dink]
* UI Change, the search box text will be preserved between game loads [dink]
* Fix for Use and Select buttons were erraneously swapped in Dungeons &
Dragons - Shadow Over Mystara [dink]
* Fix spritelag issue in Ryu Jin [dink]
* Add missing third button to Life Force (Japan) [dink, gamezfan]
* Improve paddle emulation in Gee Bee, Bomb Bee and Cutie Q [dink]
* Fix sound issues with Phoenix and savestates [dink]
* Fix freeze in Kaitei Takara Sagashi while starting a new game [dink]
* Increase the sound level for all Taito F3 games [dink]
* Small improvement to the search box. Now, for example "namco system 1",
"namco system 2" or "taito f3" can be searched for [dink]
* Fix color issues and impliment transmask groups for Mad Gear / Led Storm,
fixing level 2+ [dink]
* Fix missing tiles and scrolling issues in Last Duel level 2 [dink]
* Fixed many graphical issues in Magical Crystals [dink]
* Fixed input and sound issues in Zoar [dink]
* Fixed timing issue in Burnin' Rubber / Bump 'n Jump [dink]
* Fixed p3 / p4 inputs in Bucky and Moo Mesa [dink]
* Fixed Kaiser Knuckle 2p Kick buttons [shine]
* Fixed transparency issue in Motos [iq_132]
* Fixed an input issue in CPS3 when opposite directions are pressed [dink]
* Converted 1942 and Gun.Smoke over to the new tilemap system [iq_132]
* Updated the ARM core to fix problems with Deco MLC and Deco 156 games [dink]
* Fix byte, word, and quad-long DMA Transfers in SH-2 [dink]
* Added stereo mode to DAC [dink]
* Added bsmt2k and decobsmt soundcores [iq_132, dink]
* Fixed sounds/sfx in Gouketsuji Gaiden Legends [dink]
* Fixed occasional clicks/pops at the beginning of emulation if the last game
played was exited while the msm6295 was playing something [dink]
* Fixed the fog-fadeout in the end-boss scene and other alpha-transparency
issues in Moo Mesa [dink]
* Fixed several minor graphic bugs in Hangzo [dink]
* Slight drawing optimization for Robocop 2 and Edrandy [dink]
* Fixed bad fades in Ninja Baseball Batman and occasional tilemap studder in
R-Type LEO [dink]
* Enabled High Score saves for most Irem M72 games [dink]
* Fixed k054539 savestates and reverb function [dink]
* Fixed graphics issues in Irem's Major Title making the game fully playable
* Fixed music issues in Sol Divide [dink, barbudreadmon]
* Added speedhack dip options for Psikyo SH-2 games [barbudreadmon]
* Fixed k054539 pt.2: Use 3 different techniques (ramp to 0, check for bad
last sample, slight modification to dpcm table) to get rid of clicky noises
in 4bit dpcm sfx/voice samples (Moo Mesa, Bucky O'Hare, Mystic Warriors,
Violent Storm, etc.) [dink]
* Fixed alpha effects in Bucky O'Hare title fadeout, and other transitional
scene fades (tile layer 3 over/under sprites priority mode) [dink]
* Added Z180 support to BurnTimer [iq_132]
* Rewrite/Modernize drivers for 1943, Commando, Jack and the Giantkiller,
Mole Attack, Mr. Flea, Route 16, and Bomb Jack [iq_132]
* Fixed Safari Hunting on SG-1000, thanks to Eke of Genesis Plus GX for info!
* Fixed palette/color issues in Spelunker 1 and 2 [dink]
* Added proper Draw handler to Irem M62 so paused games don't advance a frame
during a window update/redraw [dink]
* Fixed Input Dialog: Populate the combo list with preset name when saving
* Fixed broken lines in the boss tank for the M82 version of Air Duel [dink]
* Removed rom patch and added proper protection simulation to Route 16
* Removed rom patch and added proper protection simulation to Meta Fox
* Fixed Tetrise and Hang-On Jr. dips [dink]
* Slight timing improvement for Kicker / Shaolin's Road [dink]
* Use event semaphores instead of polling for better DirectSound performance
and timing [Jan Klaassen]
* Fix another cycle-related issue with ZetRunEnd, fixes sound issues with
certain Neo-Geo games [dink]
* Enabled High Score saving for most CPS3 games [barbudreadmon]
* Fixed some palette issues in Super Burger Time [dink]
* Added M6502SetAddressMask() to the M6502 cpu core [iq_132]
* Added cubic resampling interpolater to the samples core [Jan Klaassen]
* Added speedhack dip options for Deco32 games [gamezfan, dink]
* Enabled High Score saving for Raiden [barbudreadmon]
* Updated K054539 pt.3, use cubic resampling for high quality sound [dink]
* Fixed timers in SN76477 sound core [dink]
* Fixed missing cut-scene graphics in Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon [Jan
* Update Namco System 2's soundcore w/cubic resampling for high quality sound
* Update Gaelco2 soundcore w/cubic resampling and fix crackle/pop!'s at
beginning of samples [dink]
* Fixed layer priority masking in Black Tiger [vbt]
* Fixed the MSM6295 sampling rate in Batsugun and Truxton2 [yukaritamura
(libretro-fba), dink]
* Add high-quality ICS2115 (pgm) soundcore from Jan, superior sound quality
for all PGM games, fixes KOV2 music [Jan Klaassen]
* Update ES5505/6 soundcore w/cubic interp. resampling [dink]
* Increase volume in Gyruss and Monster Slider [dink]
* Fixed sound loss, palette fade bug and sprite clipping issues in Double
Wings [dink]
* Added new interface for AY8910, updated all drivers to use it [iq_132]
* Emulated sound cpu and hooked up all sounds in Mario Bros. (mario) [dink]
* Added Sega TeamPlayer support to the Megadrive driver, enabling it for:
Columns 3, Gauntlet 4, Mega Bomberman, Street Racer (...more to come..) [dink]
* Fixed player sprite color in Millipede [dink]
* Added speech to Gauntlet I and II - TMS5220 sound core ported to FBA [dink]
* Added save state support to the Irem M90 driver [dink]
* Cleaned up the sound in Donkey Kong to get rid of clicks in some sounds
* Fixed sound hz in Triple Punch and clones [dink]
* Standardize savestate calls amongst soundcores [iq_132]
* Fixed tilemap and sound synchronization issues in Rohga [dink]
* Hook up sound cpu and fix sprite offsets in Pipi & Bibis / Whoopee!! on
Teki Paki hardware [dink]
* Fixed video and audio issues in Risky Challenge, game now playable [dink,
* Updated all FM soundcores using the timer system to require a lot less
support code per driver (internalized *GetTime and *Synch.Stream) [dink]
* Fix the SRam implimentation on Megadrive [dink]
* Added EA "Four Way Play" support to Megadrive, enabled for General Chaos
and Mutant League Hockey [dink]
* Added resampling to the ymf278b sound core, sounds right regardless of user
sound rate [dink]
* Added a English fan-translations of the following Megadrive games: Battle
Mania Daiginjou, Gleylancer, Tougiou King Colossus, Langrisser II, Phantasy
Star II Adventure series games, Pulse Man, Twinkle Tale and Undead Line
* Fixed color issues on Jupiter and occasional missing pixels on Neptune in
Gyruss [dink]
* Added CPU_IRQSTATUS_HOLD to hd6309 cpu core [dink]
* Fixed ending scene and movement of the rock-wall dragon boss in Labyrinth
Runner/Trick Trap [dink]
* Use a common timer value when starting netgames on Neo-Geo for better
netgame sync. [Ponder]
* Added menu option (Misc -> Options) to enable/disable the High Resolution
Timer - defaults to ON [dink]
* Added Sync. to DWM option for Windows 7 - 10 windowed mode [dink]
* Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition now runs at the right speed [dink,
* Fixed crash w/DX9 Blitters when going to the task manager in Win7+ when
Auto Pause is off [dink]
* Updates to the uPD7810 cpu core [dink, iq_132]
* uPD7810 core, update some opcodes and add analog port reading for c-chip
[dink, iq_132]
* Emulate Taito C-Chip for Superman, Bonze Adventure, Mega Blast, Rainbow
Islands / Rainbow Islands Extra and Volfied [dink]
* Use 4-Way inputs for Volfied, making the game playable [dink]
* Fixed a problem where Bonze Adventure wasn't reading the dips [dink]
* Re-work tile:sprite priority system in Taito F2 [dink]
* Pulirula: fixes tile:sprite priorities and blending effects in level 2
* Liquid Kids: fixes the cut-scene/story between levels
* Metal Black: fixes missing moving letters before the titlescreen appears
* Improved DonPachi and DoDonPachi timing to respond to inputs in 2 frames
instead of 4 [dink]
* Changed aspect ratio on Tecmo Bowl to look less squished [dink]
* Sync. romsets with MAME 0.197 [Barry]
* Analog input improvement for Konami GT and RF2 [dink]
* Fixed click when paused/dc offset issue in Cheeky Mouse [dink]
* Removed busyloop hacks from M6809, HD6309 and M6805 CPU Cores [dink]
* Update libpng to 1.6.34 [Barry]
* Improved timing in Heavy Unit and Ghosts'n Goblins (revisited) [dink]
* Fixed several bugs in the M6805 cpu core [dink]
* Fixed "BAD HARDWARE" error message in most versions of Arkanoid [dink]
New drivers
* Added driver for Pit n Run and Jump Kun [iq_132]
* Added driver for Glass by OMK/Gaelco [iq_132]
* Added driver for Thunder Hoop 2: TH Strikes Back [iq_132]
* Added driver for Manhattan, Highway Chase, Terranean, Astro Fantasia, Super
Astro Fighter, Flash Boy, Lock 'n Chase, on Deco Cassette System hardware
[iq_132, dink]
* Added driver for Pata Pata Panic [iq_132]
* Added driver for Pacman - 25th Anniversary Edition and Ms.Pac-Man/Galaga -
20th Anniversary Class of 1981 Reunion [iq_132]
* Added driver for Data East's Dream Ball [iq_132]
* Added driver for Heavy Smash and World Cup Volly '95 on Deco 156 hardware
* Added driver for Avengers in Galactic Storm, Stadium Hero '96, Skull Fang,
Hoops '96, Dunk Dream '95 and Hoops on Deco MLC hardware [iq_132]
* Added driver for Captain America and The Avengers, Fighter's History, Night
Slashers, Tattoo Assassins, and Dragon Gun on Deco 32 hardware [iq_132, dink]
* Added driver for Popper [iq_132]
* Added driver for Mosaic and Golden Fire II [iq_132]
* Added driver for Pipe Dream and Hatris [iq_132]
* Added driver for The Pit, Round Up/Fitter, Dockman/Portman, Super
Mouse/Funny Mouse, Desert Dan and Intrepid [iq_132]
* Added driver for 3x3Puzzle and Casanova [iq_132]
* Added driver for Toaplan-1 games: Vimana, Outzone, Same! Same!
Same!/FireShark, Demon's World, Zero Wing, Hellfire, Truxton and Rally Bike,
replacing the older individual drivers [iq_132]
* Added driver for Konami's Double Dribble [iq_132, dink]
* Added driver for Nibbler, Pioneer Balloon, Fantasy, Vanguard, Sasuke and
Commader and Satan of Saturn on RockOla/SNK6502 hardware [iq_132, dink]
* Added driver for Car Jamboree [iq_132]
* Added driver for Metal Clash by Data East [iq_132]
* Added driver for Jibun wo Migaku Culture School Mahjong Hen [iq_132]
* Added driver for Metal Soldier Isaac II [iq_132]
* Added driver for Xyonix [iq_132]
* Added driver and sound core for Flower [iq_132, dink]
* Added driver for Mad Motor Prototype [iq_132]
* Added driver for Monkey Magic [iq_132]
* Added driver for Kangaroo, replacing the old one [iq_132]
* Added driver for Pirate Ship Higemaru, replacing the old one [iq_132]
* Added driver for Cop 01 and Mighty Guy, due to protection issues, Mighty
Guy is without sound [iq_132]
* Added driver for Oli-Boo-Chu [iq_132]
* Added driver for Super Cross II [iq_132]
* Added driver for V-Ball [iq_132]
* Added driver for PK Scramble [iq_132]
* Added driver for games on Vic Dual hardware *no sound yet* [iq_132]
* Added driver for Super Speed Race Jr. [iq_132]
* Added driver for American Speedway [iq_132]
* Added driver for Space Stranger / 2 [iq_132]
* Added driver for Crazy Ballon [iq_132, dink]
* Added driver for Clash Road and Fire Battle [iq_132]
* Added driver for Flack Attack / MX5000 by Konami [iq_132, dink]
* Added driver for Master Boy (older/Z80 HW) [iq_132]
* Added driver for Beam Invader *WIP/not working* [iq_132]
* Added driver for Dribling [iq_132]
* Added driver for Dora-Chan [iq_132]
* Added driver for Combat School by Konami [iq_132]
* Added driver for Fast Lane by Konami [iq_132]
* Added driver for Konami's Super Basketball [iq_132]
* Added driver for WarpSpeed *WIP/not working* [iq_132]
* Added driver for Food Fight by GCC/Atari [iq_132]
* Added driver for Data East's 18 Holes Pro Golf [iq_132]
* New additions / updates to existing drivers
* Add World Rally 2 [Morten Shearman Kirkegaard, Peter Wilhelmsen, David
Haywood, iq_132]
* Add Mortal Kombat II (World) Unlimited Hack by Smoke on Megadrive [dink]
* Add Streets of Rage 2 (USA) Syndicate Wars 2016 Hack by Gsaurus on
Megadrive [dink]
* Add Streets of Rage 3 - The Bare Knuckle 3 Project Hack on Megadrive [dink]
* Add Rock n` Roll Racing v15 Hack by Ti [Combone]
* Add several great Sonic 1,2&3 Hacks [Combone]
* Add Mortal Kombat Revelations, Mortal Kombat 3 and Ultimate Hacks [Combone]
* Add Monster World IV English Translation Hack on Megadrive [dink]
* Add Bubble Bobble (prototype on Tokio hardware) [Barry]
* Added DoDonPachi III (World, 2002.05.15 Master Ver) [neohyphengeo
productions] to d_pgm.cpp [JacKc]
* Added B.Rap Boys Special (World) [Phill @NES4Life, JacKc]
* Added Super Street Fighter II sound and color improvement hack on Megadrive
* Added Mega Cheril Perils homebrew game to Megadrive [dink]
* Added Alex Kidd in Miracle World 2 Hack to Mastersystem [dink]
* Added Dahna - Goddess` Birth (English Hack) to Megadrive [dink]
* Added Masiaka (Demo[scene]) by Resistance 2017 to Megadrive [dink]
* Added Turrican fix/hack by linkuei & helder to Megadrive [dink]
* Added Street Fighter 2 Special Champion Edition color and sound hack on
Megadrive [Combone]
* Added FlameWing's BCD Test program to the Megadrive Driver [dink]
* Added Fantasy Zone 2 (Working) and Opa-Opa (not working) to System E driver
* Removed all garbage/hacks by GSC2007, as they should be avoided like the
plague anyway. [n/a]
* Add Riddle of Pythoragas and Slap Shooter to Sega System E [vbt]
* Added Omega to the Freekick driver [dink]
* Add Contra, NES2PCE conversion to PCE [Combone]
* Added several Megadrive game hacks: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -
Tournament Fighters Hack, Streets of Rage 2 - Bare Knuckle 3 Boss Edition,
Streets of Rage 2 - TMNT Hack, Streets of Rage 3 - Extreme Edition, Golden
Axe III - New Character, International Superstar Soccer Deluxe - Real
Names+Extras, and UEFA Euro 2004 Portugal (ISSDX Hack) [Combone]
* Added In Your Face [iq_132], created a handcrafted priority prom so the
game works (for all emulators!) [dink]
* Added Weka Invaders 1.0 to the Sega Master System driver [dink]
* Added A-Blast to the Seta 2 driver [gamezfan]
* Added Silver Valley by Enrique Ruiz / MIKGAMES to the Sega Master System
driver [dink]
* Added Last KM to the Gaelco driver [iq_132]
* Added Sonic 3D Blast: The Director's Cut to the Megadrive driver [dink]
* Added Bioplaything Cop to Gaelco [iq_132]
* Updated kof99ae to 20170909 Final version [JacKc]
* Added Mario Bros. revision G, making it the new parent [dink]
* Added Pier Solar to the Megadrive driver [iq_132]
* Added KOF2002 OMG and Omega hacks to the Neo-Geo driver [barbudreadmon]
* Added KOF98 mix hack to the Neo-Geo driver [iq_132]
* Added Metal Slug 5W hack to the Neo-Geo driver [iq_132]
* Added World Rally 2: Twin Racing (mask ROM version) to d_gaelco.2.cpp
Clones and updated romsets in existing drivers
* Add clone of Act-Fancer Cybernetick Hyper Weapon [Barry]
* Add clone of Kageki [Barry]
* Add two clones of Return of the Invaders [Barry]
* Added clone of Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Quicken, bootleg)
[Moffitt] to d_cps1.cpp [JacKc]
* Added clone of Street Fighter (World) (protected) [Corrado Tomaselli] to
d_cps1.cpp [JacKc]
* Added World clone of Ordyne [Barry]
* Added clone of Carrier Air Wing (USA 901130) [mastercello] to d_cps1.cpp
* Added missing Popeye clones [JacKc]
* Added clone of WWF Superstars (US revision 6) [JacKc]
* Added 1943: Midway Kaisen (Japan) to d_1943.cpp [JacKc]
* Added Chuka Taisen (Japan) (P0-025-A PCB) and correct color proms
[pacman70] to d_tzns.cpp [JacKc]
* Added Alligator Hunt (World, protected) [Pablo] to d_gaelco2.cpp [JacKc]
* Added Alligator Hunt (unprotected, set 2) [David Haywood, Peter Wilhelmsen]
to d_gaelco2.cpp [JacKc]
* Added Super Athena (bootleg) [Hammy] to d_snk.cpp [JacKc]
* Added Crazy Climber (US set 2) [John of http://www.johnsarcade.com] to
d_cclimber.cpp [JacKc]
* Added clone of Beast Busters (Japan, Version 2, J3) [Layer @ jammaplus,
* Added clone of Lady Master of Kung Fu (set 2, older) [Corrado Tomaselli,
The Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Athena (bootleg) [Porchy, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Cabal (UK, Joystick) [hammy, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Super Hang-On (Hang-On conversion, Beta bootleg) [Cmonkey,
* Added clone of Rod-Land (World, set 2) [frsj8112, JacKc]
* Added clone of Bucky O'Hare (ver AA) [Bill D., The Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of '99: The Last War (bootleg) [ShouTime, JacKc]
* Added clone of Martial Masters (ver. 102, 101, 101TW) [skate323k137, The
Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Gunbird 2 (set 2) [Hyid Choi, JacKc]
* Added clone of Biomechanical Toy (Ver. 1.0.1878) [Jorge Silva, JacKc]
* Added clone of TH Strikes Back (Non North America, Version 1.0, Checksum
020EB356) [caius, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clones of Action Fighter (afightera, afighterb) to Sega System 16A
driver [Barry]
* Added clone of Blood Bros. (US) [Bill D., The Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of West Story (bootleg of Blood Bros., set 2) [Osso, caius, The
Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Teki Paki (location test) [ShouTime, Mouloud Bessaad,
Dulleron, Christian Ricolleau, Marisol Nunez Serrano, Renato Mucciarelli,
Jeffrey Gray, John Wilke, Darksoft, Ryan Holtz, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union,
* Added clone of Galaxian Growing Galaxip / Galaxian Nave Creciente
(Recreativos Covadonga Spanish bootleg) [ARPA, Recreativas.org, The Dumping
Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Blue's Journey / Raguy (ALH-001) [Razoola, JacKc]
* Added clone of X-Men: Children of the Atom (Brazil 950331) [SHVB, Haze,
smf, JacKc]
* Added clone of Four Trax (Asia) [Arzeno Fabrice, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Ver. 95/03/21) and Pretty
Soldier Sailor Moon (Ver. 95/03/22, Europe) [rtw, ShouTime, The Dumping
Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of G.I. Joe (Asia, AA) [coolmod, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Knights of Valour 2 / Sangoku Senki 2 (ver. 104, 102, 100HK)
[twistedsymphony, JacKc]
* Added clone of Samurai Shodown V / Samurai Spirits Zero (NGM-2700, set 2)
[Sugoi Helsinki, JacKc]
* Added clone of Gee Bee (UK) [Andrew Welburn, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Pac-Man (bootleg, Video Game SA) [Arcade Vintage,
Recreativas.org, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Turbo Force (World, set 2) [Corrado Tomaselli, The Dumping
Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Cadash (Spain, version 1) [caius, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Cookie & Bibi 2 (set 2) [Hammy, JacKc]
* Added clone of Pac-Land (Bally-Midway) [Andrea Palazzetti, JacKc]
* Added clone of Ares no Tsubasa (Japan, rev. A) [Corrado Tomaselli, The
Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Ghox (joystick, older) [caius, JacKc]
* Added clone of Opa Opa (Rev A, unprotected) [ShouTime, Charles MacDonald,
Smitdogg, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (street fighter 2'
920313 Taiwan) [sampson, JacKc]
* Added clone of Moon Shuttle (US, version A) [ShouTime, The Dumping Union,
* Added clone of Gigas Mark II (MC-8123, 317-5002) [jacKc]
* Added clone of Tecmo Bowl (World, set 2) [coolmod, JacKc]
* Added clone of Garou - Mark of the Wolves (NGH-2530) [Razoola, JacKc]
* Added clone of Pochi and Nyaa (Ver 2.02) [Razoola, JacKc]
* Added clone of Enduro Racer (YM2151) (mask ROM sprites, FD1089B 317-0013A)
[coolmod, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
* Added clone of Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Playmark bootleg)
[f205v, maru79, JacKc]
* Added clone of Explosive Breaker (Korea) [Jorge Silva, JacKc]
* Added clone of WWF: Wrestlemania (proto 2.01 06/07/95) [Jorge Silva, JacKc]
* Added clone of Super Cobra (bootleg, set 2) [Belike, JacKc]
* Added clone of Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (Thunder Edition,
bootleg, set 2) [coolmod, The Dumping Union, JacKc]
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