9/2,9/3,9/4 Q&A - War Game

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2015-09-05T08:28

Table of Contents

- Storm is aware of the poor work the Russian community managers did in
recent stream
- Storm 知道俄服論壇管理員在最近實況上搞砸了(譯注: 見9/1Q&A)

- in Spring, the developers introduced a new anti-bot system, leading to
massive bans of bots
- 開發組於春季引進了新的反Bot系統並Ban掉了大量的Bot

- Storm collected a large amount of Russian player feedback regarding the
issues in the game, now he will sort through it. Results however will not be
published due to the fear of misinterpretation.
- Storm收集了大量俄國玩家有關於遊戲問題的意見回饋並會將其歸納,但為了避免被錯誤解讀,結果將不會公開

- 9.10 caused or was connected to massive server breakdown on RU claster
where 3-4 servers (out of 10 or so) died
- 9.10版造成RU伺服器叢集大量當機(每10台伺服器裡就有3-4台掛點)

- one player starts reporting microfreezes in 9.10, Storm confirms there are
multiple reports of that (freezes when switching from sniper mode to arcade)
- 一名玩家開始回報於9.10遊戲有輕微凍結的情況,Storm證實有數個關於此現象的回報

- several reports indicate issues in sniper mode in 9.10, it will be
- 有數個9.10時於狙擊模式下的問題回報,將繼續研究。

- Q: "Can you stop making people see the Tutorial screen every patch?" A:
"We'll make you see it evertime you start the game!"
- Q: 你們能不能不要讓新手教學視窗每次改版後都跑出來啊?
A: 我們會讓你每次開啟遊戲時都看一遍!

- Panzer IV Schmalturm didn't change in 9.10
- Panzer IV Schmalturm 於 9.10 沒有任何更動

03.09.2015 Q&A

- Storm doesn't agree that the current tutorial sucks: it's there to teach
people the real basics - how to move and how to shoot.
- Storm不認為現行的新手教學很糟,它教了一切基礎中的基礎- 如何開火與射擊。

- there will be improved tutorial in the future.
- 以後會有改良過的教學。

- Storm confirms: the Preview function from Armored Warfare (the ability to
preview the vehicles you don't have yet in the garage) should be implemented
- Storm證實: 應該引進如AW的車輛預先檢視功能(可以預先查看未購買車輛的資訊與外觀)

- many players in 9.10 on RU server are complaining about shells flying off
(wild angles outside of flying circle), Storm states that this might be due
to the poor state of RU servers
- 許多俄服玩家抱怨9.10時有子彈亂飛的情況,Storm表示有可能是RU伺服器狀態不良所造成

- in 9.10 a bug caused the setting "don't invite me to dynamic platoon" to
become disabled for no apparent reason (players who don't want to be invited
to dynamic platoons are getting invites), WG is investigating why that
- 9.10有個將接受動態組排邀請設定關掉的的玩家仍然會收到組排要求的Bug,WG會檢查其原因

- the ability of players to customize which medals they want to display on
first page of their achievement window will not be implemented: "There are
far more pressing tasks"
- 成就欄位第一頁讓玩家自由設定要顯示取得過哪些獎牌的功能將不會實裝;
" 還有很多更要緊的事情"

- RU players are still raging about the compensation for credits, Storm is
just banning the whiners these days
- RU玩家還在抱怨銀幣補償的事情,Storm開始Ban人了。

- developers decided not to implement the setting to disable the spam about
dynamic platoons being created
- 開發組不會加入能關閉提示"動態組排已結成"的訊息設定。

04.09.2015 Q&A
- there is a bug in 9.10 in sniper mode (the aiming is somehow incorrect but
the description is unclear),
developers are discussing whether to fix it with hotfix or not
- 9.10版於狙擊模式下有個Bug (瞄準狀態不正常,對於此問題的描述尚不明確),開發組

- there is a bug in WoT as well that makes cameras "stick" to models that
have very tall antennae (T29, T30 and others), it will be fixed
- 還有一個有高聳天線的模型會讓視角卡死的Bug(如T29,T30),將會修復。
(譯注: 這些車輛模型頂端都有長~長的天線)

- developers are satisfied with current WoT gun accuracy
- 製作組對於目前WoT裡的砲管精準度設定相當滿意

- there are no plans to change the WoT accuracy system
- 目前沒有更動精準度系統的計畫

- VK7201 gun mantlet is not bugged (some player reported it to be too easy to
- VK7201的炮盾沒有BUG(有些玩家回報其炮盾太容易遭擊穿)

- it's possible but not sure that VK7201 armor will be changed when the tank
gets reworked to HD
- VK7201的裝甲有可能但並不確定會是否會在進行HD作業時改動。

- apparently, the word filter is not working when applying to changes of names
- 很顯然的,不雅文字過濾系統在玩家更改ID時失效了
(譯注: 付出2500金就能用髒話當ID喔! ^.<)

- dynamic tank characteristics (changin depending on module setup) will be
- 會實裝隨著戰車裝設模組不同而改變特色的機制

- clan message system (message board) will be implemented
- 會實裝公會留言板

- vehicle preview (of vehicles you don't have in garage) will be implemented
- 會實裝能預先檢視玩家尚未購買車輛的功能

- Storm promises that WG will look at player wishes much more than it used
to. It does not mean the reaction will be immediate but it will be there.
- Storm保證WG會比以往更為重視玩家的需求。

- Storm states that he's really pissed to the extreme (he uses even stronger
words) about how every patch comes out with crap like crashes and such. On
the other hand, he states he has 5k battles and in those battles he only ever
experienced one crash.
- Storm表示它對於每次改版推出後就會有遊戲崩潰,或產生其他問題的狀況感到相當憤


※ 編輯: kyle9020 (, 09/05/2015 08:40:54
※ 編輯: kyle9020 (, 09/05/2015 08:42:41
※ 編輯: kyle9020 (, 09/05/2015 08:43:27
GilGalad : google ptt上色教學 第一篇看板CNBLUE的教學很詳細 09/05 08:51
kipi91718 : 用PCMAN上色很方便阿 09/05 08:55
A1pha : 你們能不能不要讓新手教學視窗每次改版後都跑出來 09/05 12:47
A1pha : A: 我們會讓你每次開啟遊戲時都看一遍! 09/05 12:47
A1pha : 傲嬌XD 09/05 12:47
youthyeh : 昨天一場勢均力敵(猴)才被一輛掛機雪曼III雷死 怨 09/05 12:58
fransice7 : game crash幾乎都是mod造成,我自己玩遊戲有當掉 09/05 14:07
fransice7 : 只有在9.0,其他版本都很正常,mod照用 09/05 14:07
titantang : 感謝翻譯!! 09/05 16:18
LoveIvy : 遊戲崩潰應該是險卡Driver的問題 不過也只有WOT會 09/06 03:41
LoveIvy : 其他遊戲都是正常 09/06 03:41
LoveIvy : 解決方法就是用DDU 09/06 03:49
hengyen : PZIV S 這台車還要怎麼改?怎麼玩怎麼不順 09/07 09:52
yeng1217 : 是指用ddu砍光重裝嗎? 09/07 18:59

Tags: 線上

All Comments

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2015-09-06T00:55
google ptt上色教學 第一篇看板CNBLUE的教學很詳細
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2015-09-07T01:04
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2015-09-11T15:05
A: 我們會讓你每次開啟遊戲時都看一遍!
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2015-09-12T07:26
昨天一場勢均力敵(猴)才被一輛掛機雪曼III雷死 怨
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2015-09-15T10:31
game crash幾乎都是mod造成,我自己玩遊戲有當掉
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2015-09-18T16:01
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2015-09-21T01:54
遊戲崩潰應該是險卡Driver的問題 不過也只有WOT會
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2015-09-24T18:23
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2015-09-27T22:49
PZIV S 這台車還要怎麼改?怎麼玩怎麼不順
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2015-09-28T23:32

NA E25任務不能解

James avatar
By James
at 2015-09-05T06:22
※ 引述《PttCraft (PttCraft)》之銘言: : 上一次解這個任務大概是20小時以前 : 今天就不能解 : 看任務裡面的說明變這樣 : http://imgur.com/itmGkeN : 這什麼意思啊? : 第一天好像只給我解1 of 2 : 昨天才讓我解2 of 2 : 今天變成不給我解 : ...


Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2015-09-05T02:19
原po是一位已經出社會的..弟弟(誤) 最近G舍代言 新瑪奇英雄 望著當初 角色因為盜帳號 而棄坑 又看著直播平台各個實況主 推副本的榮景 就在昨天...忍不住手癢下載 畢竟小弟也有英雄夢!! 但是 曾經的小屁孩 現在已經是上班族 一天只能玩兩小時 沒有時間賺錢刷任務道具... 最快的方法就 ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2015-09-05T01:40
想請問有沒有什麼地方可以查詢船艦的裝甲厚度 或是各口徑砲對上各艦裝甲的效率以及距離的影響呢 英文網站也可以 昨天Myoko和對手CA在島嶼間玩海猴躲貓貓和轉角遇到雷時 忽然一艘Fuso從山後面游出來 距離11Km血量15~20% 砲塔還不懷好意地緩緩轉動中 當下有種心涼了一半加挫屎的雙重 ...


Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2015-09-05T00:58
改版後日航玩了六七場 美航玩了十幾場左右 機隊跟掃射已經有討論了,我想聊聊的是手感 魚雷機投彈的手感跟前一版的差異,個人感覺如下: 日CV: 投彈手感被改很多,前兩三場整個不習慣 1. 魚雷的無效距離變長,前置量要抓更遠 2. 轉向反應變超~慢 以前可以在投彈前一兩秒不斷微調投彈點,現在這樣做會 ...

Re: 第18賽季夏季轉會,租借市場

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2015-09-05T00:30
* 你不一定要搜的球員,只要知道球員網址,就可以出價。 因此你轉會辦公室是0或1都OK,速速跟轉會辦公室LV高的借帳號搜索球員。 9/04 : 以下依照 守門員 - 後衛 - 中場 - 前鋒 排序 http://www.2shared.com/document/3w6bb0H_/0904_.html ...