(Amstrad CPC) Sugarbox v0.25b - 模擬器

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2015-10-19T23:57

Table of Contents


Sugarbox is a new emulator for the Amstrad CPC family.

Sugarbox v0.25b Changelog:

- [General] : Optimisations (Emulation is about 15% faster)
- [General] : Generic Joystick are supported through Direct Input. 2
joysticks can be used, in the order they appear in the os.
Work with Xbox controler, as well as standard usb joystick.
- [SNR] : Add feature to watch SNR file (playbacks) – Preliminary
- [Z80] : Fixed timing issue in interrupt following some opcodes
- [Z80] : Fixed incorrect R increment for DD CB and FD CB instructions
- [FDC] : Fixed Format > command. Now, a Format command from discology (for
example) produce a disk that is correct.
- [FDC] : Fixed the MSR, that was not handled correctly. This fix Bobby
bearing and Camelot warriors original dsk.
- [FDC] : Fixed the Step Rate Time computation, which was twice longe than
- [FDC] : Fixed behaviour with SK bit and deleted sectors (making Nigel
Mansell works)
- [FDC] : Fixed how read track over the index hole works. The current sector
is finished,then the command is ended (fix Skyx)
- [eDSK] : Fixed an incorrect behaviour with non formatted tracks on some
dump. This prevents Bobby Bearing (UK) (1986) (CPM) [Original].dsk
to crash when trying to load
- [eDSK] : Fixed some rare problematic case with offset-info datas
- [CT-Raw] : Fixed write bug when multiple revolutions exists (which
somewhere shifted what’s written, leading to CRC error). Fix Le
> in ct-raw format
- [Memory] : Fixed a bug in the PAL, preventing SymbOs to use full memory.
- [GUI] : Fixed missing space and enter for Autotype
- [GUI] : Added a PAUSE feature, accessible via menu or the < Pause > key
on the keyboard
- [Z80] : Fixed a rare bug that can lead to potential unwanted deadlock with
HALT command
- [TAPE] : FAST loading enabled : If a tape is read, refresh are cut, so
speed can be 2 to 3 time faster.
- [Display] : SDL2 lib is now used. Fullscreen option is now better, as it
can be fully configured. Also, black screen insertion for 100hz
display can be used for buttery smooth scrollers
- [Display] : Screen size and position is now more correct
- [Display] : Screenshots are now better (and without any toolbar)
- [Printer] : A really basic printer is now plugged ! You can see print
result in the PRINT directory. (no graphical printing is done,
only text)
- [Online libraries] : Preliminary integration of CPC-Power and Amstrad.eu
online libraries.

官方 http://sugarbox.free.fr/



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