9/20~22 Q&A - War Game

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2014-09-23T00:32

Table of Contents

沒啥重大消息或新聞,有定期在追 Q&A 的可以直接 END 讀下半部就好。


別忘記去改 歐服 或 美服 的密碼,又有300金可賺!

- Q: “Developers, you said earlier that the vehicles, which can be lit up by
firing into frontal transmission have this handicap compensated by other
characteristics. Does that mean you will nerf the frontal transmission
vehicles, now that they can’t be lit up from the front?” A: “If necessary”

Q:「既然現在變速箱不會起火,那會因此 nerf 變速箱前置的車嗎?」A:「如果需要」

- there will be new extended tutorial (how consumables, equipment work etc.)
– allegedly soon, as the developers were waiting for new hangar UI, that
comes in 9.3


- WoT Wiki will be promoted more “when it’s finished”

WoT Wiki 會大幅改進

- it is currently not known, whether there will be more “cheap” tier 8
premiums (like Super Pershing is)


- no further info on how how to get the gun barrel marks will be disclosed
(SS: as in, battles remaining, exact XP threshold etc.)


- T71 gold ammo price will not be changed

T71 的金彈價格不會更動

- it’s possible that the company mode will be cancelled altogether


- it’s possible there will be special CW missions


- there will not be more Stronghold missions for now


- T-34-3 will likely not be buffed (SS: oooops, but then Tuccy was never the
most reliable of sources)


- T-34-2, 113, SU-101 and Afk Panther “will be buffed if needed based on
long term statistics”

如果長期的統計資料顯示有必要,T-34-2、113、SU-101 和 Afk Panther 會被 buff

- mercenaries might come to CW, if the feature is successful in Stronghold


- WZ-132 advantage compared to RU251: “Better camo”

WZ-132 有哪裡比 RU251 要好?「隱蔽值」

- the fact that a tank loses armor when the model is remade to HD does not
mean the tank will always be buffed to compensate

HD化時裝甲被向下修正的車輛不一定會被 buff 作為補償

In two days, Storm is planning a big stream, where he will allegedly
(according to RU staff) talk about future features. In Russian of course, but
that’s what FTR is here for. Should be interesting (topics will cover for
example Havok, gold ammo etc.). He will also be playing WoT on Ru server, of
course. Damn, he should come to EU using roaming. That should be fun!

Storm 計畫過兩天要辦個大型直播,並會提到未來的遊戲特色。

- no plans to unify gold and premium account in WoT and WoT Blitz

沒打算合併 WoT 和 WoT Blitz 的金幣和P帳

- T110E5 will apparenty not be nerfed

不會砍 T110E5

- Q: “What will there be in WoT 2?” A: “WoT 2.0? What is that? :)”

Q:「WoT 2 裡會有些什麼?」A:「2.0?那是啥?XD」

- during ammorack explosions, remaining shells are not “used up” – you don
’t have to buy them all back even though they all explode. This is so the
players don’t suffer.


- it’s completely possible that new premium tanks will come soon


- it’s completely possible some of the removed maps (Port, Dragon Ridge)
will return to the game after they are reworked


- there will be no “zombie mode” in WoT, it was only mentioned as April 1st


- crew visual models are not planned


- M6A2E1 buff confirmed (it loses its top battletier, thus getting limited MM)

會限制 M6A2E1 的分房

- larger platoons are not planned


- the AFK and leaver punishment system will come in 9.3 – the only thing
that was removed was the suicider punishment system, which needs to be reworked

9.3 會有中離和掛機懲罰系統;沒裝的是自殺懲罰系統,它需要重製

- there will be new tier 8 premium tanks


- “many new and nice, interesting things” will come in stronghold mode


- the XP bonus for “tanking” will not appear in 9.3, it will be reworked
and it will come later

坦傷賺經驗不會在 9.3 實裝

- Q: “Storm, what is the fate of 7/68 mode? What about team battles for tier
10?” A: “7/52〃 (SS: take it how you will)

Q:「會有 7/68 模式嗎?十階專屬的團隊戰鬥?」A:「7/52」(SS: 請自行發揮)

- apparently, according to Storm, the XVM minimap with tank names option mod
is very resource-requiring

Storm 表示 XVM 的小地圖功能很吃資源

- on very weak computers (“calculators”), XVM can cause up to 30 percent
FPS drop

在很低階的電腦上使用 XVM 會讓 FPS 最多掉三成

- about half of WoT players have very weak computers

有一半的 WoT 玩家還在用超爛的電腦


- FV4202 switch will most likely not come this year. The reason for that is
that the developers have to physically go to the Bovington Museum to 3D scan
the Action X turret. If the turret doesn’t get scanned, the model will
simply not be made.

FV4202 大概不會在今年轉金車。新車連掃描都還沒更別提建模

- VK4502 Ausf.B could become a tier 7-8 premium vehicle with mediocre
mobility and its historical gun and armor (SS: 88mm L/71, 80 or 100mm of
armor IIRC). This would happen after the tank gets switched for Maus prototype

在鼠式原型車推出後,VK4502 Ausf.B 可能裝回史實裝甲及主砲後轉為七或八階金車
(SS: 長88,80 或 100mm 裝甲)

- Swedish tanks will be in the EU tree


- tier 1 of EU tree will be Fiat 3000B with 47mm armor and tier 2-3 gun, but
poor mobility (SS: this is some weird shit, this tank has absolutely nothing
to do with other branches of the tree)

歐洲線的一階車會是 Fiat 3000B w/ 47mm裝甲和二或三街砲,但是機動渣

- Italian EU branch (SS: note that there will not be a separate Italian tree
apparently) hightier tanks will be M47 Patton and Leopard 1 clones

歐洲線義大利分枝的高階車會是 M47 Patton 和 Leopard 1 複製車

- Stanislaw Lem’s “Czolg Pancernik” could (seriously) become a tier 10
Polish tank. It’s apparently mediocre, but Slava Makarov (one of the main
producers and such) did not say “no” to the idea of this tank in the game.

史坦尼斯勞·萊姆的「Czolg Pancernik」可能是波蘭分枝的十階車(認真的)
它不突出,但 Slava Makarov(大咖開發人員)並未否決加入這台車。


對了,M56 蠍式(美帝八階金TD)據超測員表示面對九階車像是渣,更別提十階車了




In church, they say to forgive!

Forgiveness is between them and God;

it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》

Tags: 線上

All Comments

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2014-09-25T19:33
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2014-09-30T09:17
邱七也要考慮buff吧。彈匣leopard 1 DPM應會低不少
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2014-10-05T09:03
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2014-10-09T19:04
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2014-10-13T13:10
不會上T9T10 那就代表永遠當班長 好像有點搞頭
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2014-10-15T21:02
VK4502 B又要像FV4202一樣要變金幣車啦 我來跑虎P線
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2014-10-17T06:39
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2014-10-20T21:26
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2014-10-24T16:13
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2014-10-26T02:22
唔.....還以為會把VK4502 Ausf.A移除 B降階
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2014-10-27T13:16
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2014-10-28T09:52
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2014-10-30T08:44
A型有特色阿 中坦點位最重車 專扁重坦
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2014-10-31T23:15
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2014-11-05T04:43
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2014-11-06T16:00
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2014-11-08T05:34
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2014-11-11T03:43
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2014-11-13T17:39
http://imgur.com/J5fGNQ6 ←像這樣
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2014-11-15T20:58
113真的該buff T10狀況比T9 T8還慘 完全不敢買120
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2014-11-18T20:50
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2014-11-22T04:11
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2014-11-24T18:43
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2014-11-24T20:19
1顆星是基本啦 沒看過卓越猴嗎 1顆不能信
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2014-11-28T18:09
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2014-12-01T20:34
一星沒啥參考價值 只要場數夠+普通表現就穩拿的
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2014-12-06T19:49
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2014-12-08T19:07
穩定表現看是哪種表現 穩定爛那就...
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2014-12-12T06:39
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2014-12-13T15:58
為了取悅為數眾多的猴子 (咦?
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2014-12-14T12:16

WOWS-Paper ships

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2014-09-23T00:06
http://blog.worldofwarships.eu/paper-ships/ Paper ships, aka and#34;how stronk WG design bureau isand#34;. As we have previously mentioned, World of ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2014-09-22T21:48
請問雹爆的任務第2項要打寒冰瓦伊凡 查了地圖找到怪物了 可是他在空中相當遠的地方 請問該如何打到牠呢? - ...


Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2014-09-22T21:18
不好意思,翻到以前文章已經是好幾個月前了 威爾伺服器 高級坡壞托曼+21點終傷 現在值多少價位? 廣播都直問有沒有底價 問題我不知道他大概的價位.. - ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2014-09-22T20:56
玩一段時間的sanc了~ 可是我還是抓不到mob多久reborn= = 而且看來 似乎每個區域的時間不一樣 用uptime看到的reborn時間 也不知是哪的atat 不知道能不能弄個指令 可以查詢某怪是否(或還剩多久)reborn~ 或者是查詢某區域的reborn情形... 有幾次 把現實時間跟mob重生的 ...


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2014-09-22T20:35
如題 最近想要把才能宗師換成吟遊詩人 可是我已經連續十天第一項任務都接到4人試煉任務了... 到底是我中了那千分之一的機率還是吟遊詩人都只有4人任務qq... ------------------- 存AP等忍術...我需要力量阿Q_Q - ...