about 4.00M33 - 改機

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2008-06-24T13:52

Table of Contents


Just a little update.
Watching how many people were asking for 4.00m33,
it's interesting to make somethings clear.

Due to the lack of updates from sony (features),
: 還表了 Sony 一下 lol
this new cfw will implement new changes that will make easier
to work on the future ones, within some internal tools.

You'd have probably noticed some features of this new cfw that were
told on french forums, but, to tell the truth,
neither the savestates or the recovery on XMB or etc would
at 100% probability be implemented at once (maybe later on m33-2, ... etc)

Even though, recovery will be translated to spanish and you will be able to
translate it to any other language without hex editing.

To sum up, main changes will come for compatibility and internal issues (with
some functions to make life easier to the shells creators, launchment of an
utility to compress prx's and pbp's, etc.)

It will be likely be done by the end of this week.


這就是科學了 發現某些有價值的結果後
用新的、直接的經驗來與之相互印證 ∮Gamekid
抱持懷疑的態度 打從一開始就要嘗試找出到底情形如何 ╴ ╴
一再與自己的經驗相印證 ˙ ˙
而不是上面流傳下來什麼就照單全收 ▃▃ \◥ 美國物理大師
▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ > Richard Feynman

Tags: 改機

All Comments

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2008-06-25T21:47
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2008-06-27T12:48


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2008-06-24T13:28
※ [本文轉錄自 PSP 看板] 作者: tiara (我要的生活) 看板: PSP 標題: [請益] 超新新手的小問題... 時間: Tue Jun 24 12:46:05 2008 昨天老婆送我個禮物 PSP-2007 對我這遊戲機以及電腦白痴來說 真是個大難題 很多都不 ...


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2008-06-24T09:57
※ 引述《jokajoka (joka)》之銘言: : 溫馨提醒:發文時請盡量不要帶有敏感字眼(EX:盜版、迷片、網路下載等) : wiikey 1.9G 3.1J : 美版wiifrii wbb過後可玩 : 萊德片16x dvdr : imageburn2.3.3 4x燒錄 : 剛開始玩沒多久,出問題再回 ...


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2008-06-24T05:47
如題 我想知道手上的wii用的是什麼晶片 該看哪裡才知道? - ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2008-06-24T01:32
東西都準備好了~ 可是沒辦法成功QQ 因為改好的薄P居然沒辦法做電池QQ~~上網查了才知道 只好來板上尋求好心大哥幫助atat 報酬:必勝客PIZZA *1 (大低) 懇請多多幫忙andgt;andlt; - ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2008-06-23T23:17
從網路上升級為3.3u後 備份片都不能讀了 放入1.4config也無法讀 這是什麼問題阿 - ...