aFBA 1.2:Final Burn Alpha for Android - 模擬器

By Brianna
at 2012-10-26T20:15
at 2012-10-26T20:15
Table of Contents
aFBA is a frontend for libafba, a Final Burn Alpha emulator port to Android.
FBA support multiple systems, including Cave, Neo Geo, Sega System 16 (and
similar), System 18, CPS-1, CPS-2, CPS-3, X-Board, Y-Board, Toaplan, Taito,
Psikyo 68EC020 based hardware and misc boards.
For more informations and support visit:
- aFBA use games description from the great website
- aFBA use fantastics "mamu" games icon:
- aFBA use libafba, which use works from many sources, see
Senior Member - OP
Thanks Meter 337
Posts: 302
Join Date: Jun 2007 [EMULATOR] aFBA : Final Burn Alpha for Android (1.0)
Hi !
I couldn't wait anymore to share my current progress on porting Final Burn
Alpha on our android devices since it's now in a good shape. There's still
some work to do (see todo list next). Else most games seems to work,
including CPS1, CPS2, CPS3, NEOGEO, PGM and all other supported FBA platforms
except consoles. It run at fullspeed with no frameskip on my Galaxy Note
n7000, with a lower device it won't run fullspeed i guess.
From the market :
aFBA is a frontend for libafba, a Final Burn Alpha emulator port to Android.
FBA support multiple systems, including Cave, Neo Geo, Sega System 16 (and
similar), System 18, CPS-1, CPS-2, CPS-3, X-Board, Y-Board, Toaplan, Taito,
Psikyo 68EC020 based hardware and misc boards.
For more informations and support visit:
- aFBA use games description from the great website
- aFBA use fantastics "mamu" games icon:
- aFBA use libafba, which use works from many sources, see
Since the screenshot pack extraction is really long from the application, you
can download the screenshot/icons pack here : and extract the content to your sdcard (
"/mnt/sdcard/aFBA/" );
‧1.0 release note
‧First BETA online !
‧Free full versions are uploaded here, and will be up to date with donation
version on the market (both are exactly the same applications).
‧Still a lot of work to do (see todo list next)
‧Should be compatible since android 2.2 (froyo, api 8), but only tested on
ICS and Jelly Bean (4.0+)
‧Be aware, if you say yes to download games screenshots and icons when
prompted, i will take a lot of time to decompress (6500 screens, 120MB), here
it can take around 20 minutes on my galaxy note !
‧If you want to support my work, you can donate by buying the application on
the market! :
‧1.1 release note
‧fix layout orientation change on rom detail view
‧found a better approach for icons and screenshots handling
‧improved sound output
‧improved speed
‧1.2 release note (WIP)
‧fixed emulator sleep/pause
‧fix a bug when returning to rom list with changed orientation (tablet's)
‧fix emulator crash on start for device before 4.0 (froyo, gingerbread)
aFBA is a frontend for libafba, a Final Burn Alpha emulator port to Android.
FBA support multiple systems, including Cave, Neo Geo, Sega System 16 (and
similar), System 18, CPS-1, CPS-2, CPS-3, X-Board, Y-Board, Toaplan, Taito,
Psikyo 68EC020 based hardware and misc boards.
For more informations and support visit:
- aFBA use games description from the great website
- aFBA use fantastics "mamu" games icon:
- aFBA use libafba, which use works from many sources, see
Senior Member - OP
Thanks Meter 337
Posts: 302
Join Date: Jun 2007 [EMULATOR] aFBA : Final Burn Alpha for Android (1.0)
Hi !
I couldn't wait anymore to share my current progress on porting Final Burn
Alpha on our android devices since it's now in a good shape. There's still
some work to do (see todo list next). Else most games seems to work,
including CPS1, CPS2, CPS3, NEOGEO, PGM and all other supported FBA platforms
except consoles. It run at fullspeed with no frameskip on my Galaxy Note
n7000, with a lower device it won't run fullspeed i guess.
From the market :
aFBA is a frontend for libafba, a Final Burn Alpha emulator port to Android.
FBA support multiple systems, including Cave, Neo Geo, Sega System 16 (and
similar), System 18, CPS-1, CPS-2, CPS-3, X-Board, Y-Board, Toaplan, Taito,
Psikyo 68EC020 based hardware and misc boards.
For more informations and support visit:
- aFBA use games description from the great website
- aFBA use fantastics "mamu" games icon:
- aFBA use libafba, which use works from many sources, see
Since the screenshot pack extraction is really long from the application, you
can download the screenshot/icons pack here : and extract the content to your sdcard (
"/mnt/sdcard/aFBA/" );
‧1.0 release note
‧First BETA online !
‧Free full versions are uploaded here, and will be up to date with donation
version on the market (both are exactly the same applications).
‧Still a lot of work to do (see todo list next)
‧Should be compatible since android 2.2 (froyo, api 8), but only tested on
ICS and Jelly Bean (4.0+)
‧Be aware, if you say yes to download games screenshots and icons when
prompted, i will take a lot of time to decompress (6500 screens, 120MB), here
it can take around 20 minutes on my galaxy note !
‧If you want to support my work, you can donate by buying the application on
the market! :
‧1.1 release note
‧fix layout orientation change on rom detail view
‧found a better approach for icons and screenshots handling
‧improved sound output
‧improved speed
‧1.2 release note (WIP)
‧fixed emulator sleep/pause
‧fix a bug when returning to rom list with changed orientation (tablet's)
‧fix emulator crash on start for device before 4.0 (froyo, gingerbread)
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