Arbee's WIP Emporium (2011/06/14) - 模擬器

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2011-06-16T10:39

Table of Contents

I’m not going to make a Uranus joke

Thanks to work by Kale, MESS is starting to run commercial Sega Saturn games.
Check out the ongoing saga on this thread on the MESS forum.

MAME-side I added the Crystal System game Donggul Donggul Haerong which Guru
had dumped a few months back but got overlooked, and Luca Elia got it to
boot, so that’s a win. Guru also dumped Special Forces Elite Training by
ICE/Play Mechanix which runs on similar custom 3D hardware to Johnny Nero:
Action Hero but without the PIC protection.

The DU came through with complete dumps of another region for Tekken 3
version A, which both adds a new region and fixed some missing ROMs in the
existing sets. This in turn wipes out 2 MAMETesters bugs, which is always
good. Incoming: 14 (!) new ST-V “Print Club” cartridges. I mention this
mostly because one of them is themed to the legendary Felix the Cat, which is
pretty cool. And also because Sixtoe has some work to do

SDL-side we fully support GCC 4.6.0 and Fedora 15 now as previously
mentioned, and the SDL Cabal (it sounds good but we’re not that organized)
is planning to port the HLSL effects once they’ve stablized. In more major
news, we’re going to rewrite the Linux debugger in Qt instead of GTK+ which
should make it easier to maintain and add features to. Yes I realize this is
going to result in a dependency fire drill for packagers, and I ask in
advance that all the great people who package MAME and MESS be patient with

I’m also looking into providing a native direct PulseAudio output path on
Linux, because Pulse-via-SDL imposes a weird delay of several seconds when
closing the app and you’re not always sure if MAME saw you press Esc. The
existing SDL path will of course remain in place and will still be fully


All Comments

KOF 13

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2011-06-16T00:06
毫無技巧可言的影片 但這不是重點 重點是在影片下面的留言 請低調 試過可用 -- `:.and#39;. ...

MAME Plus! 0.142u5 (西遊釋厄傳-群魔亂舞)

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2011-06-15T22:19
支援 西遊釋厄傳-群魔亂舞 -- kof13... 推 kyhkyh:這款等好久了! 06/15 22:29 ※ 編輯: choan 來自: (06/15 23:19 ...

SDLMAME v0.142u5 for Ubuntu

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2011-06-15T22:07 SDLMAME v0.142u5 for Ubuntu is released. SDLMAME is a port of the popular MAME ™ emulator to the SDL library. It runs on man ...

VisualBoyAdvance-M SVN r1025

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2011-06-15T22:04 VisualBoyAdvance-M SVN r1025 is released. VisualBoyAdvance-M(VBA-M) is a [Super] Game Boy [Color / Advance] emulator ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2011-06-15T16:34
個人相當推崇KONAMI的遊戲音樂, 當時也因此特地連續寫了三款相當喜愛的KONAMI遊戲 第一款就是月風魔傳,是一款讓我小時候第一次感到迷路的恐怖。 走不出3D迷宮阿阿阿阿.....(有一種被處女座沙迦打到六道輪迴的感覺) ============================= 搭配用圖片 圖 ...