Amazon top 10 - per platform - 任天堂

By Adele
at 2007-06-27T00:36
at 2007-06-27T00:36
Table of Contents
Amazon top 10 - per platform
01. Pokemon Diamond—Nintendo
02. New Super Mario Bros.—Nintendo
03. Pokemon Pearl—Nintendo
04. Brain Age—Nntendo
05. Mario Kart—Nintendo
06. Big Brain Academy—Nintendo
07. Animal Crossing: Wild World—Nintendo
08. Magical Starsign—Nintendo
09. SimCity DS—EA
10. Nintendogs Labrador Retriever and Friends—Nintendo
01. Resident Evil 4—Capcom
02. Mario Party 8—Nintendo
03. Wii Play w/ Remote—Nintendo
04. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess—Nintendo
05. Pokemon Battle Revolution*—Nintendo
06. Super Paper Mario—Nintendo
07. Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree—Nintendo
08. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix*—EA
09. The Bigs*—2K Sports
10. Warioware: Smooth Moves—Nintendo
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