AC1D團隊向二代電子狗宣戰 - 改機

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2012-01-15T23:59

Table of Contents

Finally, after a long period of a scene that got riddled by money hungry
dongle suppliers we uncover this big scam and show you how things
actually work.

First of all, none of the code the dongles use comes from the creators.
All files used come directly from higher PS3 firmwares. This works by
using plugins / SPRX's who are basically just drivers, from a higher
PS3 firmware.
擷取出來的程式。例如 .sprx檔,這些東西只不過是 PS3韌體的驅動程式。

To get games to work, you need to use the files from higher firmwares,
that games require. Those plugins we are talking about, also have the
decrypt information stored in them that the games use to work.

Some of the newer SPRX's are compatible with older firmwares and can
be used on older firmwares quiet easily. All you need to do is place
them in the right folder and that's it.
在新版韌體上有部份的 .sprx檔案仍然相容舊版韌體,直接把這些檔案複製到舊

Of course this procedure doesn't work with all the games quite so easy,
some of the 3.6+ games load right away, others need some fixing. This
fixing is done by patching the SPRX's to work with the lower firmware.
Porting the drivers, so they can work with lower firmwares should be
the easiest task.
,例如讓新版的 .sprx檔能相容舊版韌體。移植驅動程式以目前的狀況而言,算

Basically all this DRM does is nothing. The stick holds some drivers,
like i explained earlier in this post, and lets the system use them.
The HyperVisior LV1 Patches are nothing more then redirections to the
USB stick/DRM fake.
簡單說,這些 DRM的加密防護只是障眼法,他們在這些電子狗上放了新版的驅動
所有針對HV Lv1的修改只是為了讓系統能夠載入存在電子狗上的驅動程式而已。
DRM 加密防護是假的。

The USB stick holds some dev_flash files, the system then uses. Its
basically the same thing we did in the early stages of the Custom
Firmware to load modified files quick and easy.
USB 隨身碟上存了一些原本在 dev_flash目錄中遊戲執行時所需要的檔案,實際

So after knowing all this, this explains why the dongles use DRM on
their USB stick, simply to not let us see that they are really just
scamming us with the cheapest materials they could find and some (by
now old) dev_flash files stored in it. It's nothing more, and I'm
sure that TeaM AC1D will empower more things and work on more in the
future then the dongles have in last months.
知道了這些,就不難理解為何這些電子狗廠商要把 USB隨身碟上的東西加密起來
把新版dev_flash 目錄裡的東西丟進去,最後高價賣給冤大頭,謀取暴利。我相

We love Open Source and that's why we share this information with
you. This needs to be stopped and we should all join hands to finally
put an end to all of this. Use this information and do what you have
to do.

Our respect goes out to Kakaroto, grafchokolo, Hermes, Deank, JaiCraB,
Jjolano, Stoker25, Redsquirrel87, GeoHot, Condorstrike, Team Hades and
everybody else we forgot to mention here.

Don't let yourself get fooled by these dongles guys and happy hacking
to everyone!

-Team AC1D-




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Tags: 改機

All Comments

Una avatar
By Una
at 2012-01-18T10:59
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2012-01-20T17:26
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2012-01-22T01:19
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2012-01-23T09:25
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2012-01-27T01:02
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2012-01-31T20:54
改機原本應該是一件很高興的事情才對。 淚目推
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2012-02-05T05:58
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2012-02-05T23:52
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2012-02-06T15:06
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2012-02-06T21:52

徵求 新莊輔大PSP改機

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2012-01-15T16:26
我是1000型的日製機 好一陣子沒玩了 版本還停留在3.03oe-a 自己想刷官方版的軔體 卻因為oe-a版有防官方更新 會出現dadada的錯誤訊息 請求神人協助刷機到可以玩 第二次機戰z還有最新的魔裝機神Ⅱ 小弟將以飲料一杯答謝~~感恩^^ -- - ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2012-01-15T12:34
有些又老又經典又有漢化的PS遊戲 實在想找機會好好玩玩 最初是想用PC上的模擬器玩 有瞬間存讀檔 又可以按照配備把畫質設定調到很高 但後來發現 反而是用PC沒機會玩(網路上很多誘惑...) 反而平常用PSP看小說、躺在床上輕鬆玩的時間比較多XD 剛好PSP也早就有很方便的模擬PSX功能了 也 ...


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2012-01-14T22:16
近一年前剛買就拿給人家幫改機 外接了一台光碟機 但發現好像會挑片 常常讀不太出來 不是遊戲走走停停頓個不停 就是玩一半畫面出現黑底白字而直接中斷 讀外接光碟的畫面會出現一支有眼睛的手為游標 希望能稍供高手們辨識 請問我該怎麼改善這件事呢? 可以直接買到不挑片的光碟機裝上? 真的搞不太清楚狀況 (爬文看到說光碟 ...


Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2012-01-14T21:46
拿了朋友了PSP 參考了置底 他說沒有改過所以直接更新官方韌體6.39應該沒關係 但PSP卻說The game could not be started(DADADADADA) 我就在想會不會是已經改了? 查了看發現韌體現在版本為3.03OEB ----更新 現在知道要從3.52 M33-3.52 M33- ...


Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2012-01-14T20:06
連線遊戲:全民網球 亞洲版 (中英文合版) 未升級前的兩台機子 2007: 5.50 GEN-D3 3007: 5.03 GEN-C =andgt; 可連線對戰 最近想玩比較新的遊戲 於是其中一台升級一下 2007: *6.39 PRO-B10 3007: 5.03 GEN-C =andgt; ...