9/26 Q&A - War Game

By Iris
at 2013-09-27T17:50
at 2013-09-27T17:50
Table of Contents
- BIA having no effect on camo? “BIA increases the overall skill level of
the crew. Furthermore the aim time and others are increased according to
general rules.” – and, when confronted by some experiment a player made:
“Your experiments are very important to us”
BIA 對隱蔽沒加乘效果? "BIA 會增加組員的總體技能等級。另外瞄準時間和其他性能
也會依照這個原則被強化。" - 當一位玩家拿出實驗數據來反駁之後: "您的實驗對我
- some guy asks whether the rear-turret tank destroyer with turret based on
Maus chassis will be the tier 10 German TD. SerB: “If there is info, there
will be such a variant. We have info only about the E-100〃 (SS: what a
load of garbage, there was no such project)
某個人問說以 Maus 車身為底盤的後置砲塔 TD 會不會被當作德國的 T10 TD。SerB: "
如果有資訊,就會有那個版本的 TD。我們只有 E-100 的資訊"(SS: 根本就講一堆廢話
- according to SerB, there is a possibility of a tier 10 German TD based on
Maus (similiar to Jpz E-100), but WG decided not to implement it, as it
doesn’t fit anywhere and it would be basically a copy of Jpz E-100 (SS: yes,
that’s correct)
根據 SerB所說,有可能德國會有以 Maus 為基底的 T10 TD(和 Jpz E-100 類似),不
過 WG 決定不要做這輛車,因為它並不符合任何一個位子,而且它基本上就只是一輛複
製 Jpz E-100 的車輛 (SS: 是的,說得很對)
- the suspension graphics will be improved, but the tracks will still be
modelled as a “belt”, they won’t consist of independently modelled track
links, as that would be beyond the possibilities of any but the strongest
player computers
會增進懸吊的繪圖,不過履帶還是會被作成 "帶狀",而不會由獨立的履帶組件連結而
- SerB states that when considering the statistics for nerfing/buffing
vehicles, the impact of skilled players of them is negligible, as good
players form only one-digit percentage of the playerbase
SerB 指出在用統計數據考量要不要 nerf/buff 一輛車的時候,可以忽略頂尖玩家造成
的 bias,因為這些玩家只佔玩那輛車的總玩家數的 1% 而已
- M-50 and M-51 Super Sherman will be introduced at some point
M-50 和 M-51 Super Sherman 會在某個時點引入
- E-25 overpowered? “We forgot to ask your opinion, sorry”
E-25 OP? "我們忘了詢問您的意見,抱歉"
- the fact that the same 100mm M-63 looks different for each turret on Object
416 is correct according to SerB, it was done so that while the gun did look
different in real life, it wouldn’t have to be introduced as a different
gun module (of the same gun) in game for unlocking
根據 SerB所說,同一門 100mm M-63 砲在 Object 416 的兩個砲塔上看起來不一樣是
- it’s unclear yet whether T10 Foch and T57H will be nerfed in 0.8.9
還不確定 T10 Foch 和 T57H 會不會在 8.9 被 nerf
- VK4502A is doing fine statistically
VK4502A 的統計數據表現良好
- SerB states that the opinion of various “famous” streamer personalities
(such as Russian Jove or Murazor) has no influence on WG actions: “That
would be like building politics of a country on the opinion of directors or
SerB 指出許多 "有名的" 直播主持人的個性(像是俄國的 Jove 或 Murazor)不會影響
WG 的行為: "那會像是一個國家的政治都由導演和藝術家的意見為主一樣"
- neither IS-5, nor Shashmurin’s rear-turret IS will be implemented for now
目前不會作 IS-5 和 Shashmurin 的後置砲塔 IS
- twin-linked engines do not have bigger chance of getting damaged, their big
size is modelled by their hitbox
- internal armored components (SS: for example armored crew seats) are not
modelled in the collision model
內部裝甲元件(SS: 像是裝甲組員座椅) 沒有作進碰撞模型裡面
- AA vehicles won’t be introduced anytime soon – later, maybe, “if needed”
防空車輛不會在近期內引入 - 以後 "如果有必要的話",也許會
- it’s theoretically possible to implement the possibility to return to the
battle once a player leaves the battle for the hangar, but it’s complicated
and not needed according to SerB
理論上可以讓離開戰鬥回到車庫的玩家再返回戰鬥內,不過 SerB 說這個功能很複雜而
- according to SerB, everything is okay with AMX-50/100 armor (SS: some
player complains it’s not historical)
根據 SerB 所說,AMX-50/100 的裝甲一切 OK (SS: 有些玩家抱怨它的裝甲不符史實)
- Storm states that even when hit by a large shell, the gun module can
succeed in the “saving throw” and not get damaged, that’s where direct
hits in the gun, that didn’t do anything come from
Storm 指出即便被大口徑砲彈打中,砲管模組可以因為 "赦免" 機制而沒有受到傷害,
這是砲管被直擊的時候沒有造成任何傷害的原因 (我沒看得很懂,請指正)
- current visual camo concept is that “Player pays not for a camouflage, but
for decorating his tank”, that’s why you can’t buy more camo variants at
the same time
目前的視覺偽裝概念是以 "玩家付錢買不是為了偽裝,而是為了裝飾自己的車輛",所
- the theory that when you win a lot, the MM will stop putting you on the top
of the team is “nonsense, very popular in gaming circles”
當你大勝之後 MM 娘就不會把你放在頂階車的理論是 "在遊戲圈內的無稽之談"
- no plans to change artillery shell trajectory, there might however be some
buffs to the arty shell velocity
不打算更改自走砲的砲彈軌跡,不過有可能會 buff 一些自走砲的砲彈速度
- dead crewmember recieves only 90 percent of the crew XP, if he gets revived
by a medkit, he gets full 100 percent
掛點的組員只會得到 90% 的組員經驗,如果用醫藥包救活的話就會得到全部的經驗
- SerB confirms that both BIA and ventilation do influence camouflage skill
SerB 確認 BIA 和 改良通風裝置都會影響偽裝技能
- there are no plans for now to implement captured KV-1 (German vehicle)
目前沒打算實作擄獲版的 KV-1 (德國車輛)
- Storm regarding the fact WG has patented winrate-based MM (SS: this was
popular months ago on forums, some might remember): “I don’t know about
that. Lawyers did that. They probably wanted to secure it from all sides
and for all cases.”
Storm 談到 WG 有以勝率為基礎的 MM 的專利(SS: 有些人可能記得,這個話題幾個月
前在論壇上很熱門): "我不知道有這個東西。那是律師們處理的。他們可能想要以任何
- Storm states that the Noobmeter mod (or the XVM) won’t be banned, as it
doesn’t interfere in anything, but there will be an option to disclose
player statistics only to friends and clanmates (not public). When asked
about the possibility that everyone with 1-49 percent winrate will simply
hide their stats, making Noobmeter useless,
Storm replies: “Everything is possible”
Storm 指出 Noobmeter mod (或 XVM) 不會被鎖,因為它並不會造成任何影響,不過會
當被問到是不是有可能所有勝率只有 1-49% 的人會乾脆把他們的資料關掉使得
Noobmeter 變得沒用處,Storm 回答: "甚麼事都有可能"
- regarding the “too many TD’s” whine: “Dominance of TD’s – statistics
don’t show their dominance. Yes, there are more of them, but not so many
that they would break the game”
提到 "TD 太多" 的抱怨: "數據並沒有顯示 TD 稱霸。的確 TD 的數量有增加,不過並
- Storm confirms that Severogorsk map has some issues, it will be fixed. It
won’t be removed temporarily, it will be just fixed. Devs are still
considering how exactly.
Storm 確認 Severogorsk 這張地圖有些問題,它將會被修正。地圖不會被暫時移除,
- Storm states that it’s possible the tier 4 TD’s for Junior companies are
too OP, but he hasn’t studied the matter
Storm 指出 T4 TD 有可能對新的戰車連(模式?)來說太 OP 了,不過他還沒去研究到底
- Komarin will be checked, whether it’s balanced
會檢查 Komarin 是不是夠平衡
- low caliber subcaliber shells lose penetration over distance faster than
high caliber ones
- SerB states examples for unlockable hulls:
T-34: 1940 pattern hull, 1942 pattern hull (frontal armor 60mm instead of
45mm, better suspension quality, 5 speed transmission, different roadwheels
and hull accessories)
T-34/85: 1943 patter hull, T-34/85-60 hull (better suspension quality,
different roadwheels and accessories)
E-50: current hull, the same hull but with rear transmission (example)
E-75: the same (current hull, rear transmission hull)
KV-3 and KV-220 have no variants
SerB 指出一些可解鎖車體的例子:
T-34: 1940 樣式車體, 1942 樣式車體 (前裝甲為 60mm 而非 45mm、更佳的懸吊品質
T-34/85: 1943 樣式車體, T-34/85-60 車體 (更佳的懸吊品質、不同的路輪與車體附
E-50: 目前的車體、同樣的車體不過驅動輪在後面(舉例)
E-75: 和 E-50 一樣 (目前的車體、後驅車體)
KV-3 和 KV-220 則沒有不同車體可選
- the maps in WoT won’t be as segmented as in WoWp (different maps for tiers
1-4, 5-8, 9-10), as the tank speed doesn’t vary that much
WoT 的地圖不會像 WoWp 一樣被分成幾個區塊(T1-4、5-8、9-10 玩的地圖不同),因為
- Q: “Is it possible to make WoT realistic?”
A: “Sure, we only have to introduce infantry (ration like 1 batallion on 1
tank), engineers, AT-guns and howitzers and burning gasoline splashing from
the screen. Otherwise the fight will be unrealistic”
Q: "有沒有可能把 WoT 作成擬真的遊戲?"
A: "當然,我們只需要加入步兵(比例大概像是一輛車就配一個營)、工程師、反坦克炮
- custom player-made inscriptions will not be implemented
- high DPS tanks, TD’s and autoloader tanks will be nerfed? “There will be
something, but it’s not profitable for us to announce it yet. When it’s
done it’s done.”
DPS 高的車輛、TD 和彈夾車會被 nerf? "會有某些事情發生,不過目前公布了對我們
- for now there are no plans to implement a client function to stream the
gameplay directly to player’s Twitch account
目前沒打算實作讓遊戲畫面直接串流到玩家 Twitch 帳號的客戶端功能
- according to Storm, the Mountain Pass map is not wrongly balanced (in favor
of upper team), it won’t be rebalanced
根據 Storm 所說,Mountain Pass 這張地圖的平衡並沒有問題(不會對北面的隊伍有利
- server-side replays will come in near future
近期的未來會引進伺服器端的 RP
- BIA having no effect on camo? “BIA increases the overall skill level of
the crew. Furthermore the aim time and others are increased according to
general rules.” – and, when confronted by some experiment a player made:
“Your experiments are very important to us”
BIA 對隱蔽沒加乘效果? "BIA 會增加組員的總體技能等級。另外瞄準時間和其他性能
也會依照這個原則被強化。" - 當一位玩家拿出實驗數據來反駁之後: "您的實驗對我
- some guy asks whether the rear-turret tank destroyer with turret based on
Maus chassis will be the tier 10 German TD. SerB: “If there is info, there
will be such a variant. We have info only about the E-100〃 (SS: what a
load of garbage, there was no such project)
某個人問說以 Maus 車身為底盤的後置砲塔 TD 會不會被當作德國的 T10 TD。SerB: "
如果有資訊,就會有那個版本的 TD。我們只有 E-100 的資訊"(SS: 根本就講一堆廢話
- according to SerB, there is a possibility of a tier 10 German TD based on
Maus (similiar to Jpz E-100), but WG decided not to implement it, as it
doesn’t fit anywhere and it would be basically a copy of Jpz E-100 (SS: yes,
that’s correct)
根據 SerB所說,有可能德國會有以 Maus 為基底的 T10 TD(和 Jpz E-100 類似),不
過 WG 決定不要做這輛車,因為它並不符合任何一個位子,而且它基本上就只是一輛複
製 Jpz E-100 的車輛 (SS: 是的,說得很對)
- the suspension graphics will be improved, but the tracks will still be
modelled as a “belt”, they won’t consist of independently modelled track
links, as that would be beyond the possibilities of any but the strongest
player computers
會增進懸吊的繪圖,不過履帶還是會被作成 "帶狀",而不會由獨立的履帶組件連結而
- SerB states that when considering the statistics for nerfing/buffing
vehicles, the impact of skilled players of them is negligible, as good
players form only one-digit percentage of the playerbase
SerB 指出在用統計數據考量要不要 nerf/buff 一輛車的時候,可以忽略頂尖玩家造成
的 bias,因為這些玩家只佔玩那輛車的總玩家數的 1% 而已
- M-50 and M-51 Super Sherman will be introduced at some point
M-50 和 M-51 Super Sherman 會在某個時點引入
- E-25 overpowered? “We forgot to ask your opinion, sorry”
E-25 OP? "我們忘了詢問您的意見,抱歉"
- the fact that the same 100mm M-63 looks different for each turret on Object
416 is correct according to SerB, it was done so that while the gun did look
different in real life, it wouldn’t have to be introduced as a different
gun module (of the same gun) in game for unlocking
根據 SerB所說,同一門 100mm M-63 砲在 Object 416 的兩個砲塔上看起來不一樣是
- it’s unclear yet whether T10 Foch and T57H will be nerfed in 0.8.9
還不確定 T10 Foch 和 T57H 會不會在 8.9 被 nerf
- VK4502A is doing fine statistically
VK4502A 的統計數據表現良好
- SerB states that the opinion of various “famous” streamer personalities
(such as Russian Jove or Murazor) has no influence on WG actions: “That
would be like building politics of a country on the opinion of directors or
SerB 指出許多 "有名的" 直播主持人的個性(像是俄國的 Jove 或 Murazor)不會影響
WG 的行為: "那會像是一個國家的政治都由導演和藝術家的意見為主一樣"
- neither IS-5, nor Shashmurin’s rear-turret IS will be implemented for now
目前不會作 IS-5 和 Shashmurin 的後置砲塔 IS
- twin-linked engines do not have bigger chance of getting damaged, their big
size is modelled by their hitbox
- internal armored components (SS: for example armored crew seats) are not
modelled in the collision model
內部裝甲元件(SS: 像是裝甲組員座椅) 沒有作進碰撞模型裡面
- AA vehicles won’t be introduced anytime soon – later, maybe, “if needed”
防空車輛不會在近期內引入 - 以後 "如果有必要的話",也許會
- it’s theoretically possible to implement the possibility to return to the
battle once a player leaves the battle for the hangar, but it’s complicated
and not needed according to SerB
理論上可以讓離開戰鬥回到車庫的玩家再返回戰鬥內,不過 SerB 說這個功能很複雜而
- according to SerB, everything is okay with AMX-50/100 armor (SS: some
player complains it’s not historical)
根據 SerB 所說,AMX-50/100 的裝甲一切 OK (SS: 有些玩家抱怨它的裝甲不符史實)
- Storm states that even when hit by a large shell, the gun module can
succeed in the “saving throw” and not get damaged, that’s where direct
hits in the gun, that didn’t do anything come from
Storm 指出即便被大口徑砲彈打中,砲管模組可以因為 "赦免" 機制而沒有受到傷害,
這是砲管被直擊的時候沒有造成任何傷害的原因 (我沒看得很懂,請指正)
- current visual camo concept is that “Player pays not for a camouflage, but
for decorating his tank”, that’s why you can’t buy more camo variants at
the same time
目前的視覺偽裝概念是以 "玩家付錢買不是為了偽裝,而是為了裝飾自己的車輛",所
- the theory that when you win a lot, the MM will stop putting you on the top
of the team is “nonsense, very popular in gaming circles”
當你大勝之後 MM 娘就不會把你放在頂階車的理論是 "在遊戲圈內的無稽之談"
- no plans to change artillery shell trajectory, there might however be some
buffs to the arty shell velocity
不打算更改自走砲的砲彈軌跡,不過有可能會 buff 一些自走砲的砲彈速度
- dead crewmember recieves only 90 percent of the crew XP, if he gets revived
by a medkit, he gets full 100 percent
掛點的組員只會得到 90% 的組員經驗,如果用醫藥包救活的話就會得到全部的經驗
- SerB confirms that both BIA and ventilation do influence camouflage skill
SerB 確認 BIA 和 改良通風裝置都會影響偽裝技能
- there are no plans for now to implement captured KV-1 (German vehicle)
目前沒打算實作擄獲版的 KV-1 (德國車輛)
- Storm regarding the fact WG has patented winrate-based MM (SS: this was
popular months ago on forums, some might remember): “I don’t know about
that. Lawyers did that. They probably wanted to secure it from all sides
and for all cases.”
Storm 談到 WG 有以勝率為基礎的 MM 的專利(SS: 有些人可能記得,這個話題幾個月
前在論壇上很熱門): "我不知道有這個東西。那是律師們處理的。他們可能想要以任何
- Storm states that the Noobmeter mod (or the XVM) won’t be banned, as it
doesn’t interfere in anything, but there will be an option to disclose
player statistics only to friends and clanmates (not public). When asked
about the possibility that everyone with 1-49 percent winrate will simply
hide their stats, making Noobmeter useless,
Storm replies: “Everything is possible”
Storm 指出 Noobmeter mod (或 XVM) 不會被鎖,因為它並不會造成任何影響,不過會
當被問到是不是有可能所有勝率只有 1-49% 的人會乾脆把他們的資料關掉使得
Noobmeter 變得沒用處,Storm 回答: "甚麼事都有可能"
- regarding the “too many TD’s” whine: “Dominance of TD’s – statistics
don’t show their dominance. Yes, there are more of them, but not so many
that they would break the game”
提到 "TD 太多" 的抱怨: "數據並沒有顯示 TD 稱霸。的確 TD 的數量有增加,不過並
- Storm confirms that Severogorsk map has some issues, it will be fixed. It
won’t be removed temporarily, it will be just fixed. Devs are still
considering how exactly.
Storm 確認 Severogorsk 這張地圖有些問題,它將會被修正。地圖不會被暫時移除,
- Storm states that it’s possible the tier 4 TD’s for Junior companies are
too OP, but he hasn’t studied the matter
Storm 指出 T4 TD 有可能對新的戰車連(模式?)來說太 OP 了,不過他還沒去研究到底
- Komarin will be checked, whether it’s balanced
會檢查 Komarin 是不是夠平衡
- low caliber subcaliber shells lose penetration over distance faster than
high caliber ones
- SerB states examples for unlockable hulls:
T-34: 1940 pattern hull, 1942 pattern hull (frontal armor 60mm instead of
45mm, better suspension quality, 5 speed transmission, different roadwheels
and hull accessories)
T-34/85: 1943 patter hull, T-34/85-60 hull (better suspension quality,
different roadwheels and accessories)
E-50: current hull, the same hull but with rear transmission (example)
E-75: the same (current hull, rear transmission hull)
KV-3 and KV-220 have no variants
SerB 指出一些可解鎖車體的例子:
T-34: 1940 樣式車體, 1942 樣式車體 (前裝甲為 60mm 而非 45mm、更佳的懸吊品質
T-34/85: 1943 樣式車體, T-34/85-60 車體 (更佳的懸吊品質、不同的路輪與車體附
E-50: 目前的車體、同樣的車體不過驅動輪在後面(舉例)
E-75: 和 E-50 一樣 (目前的車體、後驅車體)
KV-3 和 KV-220 則沒有不同車體可選
- the maps in WoT won’t be as segmented as in WoWp (different maps for tiers
1-4, 5-8, 9-10), as the tank speed doesn’t vary that much
WoT 的地圖不會像 WoWp 一樣被分成幾個區塊(T1-4、5-8、9-10 玩的地圖不同),因為
- Q: “Is it possible to make WoT realistic?”
A: “Sure, we only have to introduce infantry (ration like 1 batallion on 1
tank), engineers, AT-guns and howitzers and burning gasoline splashing from
the screen. Otherwise the fight will be unrealistic”
Q: "有沒有可能把 WoT 作成擬真的遊戲?"
A: "當然,我們只需要加入步兵(比例大概像是一輛車就配一個營)、工程師、反坦克炮
- custom player-made inscriptions will not be implemented
- high DPS tanks, TD’s and autoloader tanks will be nerfed? “There will be
something, but it’s not profitable for us to announce it yet. When it’s
done it’s done.”
DPS 高的車輛、TD 和彈夾車會被 nerf? "會有某些事情發生,不過目前公布了對我們
- for now there are no plans to implement a client function to stream the
gameplay directly to player’s Twitch account
目前沒打算實作讓遊戲畫面直接串流到玩家 Twitch 帳號的客戶端功能
- according to Storm, the Mountain Pass map is not wrongly balanced (in favor
of upper team), it won’t be rebalanced
根據 Storm 所說,Mountain Pass 這張地圖的平衡並沒有問題(不會對北面的隊伍有利
- server-side replays will come in near future
近期的未來會引進伺服器端的 RP
All Comments

By Hedwig
at 2013-09-30T21:39
at 2013-09-30T21:39

By Olivia
at 2013-10-03T05:17
at 2013-10-03T05:17

By Olivia
at 2013-10-07T13:15
at 2013-10-07T13:15

By Mia
at 2013-10-11T16:08
at 2013-10-11T16:08

By Wallis
at 2013-10-12T08:09
at 2013-10-12T08:09

By Catherine
at 2013-10-14T15:40
at 2013-10-14T15:40

By Tom
at 2013-10-19T09:38
at 2013-10-19T09:38

By Barb Cronin
at 2013-10-21T18:02
at 2013-10-21T18:02

By Oliver
at 2013-10-22T05:56
at 2013-10-22T05:56

By Edith
at 2013-10-22T14:25
at 2013-10-22T14:25

By Hazel
at 2013-10-24T10:30
at 2013-10-24T10:30

By Andrew
at 2013-10-26T18:59
at 2013-10-26T18:59

By Caroline
at 2013-10-30T05:43
at 2013-10-30T05:43

By Freda
at 2013-10-31T23:53
at 2013-10-31T23:53

By Megan
at 2013-11-01T17:52
at 2013-11-01T17:52

By Dinah
at 2013-11-01T18:57
at 2013-11-01T18:57

By Jake
at 2013-11-05T23:14
at 2013-11-05T23:14

By Daniel
at 2013-11-06T19:28
at 2013-11-06T19:28

By Leila
at 2013-11-07T17:47
at 2013-11-07T17:47

By Belly
at 2013-11-08T22:32
at 2013-11-08T22:32

By Delia
at 2013-11-11T10:31
at 2013-11-11T10:31

By Jacky
at 2013-11-16T03:10
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at 2013-11-20T04:57
at 2013-11-20T04:57

By Oscar
at 2013-11-23T09:16
at 2013-11-23T09:16

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