(Arcade emulator front-end ) Emu Loader v5.7 - 模擬器

By Liam
at 2009-01-27T12:53
at 2009-01-27T12:53
Table of Contents
- Cheat settings updated to latest MAME build (MAME Settings screen)
- Access violation when using Hidden Games feature and the file
“hidden_games.ini” does not exist
Image info panel:
- -> appearing when switching from layouts view mode to classic view
mode, when setting is turned off
- -> not being emptied when no image is found -> not updating its
text after turning on/off
- Scan audio samples feature was not working (main menu“Games List”).
- Apparently nobody use this thing because I never got any bug reports
on this bug
-“Danger Will Robinson… DANGER!”
- Columns profile editor load/save was not working correctly and, when
closing the editor while viewing a different profile than the actual
profile being used on the games list, this new profile was being set
and messing up data for all columns when opening the columns editor
- And even more disturbing… nobody reported this fatal bug for the
last 18 months!
- Pixelated game icon on several screens. Also, they are now displayed
directly into the TImage32 canvas :-))
- Select file for left panel editor was not working correctly (custom
EL select file dialog)
- Glide renderer config now load/save keys settings (file “glide_
renderer.cfg”, ZiNc settings screen)
- Glide renderer detection was not working, making EL load/save
settings on the wrong renderer CFG file (ZiNc settings screen)
- Some minor bugs in the favorites profiles editor
- A bunch of small fixes everywhere… mostly UI
- Transparency (alpha channel) and smoothness were not being applied
corretly on any top and bottom bars
- Incremetal search still working on EasyListView when “Control Games
- With Arcade Controller” is enabled
- Access violation when auto-selecting an item in TColorBox component
if its
- OnSelect event is empty
- Filter for “Sega System 24〃 was not showing any games (driver name
on newer
- MAME builds have changed)
- Several files renamed (”resources\main_icons\” folder)
- Minimum screen resolution increased to 960×600 (16:10)… but you
still can use EL at 800×600
- I recommend 1024×768 as minimum resolution as this is a Windows
application, not for arcade monitors
- Front-end main icons reduced to 16×16 (tool bar icons are still 24×24)
- Virtual TreeView component updated to v4.7.0 and to the latest SVN
- EasyListView component updated v2.0 and to the latest SVN version
- Menu theme “Office 2007〃 renamed to “Default”, but .ini entries
remain the same
Several changes to columns profiles feature:
- Default profile name changed from “default.ini” to “
- Columns profiles folder is no more. All files will be saved in “
resources\ini_files\” and must begin with “col_profile_systemname
- Profiles editor only works for the selected system (no more editing
profiles for multiple systems at once)
- Only 2 profiles are available for each system: “General” for all
systems (default) and “System” that can only be used by the
selected system
- View emulator versions and games list versions replaced by a new
and single screen “File Versions” (main menu “View”)
- User interface on several screens are changed and lots of controls
were replaced to simplify future updates in EL
- Updated FastMM to version 4.9.2 (several fixes and full support
for Delphi 2009)
- Moved image layouts feature (title edit and visible layouts) and
image category settings (category titles, visible categories and
folders settings) from preferences screen to a new “Category
/ Layout Settings” screen that can be accessed from main menu
“Images”, “Category / Layout Settings”
- This has been done to merge all features in one place and for easy
- Also to improve loading time of preferences screen at startup and
remove all these ListView components from sitting idle in RAM
without reason
- Moved “Control Games List With Arcade Controllers” from
preferences screen to main menu “Games List” and renamed it to
“Browse Games With”. To disable this feature just select
“Keyboard + Mouse”
- Moved “Auto Rename Snapshots To Old Format” from preferences
screen to main menu “Images”. These 2 settings are enabled by
default and are for conveniece only. If you want to keep MAME
snaps original filenames, disable it
- Optimizations to popup menus (context menus), main menu, UI and
a bunch of common functions
- Aut-select previous/next visible game instead of the top game in
the list after using certain features: selete game, add/remove
favorites and hidden list
- Converted a lot of functions into procedures since they do not
need to return a confirmation value. Don’t know if this saves
memory or if the reduced memory usage is relevant
- Some error/warning message boxes replaced by a blinking background
in edit boxes (left panel editor screen, favorites profiles screen,
emulator setup screen). Other features will use this new function
in the future
- Optimized the icons loading at startup and merged a couple
“ImageList” since they use the same icons
- Some settings on EmuLoader.ini have been simplified and merged.
Some other entries renamed
- All ListView components replaced by EasyListView since it’s safer
and far easier to work with. By doing this, several functionality
and visual bugs were fixed
- Height of top and bottom bars reduced
- Browse for folder (multiple folders) dialog box now have a “Include
- Subfolders” checkbox and the dialog was completely coded from
scratch. [WARNING] If you have “view zip as folder” feature
enabled on your OS, when opening a folder with lots of .zip files,
the dialog will take some time to read sub-folders and display them
on the screen. The only way to fix this is to disable “zip as
folder” from Windows. Google it and you’ll find out how to do that
- Browse for folder (single) and select file dialog boxes optimized
to reduce redundant lines of code
- Removed the “Close” button command from several screens since
the TButton component have a “ModalResult” property that closes
the form automatically without a single line of code
- MAME “snapshot_directory” entry in “mame.ini” is updated
automatically when closing the new “Image Category / Layout
Settings” screen (all MAME based systems, if they are available)
- Left-overs in “EmuLoader.ini” from previous builds
- Some unused icons (”resources\main_icons\” folder)”
- Unused variables and old codes thru the entire project (some
functions are still there, commented out)
- AnotherArcadeEmulator settings screen removed completely from
the project
- Filter: “Missing ROMs/CHDs” (tool bar button “Have / Miss Games”)
- Select this filter to display all games that have one or more
missing ROMs/CHDs
- Feature: Customizable font for games found with 1 or more missing
ROMs/CHDs (preferences screen, “Games” / “Games List” tab,
“Font Settings” box, “ Missing ROMs/CHDs”). Games where the .zip
was found but there are ROMs or CHDs missing, will be displayed in
a different font. It uses the same files as the “Scan Results”
feature (games popup menu)
- Not all systems are supported!
- PinMAME system is back (only Win32 binary is supported)
- NOTE: I am NOT adding native support for “Visual PinMAME” tables
so please, do not ask
- New files added for PinMAME
- Setting: “New Emulator Binaries Detection Enabled” (preferences
screen, “General” tab, “Miscellaneous” tab, “Startup” frame box)
- Disable this option to prevent the front-end from verifying the
checksum of available emulators, for a faster start (enabled by
Images tool bar buttons:
- toggle classic/layouts view mode
- delete snapshot of selected category (classic view mode only)
- New .ttf font: “Consolas”, used in the project (this font is
way better than “Courier New”)
- The window position and size is restored on left panel editor
screen (”ini_files\el_extras.ini” file)
- Support for MAME 0.129u2 including new CHD types: “Video Home
System” and “Compact Flash Card”
莫 再 提 莫 再 吵 莫 再 問 莫 再 捧 莫 再 信 莫 再 爭
莫 再 講 莫 再 聞 莫 再 理 莫 再 叫 莫 再 貶 莫 再 寫
莫 再 說 莫 再 想 莫 再 打 莫 再 用
莫 再 扯 莫 再 婊 莫 再 罵 莫 再 扛
莫 再 聊 莫 再 管 莫 再 傳 莫 再 投
- Cheat settings updated to latest MAME build (MAME Settings screen)
- Access violation when using Hidden Games feature and the file
“hidden_games.ini” does not exist
Image info panel:
- -> appearing when switching from layouts view mode to classic view
mode, when setting is turned off
- -> not being emptied when no image is found -> not updating its
text after turning on/off
- Scan audio samples feature was not working (main menu“Games List”).
- Apparently nobody use this thing because I never got any bug reports
on this bug
-“Danger Will Robinson… DANGER!”
- Columns profile editor load/save was not working correctly and, when
closing the editor while viewing a different profile than the actual
profile being used on the games list, this new profile was being set
and messing up data for all columns when opening the columns editor
- And even more disturbing… nobody reported this fatal bug for the
last 18 months!
- Pixelated game icon on several screens. Also, they are now displayed
directly into the TImage32 canvas :-))
- Select file for left panel editor was not working correctly (custom
EL select file dialog)
- Glide renderer config now load/save keys settings (file “glide_
renderer.cfg”, ZiNc settings screen)
- Glide renderer detection was not working, making EL load/save
settings on the wrong renderer CFG file (ZiNc settings screen)
- Some minor bugs in the favorites profiles editor
- A bunch of small fixes everywhere… mostly UI
- Transparency (alpha channel) and smoothness were not being applied
corretly on any top and bottom bars
- Incremetal search still working on EasyListView when “Control Games
- With Arcade Controller” is enabled
- Access violation when auto-selecting an item in TColorBox component
if its
- OnSelect event is empty
- Filter for “Sega System 24〃 was not showing any games (driver name
on newer
- MAME builds have changed)
- Several files renamed (”resources\main_icons\” folder)
- Minimum screen resolution increased to 960×600 (16:10)… but you
still can use EL at 800×600
- I recommend 1024×768 as minimum resolution as this is a Windows
application, not for arcade monitors
- Front-end main icons reduced to 16×16 (tool bar icons are still 24×24)
- Virtual TreeView component updated to v4.7.0 and to the latest SVN
- EasyListView component updated v2.0 and to the latest SVN version
- Menu theme “Office 2007〃 renamed to “Default”, but .ini entries
remain the same
Several changes to columns profiles feature:
- Default profile name changed from “default.ini” to “
- Columns profiles folder is no more. All files will be saved in “
resources\ini_files\” and must begin with “col_profile_systemname
- Profiles editor only works for the selected system (no more editing
profiles for multiple systems at once)
- Only 2 profiles are available for each system: “General” for all
systems (default) and “System” that can only be used by the
selected system
- View emulator versions and games list versions replaced by a new
and single screen “File Versions” (main menu “View”)
- User interface on several screens are changed and lots of controls
were replaced to simplify future updates in EL
- Updated FastMM to version 4.9.2 (several fixes and full support
for Delphi 2009)
- Moved image layouts feature (title edit and visible layouts) and
image category settings (category titles, visible categories and
folders settings) from preferences screen to a new “Category
/ Layout Settings” screen that can be accessed from main menu
“Images”, “Category / Layout Settings”
- This has been done to merge all features in one place and for easy
- Also to improve loading time of preferences screen at startup and
remove all these ListView components from sitting idle in RAM
without reason
- Moved “Control Games List With Arcade Controllers” from
preferences screen to main menu “Games List” and renamed it to
“Browse Games With”. To disable this feature just select
“Keyboard + Mouse”
- Moved “Auto Rename Snapshots To Old Format” from preferences
screen to main menu “Images”. These 2 settings are enabled by
default and are for conveniece only. If you want to keep MAME
snaps original filenames, disable it
- Optimizations to popup menus (context menus), main menu, UI and
a bunch of common functions
- Aut-select previous/next visible game instead of the top game in
the list after using certain features: selete game, add/remove
favorites and hidden list
- Converted a lot of functions into procedures since they do not
need to return a confirmation value. Don’t know if this saves
memory or if the reduced memory usage is relevant
- Some error/warning message boxes replaced by a blinking background
in edit boxes (left panel editor screen, favorites profiles screen,
emulator setup screen). Other features will use this new function
in the future
- Optimized the icons loading at startup and merged a couple
“ImageList” since they use the same icons
- Some settings on EmuLoader.ini have been simplified and merged.
Some other entries renamed
- All ListView components replaced by EasyListView since it’s safer
and far easier to work with. By doing this, several functionality
and visual bugs were fixed
- Height of top and bottom bars reduced
- Browse for folder (multiple folders) dialog box now have a “Include
- Subfolders” checkbox and the dialog was completely coded from
scratch. [WARNING] If you have “view zip as folder” feature
enabled on your OS, when opening a folder with lots of .zip files,
the dialog will take some time to read sub-folders and display them
on the screen. The only way to fix this is to disable “zip as
folder” from Windows. Google it and you’ll find out how to do that
- Browse for folder (single) and select file dialog boxes optimized
to reduce redundant lines of code
- Removed the “Close” button command from several screens since
the TButton component have a “ModalResult” property that closes
the form automatically without a single line of code
- MAME “snapshot_directory” entry in “mame.ini” is updated
automatically when closing the new “Image Category / Layout
Settings” screen (all MAME based systems, if they are available)
- Left-overs in “EmuLoader.ini” from previous builds
- Some unused icons (”resources\main_icons\” folder)”
- Unused variables and old codes thru the entire project (some
functions are still there, commented out)
- AnotherArcadeEmulator settings screen removed completely from
the project
- Filter: “Missing ROMs/CHDs” (tool bar button “Have / Miss Games”)
- Select this filter to display all games that have one or more
missing ROMs/CHDs
- Feature: Customizable font for games found with 1 or more missing
ROMs/CHDs (preferences screen, “Games” / “Games List” tab,
“Font Settings” box, “ Missing ROMs/CHDs”). Games where the .zip
was found but there are ROMs or CHDs missing, will be displayed in
a different font. It uses the same files as the “Scan Results”
feature (games popup menu)
- Not all systems are supported!
- PinMAME system is back (only Win32 binary is supported)
- NOTE: I am NOT adding native support for “Visual PinMAME” tables
so please, do not ask
- New files added for PinMAME
- Setting: “New Emulator Binaries Detection Enabled” (preferences
screen, “General” tab, “Miscellaneous” tab, “Startup” frame box)
- Disable this option to prevent the front-end from verifying the
checksum of available emulators, for a faster start (enabled by
Images tool bar buttons:
- toggle classic/layouts view mode
- delete snapshot of selected category (classic view mode only)
- New .ttf font: “Consolas”, used in the project (this font is
way better than “Courier New”)
- The window position and size is restored on left panel editor
screen (”ini_files\el_extras.ini” file)
- Support for MAME 0.129u2 including new CHD types: “Video Home
System” and “Compact Flash Card”
莫 再 提 莫 再 吵 莫 再 問 莫 再 捧 莫 再 信 莫 再 爭
莫 再 講 莫 再 聞 莫 再 理 莫 再 叫 莫 再 貶 莫 再 寫
莫 再 說 莫 再 想 莫 再 打 莫 再 用
莫 再 扯 莫 再 婊 莫 再 罵 莫 再 扛
莫 再 聊 莫 再 管 莫 再 傳 莫 再 投
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