(Apple 2) Octalyzer (2017/05/20) - 模擬器

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2017-05-23T12:42

Table of Contents


Octalyzer is An Apple //e Emulator. Introducing the Octalyzer, an innovative
new all-in-one platform for exploring computing history, starting with the
Apple II! The Octalyzer is a multi-tasking Apple IIe emulator, with enhanced
(but compatible) language interpreters, expanded modern capabilities, and
(eventually) an integrated on-line bulletin-board system and media library
for exploring computing’s past with all the comforts of the present.

Currently the Octalyzer features full-screen Apple IIe emulation with decent
compatibility, USB and mouse-controlled joystick support, cloud disk library
(when logged-in to Octa-Link), 3D camera support, 3D LOGO, enhanced BASIC
interpreters, custom file browser and editor, and remote screen sharing.

* Discover a wealth of 1980s computer software in an
easy-to-navigate environment.
* Learn to code in pioneering educational languages
through a fun interactive storyline.
* Write new programs or enhance classic ones with
modern functions and commands.
* Read vintage computing books and magazines, and
watch new and period videos.
* Play both classic and modern styled, retro-inspired
games with new friends on-line.
* Create 8-bit graphics and music; interact /
collaborate with others; and share.
* Designed with modern youth in mind, with special
attention given to aesthetics and usability.
* Improvements include 3D graphics, camera control
and more to modernise vintage gameplay.






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(GBA for Android) My Boy!/My Boy! Free 1.7.3

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2017-05-23T12:38
2017.05.22 GameBoy Advance emulator for Android has been updated. Changes: - Sync saves with Google Drive. Save your games on one device and continue on ...


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2017-05-23T12:20
想請問各位先進, 目前應該在電動場還有的日本職棒遊戲, 應該是VR剛開始興盛的那款, 人還是有點方方的,先前一直找反而找不到了, 請問各位這款到底叫什麼名字? - ...


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2017-05-22T17:24
在使用WIN10之後的虛擬光碟軟體都有廣告軟體不想裝,唯一裝的一套乾淨的WINCD EMU 卻並不支援SS的映像檔,所以目前需要的是能夠直接讀取映像檔的模擬器 感謝各位 - ...

Dosbox 開啟超時空英雄傳說

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2017-05-22T09:53
求助各位大神,已在autoexe使用相容性設定,目前遇到的問題超越我在google全力 搜索的答案 1.超時空英雄傳說1 按照網路教學設定 能正常開啟,但是播完片頭動畫跳出回到 dosbox畫面 顯示 Open file.ind error !!! 2.超時空英雄傳說2 完全一樣的安裝方式 執行後 出 ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2017-05-21T20:14
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