(Amstrad CPC) Sugarbox v0.20 - 模擬器

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2014-07-07T20:38

Table of Contents


Sugarbox v0.20 Changelog:

EDSK support secured : SCOOP #3 no longer result in a crash of the emulator.
Also, if index table is in disorder, non longer crash the emulator

Fixed of a memory bug in the SCP support : They no longer crash when leaving
/ ejecting the disk

Fixed drag and drop of SNA files that wasn’t working (and also corrected the
"Snpashot" incorrect spelling) Improve the way vertical synchronisation is
done by the monitorAdjust n揥>ht



Sugarbox is a new emulator for the Amstrad CPC family.


Sugarbox v0.19 Changelog:

- FDC rewritten from scratch. It support now bitstream format, such as
Kryoflux RAW or Supercard Pro. Paradigm is also improved to support MFM
format (dsk files are re-converted into MFM format). This will offer a true
support for complex disk and protection format. For example, overlap
protection format. For example, overlap protection (Reussir) is passed with
scp or kryoflux disks.

- EDSK handling also rewritten from scratch. It add a new interpolation, to
rebuild the original MFM track. Overlap and iterlaced sector are handled.

- IPF and CT-RAW files supported through the CAPSLib 5.1 (included )

- Current disk can be saved as SuperCard Pro file

- LED colors can be configured through config file

- Insert blank disk DATA / VENDOR added

- Scanlines are enabled if ‘=1′ in the Sugarbox.ini (more logical !)

- B drive support

- Current sector display added

- "About" updated (at last !)

- F3 = toggle 100% / MAX

- Fix a little bug in sound bar, that prevent putting it near 0

- Now working (this is not a complete list !) :
The demo music loader
Unique Megademo
Reussir … disks (as EDSK with overlapped sector, or SCP, or Kryoflux…)





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