(Amiga for Wii) UAE Wii V5 - 模擬器

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2010-03-22T10:49

Table of Contents


* Fix the workbench graphics issue
* (Binary) Rebuild against the latest devkitPPC, libogc and SDL
(fixes some SD corruption issues caused by the old libfat)



谷 繁 田 中 賢 稻 葉 吉 見 石 川 雅
矢 野 中 村 ロ ㄧ ズ チ ェ ン 攝 津
鳥 谷 ラミレス 涌 井 岩 瀨
小 笠 原 井 端 青 木 ダルビッ 藤 川
ブランコ 杉 內 クルㄧン
宮 本 田 中 將 林 昌 勇


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PCSX Rerecording SVN r243

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2010-03-21T22:32
http://www.emucr.com/2010/03/pcsx-rerecording-svn-r243.html PCSX Rerecording SVN r243 is released. PCSX Rerecording is a special version of PCSX with many ...

PCSX Reloaded SVN r42608

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2010-03-21T22:30
http://www.emucr.com/2010/03/pcsx-reloaded-svn-r42608.html PCSX Reloaded SVN r42608 is released. PCSX-Reloaded is a fork of the PCSX-df Project, a PlaySta ...

Dolphin SVN r5218

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2010-03-21T22:25
http://www.emucr.com/2010/03/dolphin-svn-r5218.html Dolphin SVN r5218 is released.Dolphin is the first Gamecube emulator able to run commercial games! Dol ...

PCSX2 SVN r2761

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2010-03-21T22:25
http://www.emucr.com/2010/03/pcsx2-svn-r2761.html PCSX2 SVN r2761 is released. PCSX2 is a PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator for the Microsoft Windows and Linux ...

DeSmuME SVN r3419

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2010-03-21T22:24
http://www.emucr.com/2010/03/desmume-svn-r3419.html DeSmuME SVN r3419 is released. DeSmuME is a freeware emulator for the Nintendo DS(NDS). DeSmuME SVN C ...