(Apple 2) AppleWin v1.28.0.0 - 模擬器

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2019-01-15T19:43

Table of Contents


AppleWin (also known as Apple //e Emulator for Windows) is an open source
software emulator for running Apple II programs in Microsoft Windows.
AppleWin has support for most programs that could run either on the Apple II+
or the Apple IIe. By default, AppleWin emulates the Extended Keyboard IIe
(better known as the Platinum IIe) with built-in 80-column text support, 128
kilobytes of RAM, two 5.25-inch floppy disk drives, a joystick, a serial card
and 65C02 CPU. AppleWin supports lo-res, hi-res, and double hi-res graphics
modes and can emulate both color and monochrome Apple II monitors; later
versions of AppleWin also can emulate a television set used as a monitor.
Both 40-column and 80-column text is supported.

AppleWin can emulate the Apple II joystick (using the PC's default
controller), paddle controllers (using the computer mouse), and can also
emulate the Apple II joystick using the PC keyboard. AppleWin can also use
the PC speaker to emulate the Apple II's sound if no sound card is available
(does not work under NT-based Windows versions). Full screen mode is
available through the use of DirectX. Features added to the latest versions
of AppleWin include Ethernet support using Uthernet, Mockingboard and Phasor
sound card support, SSI263 speech synthesis, hard drive disk images and save

AppleWin v1.28.0.0 Changelog:

– [Change #357] Resurrected the AppleWin 1.25 Color (Standard) video
mode as Color (RGB Monitor)

This is equivalent to emulating RGB video, ie. a video mode with sharp text
and pixels.

NB. Unlike AppleWin 1.25, this is now cycle-accurate, so demos that
synchronise with the video scanner will work correctly.

– [Change #603] Removed support for v1 save-state files.
Any v1 save-state files should be loaded into AppleWin 1.27, and then
re-saved to a v2 save-state file.

– [Change #597] Removed the functionality for CTRL+F10 to reveal the mouse

– [Change #585] Added a ‘Swap’ HDD button to the Configuration->Input
property sheet.

– [Bug #608] Mockingboard’s 6522 TIMER1 wasn’t generating an interrupt
quickly enough for Broadside’s detection routine.





All Comments

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2019-01-17T17:21

(FC) puNES 0.103

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2019-01-15T19:39
2019.01.14 Emulator puNES updated to version 0.103. 0.103 - Added support for the UNIF mapper UNIF DREAMTECH01. - Fixed mapper MMC5 and 213. - Added sup ...


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2019-01-15T14:43
不好意思挖出快五年前的文章 只是想借這個標題問一下 這個系列的 emu,都可以輸入金手指嗎? 雖然它有免費的 SFC 版,但我手邊剛好沒有 ROM,以前很習慣的載點也都關的差不多了 所以想請有在用的版友解惑,謝謝! - ...


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2019-01-15T09:30
如題,最近整理舊檔案後重溫起FF8,但發現不管哪款模擬器(eps或pcxr) 只要用硬解,在史克威爾出現,開頭幻燈片(開始選單前燈燈燈的那段)以及換片提示 出現時,fps都會變得非常低(最高到30),雖然說開frame skip可以解決(但一直開者的話 進戰鬥時沒辦法顯示狀態),還是想看看有沒有辦法解決 ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2019-01-14T22:16
※ [本文轉錄自 Old-Games 看板 #1SF9bf71 ] 作者: thool (wqrwq) 看板: Old-Games 標題: [問題] 想找一款SEGA的戰爭遊戲 時間: Mon Jan 14 22:15:02 2019 小時候在鄰居大哥哥家看他玩過,2x年前的 遊戲,遊戲內容大概是這樣: ...

經典遊戲始祖《乓 Pong》的誕生原來只是

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2019-01-14T09:57
經典遊戲始祖《乓 Pong》的誕生原來只是一個練功作品 https://www.cool3c.com/article/140408 艾爾康(Al Alcorn)是 Atari 第一位員工,也是一位電路工程師, Atari 的兩位創辦 人為了測試他的實力,讓他做出了練習作品,竟然是奠定遊戲業的始祖 - 《乓 ...