(Amstrad CPC) Caprice32 v4.4.0 - 模擬器

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2017-05-09T20:17

Table of Contents


Caprice32 is an emulator of the Amstrad CPC 8bit home computer range.
Caprice32 is a software emulator of the Amstrad CPC 8bit home computer series
running on Linux and Windows. The emulator faithfully imitates the CPC464,
CPC664, and CPC6128 models. By recreating the operations of all hardware
components at a low level, the emulator achieves a high degree of
compatibility with original CPC software. These programs or games can be run
unmodified at real-time or higher speeds, depending on the emulator host

Caprice32 Features:

* Complete emulation of CPC464, CPC664 and CPC6128
* Mostly working support of Plus Range: CPC464+/CPC6128+/GX4000 (missing
vectored & DMA interrupts, analog joysticks and 8 bit printer)
* Joystick support - it can be fully used with joystick only, thanks to an
integrated virtual keyboard.
* Joystick emulation - joystick-only games can be played using the keyboard
* English, French or Spanish keyboards
* DSK and IPF files for disks - VOC and CDT files for tapes - CPR files for
* Snapshots (SNA files)
* Direct load of ZIP files
* Custom disk formats
* Printer support
* Memory tool to inspect and modify memory (peek and poke)
* Experimental support of Multiface 2 (you should prefer using memory tool)
* Text mode graphics (using aalib or libcaca)

Caprice32 v4.4.0 changelog:

- Latest build of Caprice 32, with the newest cool features and the most
recent bugs.





All Comments


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2017-05-07T13:32
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By Audriana
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